

Economics Amplified

source: BFIVideos        2017年10月31日
The latest thinking on the biggest issues in economics from the University of Chicago's Becker Friedman Institute.

1:05:56 Cocktails and Conversation: Roundtable Discussion with Austan Goolsbee and Edward Lazear
1:04:36 Lessons Learned: Understanding Education Policy Choices
1:04:35 The Economic Consequences of Health Care Reform
1:05:24 Polarization, Fake News, and the 2016 Election
51:30 The Global Economy: Higher Mean, Higher Variance?
1:08:16 Why Are Some Companies Efficient While Others Are Not?
55:46 Fragile Beliefs and the Price of Uncertainty
49:58 A Closer Look at Household Debt and Business Cycles Worldwide
59:44 The Externalities of Vaccination on the Evolution of Influenza
10 46:44 Automated Economic Reasoning
11 1:02:26 Liquidity Regulation and the Risk of Runs
12 1:03:16 Using Text to Quantify Policy Uncertainty
13 1:08:52 Managing through Incentives: The Economics of Dynamic Employment Relationships
14 55:12 In Search of Elusive Warning Signals: Tipping Points in Ecology and Economics
15 47:48 What Balanced Growth Implies About Production Technology
16 1:56:40 The Behavioral Shift
17 56:03 Friedman Forum with Amy Finkelstein: The Impact of Expanding Medicaid
18 1:08:25 Buying Cures vs. Renting Health: How Financial Engineering Can Expedite Medical Breakthroughs
19 54:22 Cocktails and Conversations: How Can the Fed Help Fix the Economy?
20 50:16 Friedman Forum with Michael Greenstone: The Global Energy Challenge
21 57:41 Game Theory and Negotiation
22 49:01 Soda Taxes and Soda Prices: The Case of Mexico
23 1:28:15 Understanding Inequality and What to Do About It
24 1:01:47 Cocktails & Conversations with Charles Plosser and Lars Peter Hansen
25 57:51 Inequality, Human Capital, and Economic Growth
26 2:02:52 How Big Data Is Changing Economies
27 58:11 Trust and the Differential Influence of Human and Anthropomorphized Spokespersons
28 55:29 The Role and Impact of Monetary Policy in an Uncertain Economy
29 45:36 Gregor Matvos: Selling Failed Banks
30 54:07 Millennial Goals: What’s Happened? What’s Next?
31 52:05 What Can Auctioneers Teach Us About Auctions? Evidence from Manheim Car Auctions
32 58:26 The High-Frequency Trading Arms Race
33 1:16:58 Maurice Obstfeld: Financial Globalization and Financial Crises
34 56:05 Robert Engle: Monitoring Risk with V-LAB
35 1:03:19 William Nordhaus: The Economics of Climate Change
36 1:02:41 Asset Pricing and Sports Betting
37 44:05 Roger Myerson: On Moral Hazard and Macroeconomics
38 1:06:48 Regulation, Risk, and the Affordable Care Act
39 50:53 Luigi Zingales: The Future of the Euro
40 54:58 Regulating Consumer Financial Products: Evidence from Credit Cards
41 1:03:40 The Euro Crisis: Pain and Politics
42 1:07:05 Lunch and Conversation with Thomas J. Sargent
43 1:10:41 The Recession of 2007 to ?
44 1:33:46 Pizza and Conversation with James Heckman
45 1:02:14 Tax Reform and Empirical Evidence: Lessons from the Mirrlees Review
46 1:09:25 Confronting Risk and Ambiguity in Macroeconomics and Finance
47 56:34 Life Expectancy, Medical Testing, and Human Capital Investment

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