

(theme videos) Topology

source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques   2016年7月6日

Francesco Bei : On the Hodge-Kodaira Laplacian on the canonical bundle of a compact Hermitian... 21:45
Werner Müller : Analytic torsion for locally symmetric spaces of finite volume 1:02:55
Markus Banagl : The L-Homology fundamental class for singular spaces and the stratified Novikov 54:25
Ilaria Mondello : An Obata-Lichnerowicz theorem for stratified spaces 23:51
Pierre Albin : Extending the Cheeger-Müller theorem through degeneration 54:48
Leslie Saper : L2-cohomology and the theory of weights 59:05
Gabriel Rivière: Correlation spectrum of Morse-Smale flows 57:47
Jean-Yves Welschinger: Expected topology of a random subcomplex in a simplicial complex 1:16:32
Penka Georgieva: Real curves and a Klein TQFT 1:03:21
Stepan Orevko: On real algebraic knots and links 57:38
Steve Awodey: Type theories and polynomial monads​ 56:02
Eric Hoffbeck: Shuffles of trees​ 1:01:17
François Métayer: Homotopy theory of strict omega-categories and its connections with...Part 2 1:31:11
François Métayer: Homotopy theory of strict omega-categories and its connections with...Part 1 1:27:35
François Métayer: Homotopy theory of strict omega-categories and its connections with...Part 3 1:22:20
Terence Tao: An integration approach to the Toeplitz square peg problem 58:44
Delphine Moussard: Finite type invariants of knots in homology 3-spheres 1:02:23
Anton Zorich: Equidistribution of square-tiled surfaces, meanders, and Masur-Veech volumes ​1:06:17
Kimihiko Motegi: L-space knots in twist families and satellite L-space knots 51:48
Julien Marché: Differential equation for the Reidemeister torsion 1:08:25
Jeffrey Meier: Bridge trisections of knotted surfaces in four-manifolds​ 1:04:39
Andrew Lobb: Quantum sln knot cohomology and the slice genus 50:01
David Cimasoni : Covering spaces and spanning trees 1:02:32
Mark Powell: Surface systems for links​ 1:03:31
David Gay: Trisections diagrams and surgery operations on embedded surfaces​ 1:03:11
Stefan Friedl: Exceptional 3-manifolds​ 58:07
Camille Horbez: Automorphisms of hyperbolic groups and growth 1:07:00
Emily Stark: The visual boundary of hyperbolic free-by-cyclic groups 57:02
Daniel Groves: Homomorphisms to 3-manifold groups and other families 57:09
Bena Tshishiku: Groups with Bowditch boundary a 2-sphere 58:17
Mladen Bestvina: The Farrell-Jones conjecture for free-by-cyclic groups 1:05:10

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