

希臘羅馬神話 Greek and Roman Mythology / 簡士捷

source: GET 臺灣通識網General Education TW-開放式課程   2015年11月24日

1:10:51 Ch 1. The Titans and the Twelve Great Olympians 
33:03 Ch 2. The Two Great Gods of Earth (Demeter and Dion...
36:29 Ch 3. The Earliest Heroes
42:39 Ch 4. Cupid and Psyche 
41:42 Ch 5. Eight Brief Tales of Lovers 
45:12 Ch 6. The Quest of the Golden Fleece
36:09 Ch 7. Four Great Adventures 
34:06 Ch 8. The Great Heroes before the Trojen War (Perse... 
42:44 Ch 9. The Great Heroes before the Trojen War 
10 51:07 Ch 10. The Trojen War

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