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Open Quantum Systems (2017--ICTS Bangalore)
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年8月1日
Open Quantum Systems
DATE: 17 July 2017 to 04 August 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
There have been major recent breakthroughs, both experimental and theoretical, in the field of Open Quantum Systems. The aim of this program is to bring together leaders in the Open Quantum Systems community from a range of subfields, such as Mesoscopic Quantum Optics (Quantum Dot Circuit-QED systems), Cavity Optomechanics, Cavity-QED systems and many more. This field of hybrid quantum systems sits perfectly at the interface of condensed matter physics, quantum optics and non-equilibrium physics. Despite remarkable progress, there are still a large number of challenging and important experimental and theoretical questions thereby creating an immediate need for the program that is expected to facilitate vibrant discussions and collaborations among researchers from diverse fields.
The main areas of focus in the program will be
Mesoscopic Quantum Optics
Hamiltonian and Quantum Bath Engineering
Cavity Optomechanics
Quantum Gases in Cavities
Light-matter interactions in 1D continuum
This program will be for active researchers in the areas and is designed to be especially beneficial for advanced graduate students and postdocs.
There will also be some pedagogic lectures on the following topics:
Cavity optomechanics - Aashish Clerk (Theory) - Week 2
Theory of solid-state quantum information processing - Guido Burkard (Theory) - Week 2
Non-Equilibrium physics of polaritons - Jacqueline Bloch (Experiment) - Week 2
Hybrid circuit quantum electrodynamics - Jason Petta (Experiment) - Week 1
Superradiance and the Dicke model - Jonathan Keeling (Theory) - Week 1
Quantum manifolds of steady states in driven, dissipative superconducting circuits - Michel Devoret (Experiment) - Week 2
Non-equilibrium behavior of quantum many-body systems - Stefan Kehrein (Theory) - Week 3
Mesoscopic quantum electrodynamics - Takis Kontos (Experiment) - Week 1
CONTACT US : oqs@icts.res.in
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/oqs2017
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2 43:29 Decay of quantum systems analysed with pseudomodes of reservoir structures by Barry Garraway
3 46:35 Electrical access to marginally protected conduction states in graphene by Arindam Ghosh
4 44:54 Exponential improvement in photon storage fidelities using subradiance by Darrick Chang
5 50:05 Two Terminal Charge Tunneling: A Sanity Check for Manjorana zero modes by Sumanta Tewari
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7 50:03 An ion in a sea of ultracold neutral atoms by Johannes Hecker Denschlag
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9 1:12:21 Quantum Many-Body Physics with Multimode Cavity QED by Jonathan Keeling
10 37:48 Quantum gases with tunable interactions and non-perturbative measurements by Saptarishi Chaudhuri
11 47:14 Counter-diabatic driving in complex systems by Anatoli Polkovnikov
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13 39:25 Periodically Driven Array of Single Rydberg Atoms by Rejish Nath
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15 1:12:07 Quantum Many-Body Physics with Multimode Cavity QED (Lecture - 02) by Jonathan Keeling
16 42:28 Mapping repulsive to attractive interaction in driven-dissipative quantum systems by Jens Koch
17 44:26 Power-Law Decays in Isolated Many-Body Quantum Systems by Lea F Santos
18 1:12:08 Mesoscopic quantum electrodynamics: from atomic-like physics to condensed matter by Takis Kontos
19 50:40 Quantum Many-Body Physics with Multimode Cavity QED by Jonathan Keeling
20 47:15 Lyapunov Exponent and Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlator's Growth Rate in a by Sriram Ganeshan
21 1:14:03 Mesoscopic quantum electrodynamics: from atomic-like physics to condensed matter by Takis Kontos
22 42:33 Possible skyrmion lattice in inversion symmetric magnets by Shizeng Lin
23 48:07 Non-equilibrium statistical physics for small quantum systems by Bijay Kumar Agarwalla
24 1:12:09 Mesoscopic quantum electrodynamics by Takis Kontos
25 39:09 Rydberg aggregates in ultracold gases by Sebastian Wüster
