

Seeker (videos of July 2017)

source: Seeker
3:17 You Might Get Fat Just By Smelling Your Food The nose's olfactory receptors are stimulated when we smell food and other odors. But could the process of smelling cause weight gain?
Why Did Our Early Ancestors Resort to Cannibalism? - https://...
3:29 Yes, Sperm Counts Are Plummeting... And Scientists Are Worried According to a new study, sperm counts in men from western countries have dropped by over 59% in the last 40 years. Scientists are in disbelief.
Scientists Want to Insert Bionic Sperm Into Wome...
3:10 Does Your Dog Respond Better When You Use a Baby Voice? Most people make their voices higher pitched when talking to their pets. But does this Pet-Directed Speech have any influence on animals?
How Bilingual Brains Perceive Time Differently - https:/...
4:19 How Many People Have Died in Space? Space is an incredibly dangerous place. Between the explosions during launches, reentries and transit, how many people have died in space? It's probably less than you think. How Quickly Did the ...
3:34 Your Body Is Designed to Attack a New Organ, Now We Know Why Scientists think they've found the molecular basis for organ transplant rejection. Now that we know its cause, could we prevent its effect?
Scientists Want to Transplant a Human Head, Here's Why...
4:30 Sex Can Be Complicated... For Snails With Backward Organs Snails with situs inversus, the asymmetrical mirroring of parts inside the body, are extremely unlucky when it comes to sex.
Check us out on Facebook! - https://www.facebook.com/SeekerMedia/ 
3:53 Volcanic Whispers Are Helping Scientists Predict Eruptions Scientists are using seismic noise interferometry to predict volcanic eruptions. Can these "volcanic whispers" help prevent future ruin?
Everything You Need To Know About Galactic Ice Volcanoes!...
4:46 Scientists Are Corrupting Their Own Experiments, Here's How The Observer Effect states that the very act of observation changes what we observe. If this is true, are their findings accurate? 
How Scientists Can Slow Down Time - https://youtu.be/CwkT-4vL3B...
3:12 Stretchy Batteries Are Coming... Here's How They Work Researchers have developed a way to make a battery and its casing stretchy, enabling future advancements in wearable electronics.
Disney Invented A Room Where Your Phone Will Never Die - https:/...
4:17 The Hunt for Patient Zero Is Important But Impossible Finding the source of a disease outbreak requires intensive detective work from health experts. But is finding Patient Zero even possible?
How Did We Kill Smallpox? - https://youtu.be/zi5HIMgQC...
3:57 This Could Be the Death of Urban Astronomy (360 Video) City lights are blinding our view of space, and its forcing urban astronomers to rethink the way they make observations. To make matters worse, a change in the type of lights being used could be th...
2:55 A Tenth Planet Could Be Warping Our Outer Solar System Scientists have just found warping in the Kuiper Belt that suggests there might be a tenth planet.
How The Mysterious Planet 9 Is Tilting Our Solar System - https://youtu.be/Yo0Bz-8ZeR8
4:20 The Flies on a Dead Body Can Help Solve a Murder Researchers are using mass spectrometry on fly eggs to help investigators speedily determine a corpse's time of death. Here's how it works.
Everything Scientists Could Learn By Looking At Your S...
3:06 This Vaccine Could Treat Heroin Addiction Researchers are testing a vaccine that could prevent relapse in addicts during withdrawal.
What Makes Heroin So Deadly? - https://youtu.be/kSX6Z_k__Cc
Sign Up For The Seeker Newsletter Here - ...
4:19 Scientists Want to Transplant a Human Head, Here's Why That's a Bad Idea A group of scientists are planning to perform a human head transplant at the end of 2017. But is their plan scientifically feasible?
What Actually Happens To Your Body When You Donate Your Orga...
4:24 Another Universe May Have Bumped Into Ours and We Might Have Proof The Cold Spot in the cosmic microwave background radiation has led astronomers to speculate the possibility of parallel universes.
What Is Beyond The Universe? - https://youtu.be/ghaZf1ODia0 Sign ... 

