

Bridging Continuous and Discrete Optimization Boot Camp

source: Simons Institute         2017年8月21日
The Boot Camp is intended to acquaint program participants with the key themes of the program. It will consist of five days of tutorial presentations, each with ample time for questions and discussion, as follows:
Michel Goemans (MIT): Duality
Pablo Parrilo (MIT) and Ankur Moitra (MIT): LP/SDP Hierarchies and Sum of Squares Proofs
Lorenzo Orecchia (Boston University), Maryam Fazel (University of Washington) and Stefanie Jegelka (MIT): Continuous Methods
Sasha Rakhlin (University of Pennsylvania), Ben Recht (UC Berkeley) and Laurent El Ghaoui (UC Berkeley): Robustness, Stochastics, Uncertainty
Thomas Rothvoß (University of Washington), Prasad Raghavendra (UC Berkeley) and Hamza Fawzi (University of Cambridge): Extended Formulations
Steve Wright (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Aaron Sidford (Stanford University) and Aleksander Mądry (MIT): Interior Point Methods
For more information, please visit: https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops...
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.

1:01:01 Duality 1
1:02:24 Duality 2
1:00:46 LP/SDP Hierarchies and Sum of Squares Proofs 1
1:04:16 LP/SDP Hierarchies and Sum of Squares Proofs 2
1:04:50 Duality 3
1:01:39 Continuous Methods 1
58:07 Continuous Methods 2
1:00:47 Robustness, Stochastics, Uncertainty 1
1:01:20 Robustness, Stochastics, Uncertainty 2
10 59:13 LP/SDP Hierarchies and Sum of Squares Proofs 3
11 1:06:19 LP/SDP Hierarchies and Sum of Squares Proofs 4
12 57:39 Extended Formulations 1
13 1:00:09 Extended Formulations 2
14 1:02:37 Robustness, Stochastics, Uncertainty 3
15 53:25 Extended Formulations 3
16 57:46 Extended Formulations 4
17 1:00:33 Interior Point Methods 1
18 54:25 Interior Point Methods 2
19 1:10:07 Interior Point Methods 3
20 1:01:59 Continuous Methods 3
21 59:47 Continuous Methods 4
22 1:08:29 Interior Point Methods 4

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