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Particle Physics (2016) by Alex Flournoy at the Colorado School of Mines
source: Alex Flournoy 2016年1月14日
Lectures from 2016 upper level undergraduate course in particle physics at the Colorado School of Mines
1 1:18:50 Topic 28: QCD with a Side of Weak Sauce
2 1:14:44 Topic 27: QCD
3 1:00:25 Topic 26: QED Practice
4 1:17:32 Topic 25: Spin Sorcery
5 59:45 Topic 25: QED
6 1:17:46 Topic 23: Mr. Feynman and the A,B,C's
7 1:19:38 Topic 22: Decays, Scattering and the Golden Rule
8 1:18:40 Topic 21: Guest Lecture on Gravitation as Gauge Theory and Fiber Bundles
9 59:55 Topic 20: CP, CPT and T
10 1:14:28 Topic 19: P,C and CP
11 1:20:21 Topic 18: Some Clarifications, Questions, Answers and a bit on C,P and T
12 1:20:30 Topic 17: The higgs Mechanism and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
13 1:22:39 Topic 16: The Higgs Mechanism
14 1:18:37 Topic 15: Electroweak Gauge Theory
15 1:00:18 Topic 14: QCD as an SU(3) Gauge Theory
16 1:13:26 Topic 13: Interactions via Local Gauge Invariance (The Abelian Case)
17 1:17:43 Topic 12: Solutions to Dirac Equation, Helicity and Weyl Spinors
18 1:01:41 Topic 11: Equations of Motion and Interpretations
19 1:19:22 Topic 10: Actions, Lagrangians and Equations of Motion
20 1:17:04 Topic 9: Spinors III and Actions
21 58:48 Topic 8: Spinors II
22 1:14:44 Topic 7: Spinors I
23 59:03 Topic 6: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
24 1:19:21 Topic 5: Derivatives, Velocities, Energy and Momentum in Special Relativit
25 1:03:37 Topic 4: A Catalog of Groups and Special Relativity
26 1:14:56 Topic 3: Duals, Metrics and Continuous Groups
27 1:18:05 Topic 2: Groups and Representations
28 1:22:27 Topic 1: Introduction to the course
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