(Türk / in Turkish) 2017 KPSS - A Grubu - İdare Hukuku - Metin KAYA

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source: İsem Yayıncılık      2016年8月23日
2017 KPSS - A Grubu - İdare Hukuku / Administrative Law

01) İdare Hukuku Tanıtım - İsem Yayıncılık l Metin KAYA (2017) 1:24
01) İdare Kavramı ve İdari Fonksiyon 34:47
02) İdare Hukuku Genel Özellikleri 41:45
03) İdareye Egemen Olan Anayasal İlkeler 43:51
04) Merkezden Yönetim - Yerinden Yönetim 34:57
05) Kamu Tüzel Kişiliği 40:29
06) İdarenin Genel Esasları - Konu Pekiştirme 22:49
07) Merkezi İdare -1 37:24
08) Merkezi İdare -2 45:04
09) Mahalli İdarelerin Genel Özellikleri  56:26
10) Mahalli İdarelerde Meclisler ve Encümenler -1 39:06
11) Mahalli İdarelerde Meclisler ve Encümenler -2 44:37
12) Büyükşehir Belediyeleri ve Köyler 36:24
13) Hizmet Yerinden Yönetim Kuruluşları -1 40:57
14) Hizmet Yerinden Yönetim Kuruluşları -2 41:09
15) İdari İşlemin Özellikleri 44:08
16) Bireysel İdari İşlemler 44:43
17) İdari İşlemin Unsurları - Yetki  49:16
18) İdari İşlemin Unsurları-Şekil-Sebep-Konu-Amaç 41:16
19) İdari İşlemin Sona Ermesi 45:42
20) İdari Sözleşmeler 45:44
21) İdarenin Özel Hukuk Sözleşmeleri -1 40:17
22) İdarenin Özel Hukuk Sözleşmeleri -2 31:24
23) İdarenin Yetkileri  41:09
24) İdarenin Mal Edinme Yetkisi  46:18
25) İdarenin Kolluk Yetkisi 38:59
26) Kamu Hizmeti & Kamu Malları  42:03
27) Kamu Görevlileri -1 41:36
28) Kamu Görevlileri -2 41:02
29) İdarenin Mali Sorumluluğu 34:47
30) İdari Yargının Genel Özellikleri 40:56
31) Danıştay -1 42:39
32) Danıştay -2 39:06
33) İdari Yargı Örgütleri 59:55
34) İptal Davaları -1 36:14
35) İptal Davaları -2 49:56
36) İptal Davaları - Yürütmeyi Durdurma 37:26
37) Tam Yargı Davaları 36:37
38) İdari Yargıda Davaların Açılması - Yürütülmesi 46:24
39) Kanun Yolları - İvedi Yargılama 41:40

'Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems and Related Topics' (2013-14)

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source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques    2015年8月6日
Jean-Morlet Chair - Research Talks - Hasselblatt/Troubetzkoy
Semester on 'Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems and Related Topics'
November 2013 - April 2014
General themes
The scientific focus of this Chair was on hyperbolic dynamical systems and related topics. This is a broad and active area of research throughout the world which is on one hand at the core of Boris Hasselblatt's research record and interests and on the other hand well represented in the Marseille region.
Moreover, hyperbolic dynamics has broad interactions with numerous other areas of dynamical systems and mathematics: partial differential equations viewed as infinite-dimensional dynamical systems, celestial mechanics, statistical mechanics, geometry (of nonpositively curved manifolds),Teichmüller theory, topology, to name a few.
In addition, hyperbolic dynamics is important to a broad range of subjects in applied mathematics.

Pierre Dehornoy: Wich geodesic flows are left-handed? 1:05:25
Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its functionalities:
- Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video
- Videos enriched with abstracts, bibliographies, Mathematics Subject Classification
- Multi-criteria search by author, title, tags, mathematical area
Left-handed flows are 3-dimensional flows which have a particular topological property, namely that every pair of periodic orbits is negatively linked. This property (introduced by Ghys in 2007) implies the existence of as many Bikrhoff sections as possible, and therefore allows to reduce the flow to a suspension in many different ways. It then becomes natural to look for examples. A construction of Birkhoff (1917) suggests that geodesic flows are good candidates. In this conference we determine on which hyperbolic orbifolds is the geodesic flow left-handed: the answer is that yes if the surface is a sphere with three cone points, and no otherwise.
Recording during the thematic meeting: "Jean Morlet Chair : Young mathematicians in dynamical systems" the November 27, 2013 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent
Barbara Schapira: Horocyclic flows on hyperbolic surfaces - Part I 1:34:13
Federico Rodriguez Hertz: Rigidity of hyperbolic higher rank lattice actions 1:00:13
Mark Pollicott: Dynamical definitions of the Weil-Petersson metric on moduli space 47:36
DamienThomine: Precise statistical properties of the geodesic flow on periodic hyperbolic manifolds 55:09
Masato Tsujii: Spectrum of geodesic flow on negatively curved manifold 56:43
Mike Hochman: Dimension of self-similar measures via additive combinatorics 53:08

