

Quantum Mechanics--James Binney / University of Oxford

source: CosmoLearning    2017年8月11日

# automatic playing for the 27 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: University of Oxford    上次更新日期:2014年6月29日
In this series of physics lectures, Professor J.J. Binney explains how probabilities are obtained from quantum amplitudes, why they give rise to quantum interference, the concept of a complete set of amplitudes and how this defines a "quantum state".
Notes and problem sets here: http://www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/pe...

001 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Probability Amplitudes and Quantum States 44:05
002 Dirac Notation and the Energy Representation 42:36
003 Operators and Measurement 49:12
004 Commutators and Time Evolution (the Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation) 54:32
005 Further TDSE and the Position Representation 49:44
006 Wavefunctions for Well Defined Momentum 51:12
007 Back to Two-Slit Interference, Generalization to Three Dimensions and the Virial Theorem 52:47
008 The Harmonic Oscillator and the Wavefunctions of its Stationary States 52:01
009 Dynamics of Oscillators and the Anharmonic Oscillator 52:15
010 Transformation of Kets, Continuous and Discrete Transformations and the Rotation Operator 50:31
011 Transformation of Operators and the Parity Operator 49:23
012 Angular Momentum and Motion in a Magnetic Field 46:27
013 Hilary: The Square Well 52:31
014 A Pair of Square Wells and the Ammonia Maser 54:34
015 Tunnelling and Radioactive Decay 44:22
016 Composite Systems - Entanglement and Operators 51:29
017 Einstein-Podolski-Rosen Experiment and Bell's Inequality 51:30
018 Angular Momentum 42:28
019 Diatomic Molecules and Orbital Angular Momentum 43:52
020 Further Orbital Angular Momentum, Spectra of L2 and LZ 46:29
021 Even further Orbital Angular Momentum - Eigenfunctions, Parity and Kinetic Energy 52:10
022 Spin Angular Momentum 49:45
023 Spin 1/2 , Stern - Gerlach Experiment and Spin 1 49:23
024 Classical Spin and Addition of Angular Momenta 51:59
025 Hydrogen part 1 51:08
026 Hydrogen part 2 Emission Spectra 48:47
027 Hydrogen part 3 Eigenfunctions 50:40

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