

BSHM History of Mathematics Lectures

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: GreshamCollege         2013年11月29日
A series of lectures hosted by Gresham College and the British Society for the History of Mathematics. All information about the past and future lectures of this series can be found on the Gresham College website: www.gresham.ac.uk
The downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
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48:49 Mathematical History: Triangular Relationships - Professor Patricia Fara
"And first, the fair PARABOLA behold,
  Her timid arms with virgin blush unfold!..."
Mathematical poetry may seem an unlikely form of satire, but 'The Loves of the Triangles' (1798) was not only a clever parody of Erasmus Darwin (Charles' grandfather) but also a powerful political commentary expressing contemporary fears of revolution and evolution.
53:24 The Memoirs and Legacy of Évariste Galois - Dr Peter Neumann
Évariste Galois was born 200 years ago and died aged 20, shot in a mysterious early-morning duel in 1832. He left contributions to the theory of equations that changed the direction of mathematics and led directly to what is now broadly described as 'modern' or 'abstract' algebra. In this lecture, designed for a general audience, Dr Peter Neumann will explain Galois' discoveries and place them in their historical context. Little knowledge of mathematics is assumed - the only prerequisite is sympathy for mathematics and its history.
42:36 Peter Guthrie Tait: A Knot's Tale - Dr Julia Collins
Peter Guthrie Tait (1831 - 1901) was significantly less famous than his friends Maxwell and Kelvin, but unfairly so because he was an important and prolific mathematical physicist. He was Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh from 1859, narrowly beating Maxwell to the post, and worked on a variety of topics including thermodynamics and the kinetic theory of gases. In a fantastic experiment involving smoke rings, Tait and Kelvin came up with a new atomic theory based around the idea of knots and links. This took on a mathematical life on its own, with Tait becoming one of the world's first topologists and inventing conjectures which remained unproven for over a hundred years.
44:49 Lord Kelvin and the French 'F' Word: The Greatest Victorian Scientist? - Dr Mark McCartney
Lord Kelvin (1824-1907) was Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Glasgow from 1846 to 1899. An FRS, FRSE, knighted in 1866, awarded the Order of Merit in 1902, and in death buried beside Newton at Westminster Abbey, Kelvin was in his lifetime considered the pre-eminent natural philosopher of the Victorian Age. But the passage of time, and the supplanting of classical physics, have eroded his reputation. This talk will survey Kelvin's life and work, and seek to show why the assessment of Kelvin's importance by his contemporaries was not misplaced.
52:32 James Clerk Maxwell: The Greatest Victorian Mathematical Physicists - Professor Raymond Flood
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) was one of the most important mathematical physicists of all time, after only Newton and Einstein. Within a relatively short lifetime he made enormous contributions to science which this lecture will survey. Foremost among these was the formulation of the theory of electromagnetism with light, electricity and magnetism all shown to be manifestations of the electromagnetic field. He also made major contributions to the theory of colour vision and optics, the kinetic theory of gases and thermodynamics, and the understanding of the dynamics and stability of Saturn's rings.
51:37 The Grand Narrative of the History of Computing - Professor Doron Swade
A discussion of the core concepts of modern computing and their basis in history.
Dr Doron Swade offers a new analysis of the history of computing, suggesting that instead of a linear progression from one phase to the next, it is better understood as a series of separate computational functions diverging and converging.
Dr Swade goes beyond the analysis of the history of computing as moving from the Mechanical to the Electromechanical and then to the Electronic phase. Instead he argues that the history of computing is better understood as the diverging and merging of a series of streams which represent very separate computational functions or paradigms: Calculation, Automatic Computation, Information Management, Communication and the Electronic Information Age.
This is the 2013 Gresham-BSHM lecture, tracing the origins of the core concepts of modern computing.
29:08 Alan Turing: The Founder of Computer Science - Professor Jonathan Bowen
Professor Jonathan Bowen reflects on the brilliant work and tragic life of Alan Turing, the founder of computer science.
49:06 The History of Computing in Colour - Professor Martin Campbell-Kelly
The afternoon programme will explore the history of computing from three novel standpoints. Jonathan Bowen reflects on the life and work of Alan Turing. Martin Campbell-Kelly reconstructs a history of computing from colour depictions. There will be a Reception at 5.30pm, after which Doron Swade will give the annual Gresham-BSHM lecture, tracing the origins of the core concepts of modern computing.
39:37 Hypatia: Sifting the Myths - Dr Fenny Smith
The first woman mathematician of whom we have reasonably secure and detailed knowledge, Hypatia was the daughter of Theon of Alexandria, mathematician, astronomer, and member of the Museum. Reputed to have outshone her father in her studies, she devoted her life to the teaching of mathematics and Neoplatonist philosophy in Alexandria. She is most famous for her brutal murder (c.415 AD) by a zealous crowd of monks. Much has been written about her, but little is known for certain. This talk attempts to give an account of current thinking on her life and her mathematics.
10 43:03 Hanna Neumann: A Mathematician in Difficult Times - Dr Peter Neumann
Dr Peter Neumann OBE describes the life of his mother, Hanna Neumann, and her long and distinguished career as a female mathematician in the early part of the 20th century.
His talk is part of an afternoon of lectures on Women in Mathematics, celebrating the life of Ada Lovelace.
11 52:39 The Scientific Life of Ada Lovelace - Professor Ursula Martin
Ada, Countess of Lovelace, was born Ada Byron on 10 December 1815, and died, after a long and painful illness, in 1852. The daughter of the poet Lord Byron, and his wife Annabella (nee Milbanke), she married in 1833 William King, who was created Earl of Lovelace in 1838.
Professor Martin will talk on her life and contribution to mathematics.
12 42:07 BSHM 2017, Zero is a Hero - Professor John D Barrow
This years event will focus on the beauty of Mathematical Relationships. The main speaker, Professor Robin Wilson will discuss Pi and e, and the most beautiful theorem in mathematics, preceded by shorter presentations by Professor John Barrow on Zero is a Hero and by Professor Raymond Flood on Just Imagine: The Tale of i.
13 40:29 BSHM 2017, Just Imagine! The Tale of i - Professor Raymond Flood
This years event will focus on the beauty of Mathematical Relationships. The main speaker, Professor Robin Wilson will discuss Pi and e, and the most beautiful theorem in mathematics, preceded by shorter presentations by Professor John Barrow on Zero is a Hero and by Professor Raymond Flood on Just Imagine: The Tale of i.
14 59:50 BSHM 2017, Pi and e and the most beautiful theorem in mathematics - Professor Robin Wilson
This years event will focus on the beauty of Mathematical Relationships. The main speaker, Professor Robin Wilson will discuss Pi and e, and the most beautiful theorem in mathematics, preceded by shorter presentations by Professor John Barrow on Zero is a Hero and by Professor Raymond Flood on Just Imagine: The Tale of i.

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