(Español / in Spanish) FISICA - VON NEUMANN

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source: COLEGIO VON NEUMANN     2015年8月22日

FISICA - Refración Interna total [HD] 35:32
FISICA - Cantidad de movimiento [HD] 10:48
FISICA - Cinematica [HD] 34:11
FISICA - Energía interna [HD] 31:44
FISICA - Energía mecánica [HD] 27:04
FISICA - Dilatacion [HD] 44:25
FISICA - Energia potencial electrica [HD] 59:13
FISICA - Equilibrio de fuerzas oblicuas [HD] 27:26
FISICA - Electroestatica [HD] 1:09:34
FISICA - Espejos esféricos [HD] 45:03
FISICA - Estatica [HD] 44:20
FISICA - Dinámica lineal [HD] 23:32
FISICA - Movimiento rectilíneo uniformemente variado [HD] 24:20
FISICA - Momento de fuerza [HD] 27:59
FISICA - Movimiento vertical de caida libre [HD] 22:48
FISICA - Fuerza de reacción en superficies ásperas [HD] 34:04
FISICA - Segunda ley de la termodinámica - [HD] 38:44
FISICA - Reflexión de la Luz - [HD] 31:22
FISICA - Producto de vectores - [HD] 1:12:42
FISICA - Trabajo neto y variación de trabajo mecánico - [HD] 15:25
FISICA - Trabajo mecánico - [HD] 14:01
FISICA - Termodinámica - [HD] 35:23
FISICA - Teorema del trabajo y la energía mecánica - [HD] 30:28
FISICA - Presión - [HD] 17:11
FISICA - Análisis dimensional [HD] 1:21:05
FISICA - Campo Eléctrico [HD] 43:05
FISICA - Movimiento parabólico de caída libre [HD] 35:14
FISICA - Vector unitario [HD] 52:03
FISICA - Análisis vectorial [HD] 37:34
FISICA - Cambio de fase [HD] 37:52
FISICA - Cambio de temperatura [HD] 35:24

Mere Possibilities by Robert Stalnaker

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source: Philosophical Overdose     2013年5月18日
In these Pufendorf lectures, Stalnaker tries to get clearer about how to think about issues in modal metaphysics, and about how semantic and metaphysical issues are related.

Possible Non-Actual Objects 1:30:14  Robert Stalnaker presents the first of four talks on "Mere Possibilities". Stalnaker's aim in these lectures is to get clearer on how to think about issues in modal metaphysics, and about how semantic and metaphysical issues are related. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Merely Possible Propositions 1:22:58
Haecceitism 1:33:00
Modal Semantics & Metaphysics 1:42:17

The Emergent Multiverse - Quantum Mechanics & The Many Worlds Interpretation (Oxford University)

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source: Philosophical Overdose     2015年2月21日
The Emergent Multiverse - Quantum Mechanics & The Many Worlds Interpretation
The Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics holds that quantum theory - our best current theory of physics - is correctly understood as claiming that there are many worlds that exist in parallel to our own and which branch constantly off our own. The existence of the other worlds makes it possible to make sense of physics without action-at-a-distance, objective randomness, or any strange role for "observer" or "consciousness". These lectures discuss this interpretation of quantum mechanics and what would follow from its being the correct one.
This series is from Oxford University.

The Emergent Multiverse: The Plurality of Worlds - Quantum Mechanics 53:30  David Wallace examines the justification for interpreting the superposition states as multiplicities. This is the first talk on the Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics. The MWI holds that quantum theory - our best current theory of physics - is correctly understood as claiming that there are many worlds that exist in parallel to our own and which branch constantly off our own. The existence of the other worlds makes it possible to make sense of physics without action-at-a-distance, objective randomness, or any strange role for "observer" or "consciousness". These lectures discuss this interpretation of quantum mechanics and what would follow from its being the correct one.
The Nature of Probability & The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 39:08
The Life of Psi: More on The Superposition Principle in Quantum Mechanics 44:15
The Arrow of Time & The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 51:32

Infinities and Cosmology

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source: PhilosophyCosmology     2013年6月18日
A mini-series of lectures from the Philosophy of Cosmology project. A University of Oxford and Cambridge Collaboration.