26 48:05 Photon Correlations in Waveguide QED: Rectification... by Harold Baranger
27 43:03 Kinks, Cusps, and Plateaus in the Transition Dynamics of a Bloch State by Jiang min Zhang
28 33:51 Signature of Ground-State Quantum Phase Transition far from Equilibrium by Arnab Das
29 34:54 Information driven quantum dot Thermal Machines by Bhaskaran Muralidharan
30 22:37 Three coupled qubits in a multi-model superconducting quantum circuit by Madhavi Chand
31 1:33:38 Quantum Optomechanics: A Selective Introduction by Aashish Clerk
32 1:37:28 Quantum fluids of light in semiconductor microcavities by Jacqueline Bloch
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34 41:46 Correlations and entanglement of microwave photons emitted in a cascade decay by Simone Gasparinetti
35 54:31 Echoes of Entanglement from Quantum Metrology to Chaos by Monika Schleier Smith
36 1:33:31 Quantum Optomechanics: A Selective Introduction by Aashish Clerk
37 41:40 Probing Topology in Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Quantum States by Sebastian Diehl
38 1:20:26 Quantum fluids of light in semiconductor microcavities by Jacqueline Bloch
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40 43:23 Dirac Physics and Topology in Photonics by Jian Hua Jiang
41 1:27:24 Quantum fluids of light in semiconductor microcavities by Jacqueline Bloch
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43 54:45 Magnetic resonance at the quantum limit and beyond by Patrice Bertet
44 1:31:25 Spin Qubits by Guido Burkard
45 43:08 Generating RVB states via Dicke subradiance by R Ganesh
46 42:29 Control of light-matter interaction in two-dimensional Van der Waals materials by Vinod Menon
47 1:28:01 Spin Qubits Theory (Lecture – 02) by Guido Burkard
48 49:46 Thermodynamics along individual quantum trajectories of qubit by Kater Murch
49 45:19 Entanglement generation in periodically driven integrable quantum systems by Krishnendu Sengupta
50 1:27:36 Spin Qubits Theory (Lecture – 03) by Guido Burkard
51 49:09 Multidimensional spectroscopy with quantum light and in optical cavities by Shaul Mukamel
52 45:18 Circuit-QED based spectroscopies of quantum impurities by Nicolas Roch
53 41:13 Broadband parametric amplifiers for quantum measurements by Rajamani Vijayaraghavan
54 38:00 Dissipative Quantum Phase Transitions in Interacting Light-Matter Systems by Marco Schiro
55 43:15 Dissipation as a resource for stabilizing quantum states by Mazyar Mirrahimi
56 45:11 On the entanglement spectrum: From the Levy distribution to the Tracy- Widom by Arul Lakshminarayan
57 1:30:42 Thermalization in closed quantum many-body systems I: Basic notions by Stefan Kehrein
58 47:25 Out-of-equilibrium tunnel junction paradox and a new consistent.. by Nayana Shah
59 45:23 Bosonization-debosonization and the nonequilibrium Kondo problem by C J Bolech
60 49:56 Understanding the Born Rule in Weak Measurements by Apoorva Patel
61 1:35:15 Thermalization in closed quantum many-body systems II: Non-integrable systems by Stefan Kehrein
62 48:45 Aperiodically driven integrable systems and their emergent steady states by Arnab Sen
63 48:36 Induced Transparency effects in cyclic systems by Andal Narayanan
64 45:24 An open quantum system generalization of a 1D quasiperiodic system by Manas Kulkarni
65 47:55 Keldysh Field Theory for Open Quantum Systems: Localization and Quantum Effects by Rajdeep Sensarma
66 1:32:54 Thermalization in closed quantum many-body systems III by Stefan Kehrein
67 46:39 (Non) equilibrium dynamics: a (broken) symmetry by Camille Aron
68 44:47 Emergence of singularities from decoherence in a Josephson junction by Duncan H J O'Dell
69 49:49 Interacting Quantum Systems in Hybrid Traps by Sadiq Rangwala
70 24:15 Cooperative Effects in Closely Packed Quantum Emitters... by Prasanna Venkatesh
71 19:26 Anti-Kibble-Zurek Behavior in Crossing the Quantum Critical Point by Anirban Dutta
72 47:28 A discussion on quantum heat baths by Abhishek Dhar
73 50:23 Non-Markovian dynamics of a qubit due to single-photon by Ciccarello Francesco
74 30:47 Transport and fractality in boundary-driven (quasi)disordered chains by Vipin Varma
75 49:53 Currents in strongly coupled molecular junctions by Upendra Harbola
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