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Real-Time Decision Making Boot Camp
source: Simons Institute 2018年1月22日
The Boot Camp is intended to acquaint program participants with the key themes of the program, including applications of control theory, machine learning, streaming algorithms and sub-linear algorithms to robotic astronomy, early earthquake warning, the Large Hadron Collider, urban transportation, and control of the energy grid. It will consist of five days of tutorial presentations from the following speakers:
Peter Nugent (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory): Supernovae and the Era of Synoptic Surveys
Danny Goldstein (UC Berkeley): Supernova Detection
Richard Allen (UC Berkeley) and Qingkai Kong (UC Berkeley): Earthquake Early Warning
Richard Murray (Caltech): Feedback Control Theory: Architectures and Tools for Real-Time Decision Making
Steven Low (Caltech): The Flow of Power
Sean Meyn (University of Florida): TBA
Kameshwar Poolla (UC Berkeley): The Flow of Money
Sid Banerjee (Cornell University): Ridesharing
Balaji Prabhakar (Stanford University): TBA
David Shmoys (Cornell University): Operating Bike-sharing Systems - A Case Study in Real-time Decision-making
Anna Gilbert (University of Michigan): Introduction to Streaming Algorithms
Ronitt Rubinfeld (MIT): Sub-Linear Time Algorithms: Fast, Cheap and (Only a Little) Out of Control
Evdokia Nikolova (UT Austin): A Brief Introduction to Algorithms, Game Theory and Risk-averse Decision Making
Harvey Newman (Caltech): Physics at the Large Hadron Collider: A New Window on Matter, Spacetime and the Univers
For more information, please visit: https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops...
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
1 1:13:38 Supernova Detection
2 1:12:49 Supernovae and the Era of Synoptic Surveys
3 1:13:01 Earthquake Early Warning: Streaming Data to Reduce the Loss
4 1:09:46 Earthquake Early Warning: MyShake - Building a Global Seismic Network Using Your Smartphones
5 1:07:57 Understanding and Shaping Urban Mobility Using Dollars and Data I
6 1:02:37 Understanding and Shaping Urban Mobility Using Dollars and Data II
7 1:31:38 Operating Bike-Sharing Systems – A Case Study in Real-Time Decision Making
8 1:38:25 Ridesharing
9 1:11:50 A Brief Introduction to Algorithms, Game Theory and Risk-Averse Decision Making
10 1:36:31 Sub-Linear Time Algorithms: Fast, Cheap and (Only a Little) Out of Control
11 1:00:49 Feedback Control Theory: Architectures and Tools for Real-Time Decision Making I
12 1:17:14 Feedback Control Theory: Architectures and Tools for Real-Time Decision Making II
13 1:02:27 The Flow of Power (Part I: Basic Concepts and Models)
14 1:04:30 The Flow of Power (Part II: Power Flow Solutions and Optimization)
15 1:30:23 The Flow of Information
16 1:27:33 The Flow of Money
17 1:30:39 Physics at the Large Hadron Collider: A New Window on Matter, Spacetime and the Universe I
18 59:31 Physics at the Large Hadron Collider: A New Window on Matter, Spacetime and the Universe II
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