

Physics by Michel van Biezen

source: Michel van Biezen     2015年9月2日 / list compiled by CosmoLearning
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Chapter 0: General Intro (1 of 20) Standard SI for Length, Mass, and Time 4:56 In this video I will introduce the system of standard units that are commonly used in physics and other sciences.
0: General Intro (2 of 20) Dimensional Analysis (Unit Analysis) 7:57
0: General Intro (3 of 20) How to Determine Significant Figures 5:56
0: General Intro (4 of 20) How to Determine Significant Figures in Operations 8:35
0: General Intro (5 of 20) Introduction to Uncertainty in Measurements 6:51
0: General Intro (6 of 20) Finding Area with Uncertainty in Measurements 5:44
0: General Intro (7 of 20) Adding with Uncertainties in Measurements 0:58
0: General Intro (8 of 20) Subtracting with Uncertainties in Measurements 2:26
0: General Intro (9 of 20) Multiplying with Uncertainties in Measurements 4:39
0: General Intro (10 of 20) Dividing with Uncertainties in Measurements 3:30
0: General Intro (11 of 20) Uncertainties in Measurements - Squares and Roots 4:24
0: General Intro (12 of 20) How to Convert "Feet" to "Meters" 4:26
0: General Intro (13 of 20) How to Convert 1 Unit to Another Unit 7:11
0: General Intro (14 of 20) How to Estimate Number of Teachers in US 3:15
0: General Intro (15 of 20) Estimate Number of Blades of Grass on Soccer Field 2:47
0: General Intro (16 of 20) Understanding Coordinate Systems and Directions 2:23
0: General Intro (17 of 20) Basic Trigonometry for Physics - The Triangle 5:49
0: General Intro (18 of 20) Basic Trig for Physics - The Triangle (Sine) 3:55
0: General Intro (19 of 20) Basic Trig for Physics - The Triangle (Cosine) 2:07
0: General Intro (20 of 20) Basic Trig for Physics - The Triangle (Tangent) 3:02
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (1 of 41) MKS (Meters, Kilograms, Seconds) 4:23
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (2 of 41) Length in MKS, Imperial, and Maritime 4:46
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (3 of 41) Maritime and Imperial Unit "Equivalence" 1 4:29
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (4 of 41) Maritime and Imperial Unit "Equivalence" 2 4:49
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (5 of 41) Standard Units in Mechanics 5:57
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (6 of 41) Standard Units: Rotational Motion 4:21
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (7 of 41) Stress and Strarin 2:51
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (8 of 41) Units and Fluid 4:20
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (9 of 41) The Wave Equation 5:03
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (10 of 41) Sound 8:39
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (11 of 41) Heat 3:19
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (12 of 41) Specific Heat and Molar Heat Capacity 2:39
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (13 of 41) Conduction, Thermal Conductivity, R-Rating 5:02
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (14 of 41) The Ideal Gas Law 6:13
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (15 of 41) Unit of Charge & Coulomb's Law 4:30
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (16 of 41) The Electric Field 2:47
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (17 of 41) Electric P.E. & Electrical Potential 6:24
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (18 of 41) Electric Flux 4:15
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (19 of 41) Capacitance 6:01
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (20 of 41) Current, Resistivity, & Ohm's Law 7:18
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (21 of 41) Magnetic Field 3:08
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (22 of 41) Magnetic Flux 3:48
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (23 of 41) Magnetic Field 2 7:18
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (24 of 41) Mutual & Self Inductance 3:45
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (25 of 41) Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field 4:33
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (26 of 41) Energy in a L-C Circuit 3:43
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (27 of 41) Reactance 6:23
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (28 of 41) Power Dissipated in a Resistor 3:46
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (29 of 41) Speed of Light 3:10
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (30 of 41) E & M Waves 2:05
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (31 of 41) The Poynting Vector 3:39
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (32 of 41) Momentum Density of E&M Waves 4:34
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (33 of 41) Flow Rate of E&M Momentum 4:33
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (34 of 41) Energy in Special Relativity 7:00
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (35 of 41) Energy & Momentum in a Photon 3:58
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (36 of 41) The de Broglie Wavelength 4:45
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (37 of 41) Planck Radiation (Black Body Radiation) 4:50
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (38 of 41) Stefan Boltzmann Law 5:09
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (39 of 41) What is an Electron Volt (eV)? 3:59
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (40 of 41) What is the Decay Rate? 2:44
Ch. 0.5: Standard Units (41 of 41) What is the Atomic Mass Unit? 2:23
Mechanics: Vectors (1 of 21) What Is A Vector? 4:21
Mechanics: Vectors (2 of 21) Vector Notation 5:12
Mechanics: Vectors (3 of 21) Components And Magnitudes Of A Vector 5:31
Mechanics: Vectors (4 of 21) Finding The Components Of A Vector 5:19
Mechanics: Vectors (5 of 21) Adding Vectors Graphically - Parallelogram Method 2:15
Mechanics: Vectors (6 of 21) Adding Vectors Graphically - Tip-To-Toe Method 2:48
Mechanics: Vectors (7 of 21) Adding Vectors Numerically: Example 1 6:35
Mechanics: Vectors (8 of 21) Adding Vectors Numerically: Example 2 8:05
Mechanics: Vectors (9 of 21) Subtracting Vectors Graphically 1:44
Mechanics: Vectors (10 of 21) Subtracting Vectors Numerically 3:26
Mechanics: Vectors (11 of 21) Adding Force Vectors Numerically 6:14
Mechanics: Vectors (12 of 21) Product Of Vectors: Dot Product 5:58
Mechanics: Vectors (13 of 21) Product Of Vectors: Dot Product: Example 1 4:10
Mechanics: Vectors (14 of 21) Product Of Vectors: Dot Product: Example 2 5:52
Mechanics: Vectors (15 of 21) Product Of Vectors: Dot Product: Finding the Angle 5:55
Mechanics: Vectors (16 of 21) Product Of Vectors: Cross Product: Vector Product 9:04
Mechanics: Vectors (17 of 21) Product Of Vectors: Cross Product: Example 1 7:48
Mechanics: Vectors (18 of 21) Product Of Vectors: Cross Product: Example 2 5:33
Mechanics: Vectors (19 of 21) Finding The Direction Cosine 6:02
Mechanics: Vectors (20 of 21) Finding The Angle Between 2 Vectors 3:59
Mechanics: Vectors (21 of 21) Second Definition of the Dot Product 5:52

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