

Evolutionary Biology by Ashley Carter at California State University

source: carterlabcsulb 2016年8月19日
This course is Bio 312 Evolutionary Biology, a course designed for upper level biology students.
From: http://web.csulb.edu/~acarter3/course-evolution/lectures....

1: course overview Introduction to the semester's topics. 4:25
2: why we study evolution 9:17
3: philosophy of science 18:19
4: Lines of evidence for evolution, introduction 3:56
5: Lines of evidence for evolution, homology versus analogy 8:47
6 Lines of evidence for evolution, vestigial traits 8:18
7: Lines of evidence for evolution, geological record 8:10
8: Lines of evidence for evolution, geographic distribution 3:01
9: Lines of evidence for evolution, fluidity of the species barrier 4:15
10: Lines of evidence for evolution, direct observation 4:36
11: Lines of evidence for evolution, artificial selection 11:03
12: Lines of evidence for evolution, logical and mathematical argument 5:52
13: Phylogenetics 1, introduction 12:41
14: Phylogenetics 2, using trees to understand biology 16:48
15: Phylogenetics 3, how do we make and compare trees 20:13
16: Phylogenetics 4, examples of phylogenetic studies 9:02
17: Origin of life 8:19
18: History of life 15:25
19: History of science 1, antiquity to the scientific revolution (1543) 18:36
20: History of science 2, Newton (1600s) to Lamarck (1800s) 9:52
21: History of science 3, Darwin (1809-1882) 14:38
2: History of science 4, Darwin (1882) to WWI (1918) 13:36
23: History of science 5, WWI (1918) to WWII (1945) 9:43
24: History of science 6, post-WWII (1945+) 14:15
25: Diversity of life 1 9:28
26: Diversity of life 2 4:32
27: Diversity of life 3 3:59
28: Diversity of life 4 8:48
29: Diversity of life 5 3:38
30: Diversity of life 6 7:41
31: Diversity of life 7 6:59
32: Diversity of life 8 3:21
33: Diversity of life 9 5:18
34: Studying adaptation 1, introduction. 12:11
35: Studying adaptation 2, optimality/observation method. 20:38
36: Studying adaptation 3, experimental method. 20:10
37: Studying adaptation 4, comparative method. 13:58
38: Sexual selection 1, introduction. 10:44
39: Sexual selection 2, males 1. 14:41
40: Sexual selection 3, males 2. 12:01
41: Sexual selection 4, females 1. 12:17
42: Sexual selection 5, females 2. 9:30
43: Sexual selection 6, miscellaneous. 13:51
44: Life history theory 1, introduction. 15:35
45: Life history theory 2, senescence. 17:53
46: Life history theory 3, Cole's model. 15:12
47: Life history theory 4, optimal clutch size. 9:40
48: Life history theory 5, fitness conflicts. 10:33
49: Life history theory 6, inclusive fitness. 21:51
50: Game theory 1, prisoner's dilemma. 13:35
51: Game theory 2, the hawk:dove model. 12:29
52: Game theory 3, more complicated strategies and equilibria. 9:24
53: Game theory 4, evolution and economics. 9:44
54: Levels of selection 1, introduction. 4:34
55: Levels of selection 2, two examples. 12:20
56: Levels of selection 3, the evolution of sex. 18:56
57: Speciation 1, introduction. 10:57
58: Speciation 2, species definitions. 18:58
59: Speciation 3, speciation processes. 15:10
60: Evolutionary constraints 1, introduction. 3:17
61: Evolutionary constraints 2, examples. 20:51
62: Population genetics 1, introduction. 12:44
63: Population genetics 2, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.  13:11
64: Selection 1, Introduction. 13:22
65: Selection 2, an example and implication. 14:57
66: Selection 3, dominant advantageous alleles. 7:51
67: Selection 4, overdominance and equilibria. 6:31
68: Selection 5, perturbation analysis. 9:05
69: Mutation 1, introduction. 14:37
70: Mutation 2, an example and implication. 9:04
71: Mutation 3, genetic load. 8:28
72: Migration 1, introduction. 9:49
73: Migration 2, practical example. 13:07
74: Non-random mating 1, introduction. 12:58
75: Non-random mating 2, F calculations. 9:40
76: Non-random mating 3, the effects of inbreeding. 6:43
77: Finite population size 1, introduction. 15:08
78: Finite population size 2, effective population size. 15:57
79: Stochasticity 1, loss of alleles. 11:32
80: Stochasticity 2, fixation probability. 7:37
81: Stochasticity 3, selection versus drift. 10:43
82: Multiple loci 1, linkage disequilibrium. 13:09
83: Multiple loci 2, hitchhiking. 11:49
84: Multiple loci 3, multiple alleles. 11:04
85: Multiple loci 4, quantitative genetics. 14:02
86: Multiple loci 5, quantitative trait loci (QTL). 14:12
87: Molecular evolution 1, introduction. 17:43
88: Molecular evolution 2, substitution rates. 15:44
89: Molecular evolution 3, types of mutations. 16:01
90: Evo Devo 1, introduction. 5:04
91: Evo Devo 2, comparative embryology. 4:02
92: Evo Devo 3, allometric studies. 15:34
93: Evo Devo 4, molecular approaches. 18:01
94: Evolutionary psychology 1, introduction. 12:38
95: Evolutionary psychology 2, survival. 11:46
Born good? Babies help unlock the origins of morality [CBS News] 13:33
97: Evolutionary psychology 4, reproduction. 15:04
98: Evolutionary psychology 5, offspring care. 15:35
99: Human evolution 1, Introduction. 13:43
100: Human evolution 2, overview of methods. 10:33
101: Human evolution 3, history of humanity. 13:43
102: Miscellaneous. 11:35
103: Course review. 16:51

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