

Biological Chemistry I (Fall 2013) by John Essigmann, JoAnne Stubbe, and Bogdan Fedeles at MIT

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source: MIT OpenCourseWare         2017年12月13日
MIT 5.07SC Biological Chemistry I (Fall 2013)
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/5-07SCF13
Instructor(s): Prof. John Essigmann, Prof. JoAnne Stubbe, Dr. Bogdan Fedeles
Biological chemistry is the study of life processes at the molecular level. This course examines the chemical and physical properties of the cell and its building blocks. Special emphasis is on the structures of proteins and principles of catalysis.
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3:24 Lexicon of Biochemical Reactions: Introduction
24:18 Lexicon of Biochemical Reactions: Cofactors Formed from Vitamin B12
29:00 Lexicon of Biochemical Reactions: Vitamin B6 / PLP
29:44 Lexicon of Biochemical Reactions: Redox Cofactors
19:50 Problem Set 1, Problem 1: Sizes and Equilibria
1:05:51 5. Enzymes and Catalysis
33:14 Problem Set 2, Problem 1: Primary Structure
28:17 Problem Set 3, Problem 2: Proteases: Mechanisms of Inhibition
36:18 Carbonyl Chemistry
10 26:58 Problem Set 4, Problem 2: The Mechanism of HMG-CoA Synthase
11 15:34 Problem Set 5, Problem 5: How Mannose, an Isomer of Glucose, Enters Glycolysis
12 12:26 Introduction to Carbohydrate Catabolism
13 13:10 Problem Set 6, Problem 2: Mechanism of Phosphoglycerate Mutase
14 23:12 Glycolysis and Early Stages of Respiration
15 18:50 Respiration: TCA Cycle
16 21:01 Problem Set 7, Problem 1: Tracing Labels through Pathways
17 11:59 Maintenance of Redox Neutrality
18 20:03 Respiration: Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation
19 16:08 Problem Set 8, Problem 2: Bioenergetics of the Electron Transport Chain
20 21:13 Respiration: Proton Pumps and ATP Synthesis
21 11:50 Lipod Catabolism: Fatty Acid Beta-Oxidation
22 15:02 Special Cases in Fatty Acid Metabolism
23 26:20 Problem Set 9, Problem 1: Catabolism of Triacylglycerols
24 17:27 Ketogenesis, Diabetes, and Starvation
25 2:52 The Science Behind Type II Diabetes
26 3:10 Blood Sugar Fluctuations and Gluconeogenesis
27 2:52 When Your Breath Smells Like Nail Polish Remover
28 21:26 Fatty Acids and Lipid Biosynthesis
29 7:16 Carbohydrate Biosynthesis I: Glycogen Synthesis
30 19:20 Carbohydrate Biosynthesis II: Gluconeogenesis
31 19:55 Problem Set 10, Problem 3: Gluconeogenesis
32 56:13 Pentose Phosphate Pathway
33 27:29 PLP (Pyridoxal Phosphate) Reactions
34 34:02 Regulation of Metabolism

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