

材料動力學 (Fall 2016)--廖建能 / 清大

播放清單: 請點按影片右上角之清單標誌

source: NTHUOCW        2016年10月27日

16:08 第1A講 thermodynamics
16:08 第1AR講 thermodynamics(course introduction)
31:47 第1B講 thermodynamics( lecture introduction)
31:47 第1BR講 thermodynamics(lecture introduction)
38:35 第1C講 thermodynamics(thermodynamics equilibrium)
38:35 第1CR講 thermodynamics(thermodynamics equilibrium)
37:54 第2A講 review of thermodynamics and kinetics
37:54 第2AR講 review of thermodynamics and kinetics
26:19 第2B講 equilibrium state and steady state and non steady state
37:15 第2C講 irreversible thermodynamics and entropy production
37:15 第2CR講 irreversible process(example and seebeck effect)
15:44 第3A講 irreversible process(irreversible process)
15:44 第3AR講 irreversible process(irreversible process)
37:12 第3BR講 irreversible process(entropy production and coupling coefficient)
38:36 第3C講 example and seebeck effect
38:36 第3CR講 self diffusion and intrinsic diffusion and interdiffusion
48:11 第4AR講 Peltier effect and network constraint and Onsager's principle
49:27 第4B講 self diffusion and intrinsic diffusion and interdiffusion
32:06 第5A講 kirkendall effect(kirkendall effect)
32:06 第5AR講 kirkendall effect(kirkendall effect)
55:01 第5BR講 kirkendall effect(electron migration)
12:51 第5C講 kirkendall effect(thermal migration)
12:51 第5CR講 kirkendall effect(thermal migration)

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