Infinities and Cosmology: Introduction (John Barrow) 11:52 Introduction to the mini-series "Infinities and Cosmology" from the "Philosophy of Cosmology" project. A University of Oxford and Cambridge Collaboration.
Infinities of age and size - Part 1 (George Ellis) 47:46
Infinities of age and size - Part 1: Questions and Answers (George Ellis) 12:24
Infinite space, infinite time (Anthony Aguirre) 51:07
Infinite and finite spacetimes: Questions and Answers (Anthony Aguirre) 12:35
Can we test the string theory landscape? Part 1 (Michael Douglas) 47:50
Can we test the string theory landscape? Part 1:Questions and Answers (Michael Douglas) 13:04
Infinities of age and size - Part 2 (George Ellis) 50:49
Infinities of age and size - Part 2: Questions and Answers (George Ellis) 11:41
Infinitely and finitely many states (a tale of three paradoxes) (Anthony Aguirre) 48:35
Infinitely and finitely many states (a tale of three paradoxes): Q&A (Anthony Aguirre) 9:23
Can we test the string theory landscape? Part 2 (Michael Douglas) 43:29
Can we test the string theory landscape? Part 2: Questions and Answers (Michael Douglas) 15:03
Singularities and cosmic censorship in general relativity - Part 1 (Mihalis Dafermos) 46:32
Singularities and cosmic censorship in general relativity - Part 1: Q&A (Mihalis Dafermos) 13:36
At home & at sea in an infinite universe: Newtonian & Machian theories of motion (Simon Saunders) 57:39
Newtonian & Machian theories of motion: Q&A (Simon Saunders) 10:03
Infinite computations and spacetime (Mark Hogarth) 46:00
Infinite computations and spacetime: Questions and Answers (Mark Hogarth) 12:03
Singularities and cosmic censorship in general relativity - Part 2 (Mihalis Dafermos) 55:17
Singularities and cosmic censorship in general relativity - Part 2: Q&A (Mihalis Dafermos) 2:06

Lumia: Thomas Wilfred and the Art of Light

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source: Yale University Art Gallery    2017年2月24日
Lumia: Thomas Wilfred and the Art of Light
This series of videos presents short segments of many of the works in the exhibition “Lumia: Thomas Wilfred and the Art of Light.”
"Lumia: Thomas Wilfred and the Art of Light" is the first exhibition on this groundbreaking artist and his spellbinding light compositions in more than forty years. As early as 1919, well before the advent of consumer television and video technology, Wilfred began experimenting with light as his primary artistic medium, developing the means to control and project colorful, luminous forms that have been compared to the aurora borealis—and which he referred to collectively as "lumia." The exhibition features nearly half of the extant light works by Wilfred representing each phase of his career, from early at-home instruments made for individual viewers to his most ambitious public installation, "Lumia Suite, Op. 158," commissioned by the Museum of Modern Art, New York, in 1963 and recently restored in a joint conservation project by the Gallery and MoMA. Also included in the exhibition are sketches and diagrams from the artist’s archive, now in Yale University Library’s Manuscripts and Archives collection. Recognized as an innovator by artists of his time such as Jackson Pollock, László Moholy-Nagy, and Katherine Dreier, Wilfred has since disappeared from the story of American modernism. "Lumia" restores this avant-garde artist to his rightful place at the forefront of kinetic and light art.

Thomas Wilfred, "Luccata, Op. 162" 10:23 Thomas Wilfred, "Luccata, Op. 162," 1967–68. Metal, glass, electrical and lighting elements, and a frosted-glass screen in a hinged wood cabinet, indefinite playing time. Carol and Eugene Epstein Collection
Thomas Wilfred, "Counterpoint in Space, Op. 146" 10:23
Thomas Wilfred, "Visual Counterpoint, Op. 140" 10:25
Thomas Wilfred, "Unit #50, Elliptical Prelude and Chalice," from the "First Table Model Clavilux” 5:25
Thomas Wilfred, "Spacetime Study, Op. 153" 10:24
Thomas Wilfred, "Untitled, Op. 161" 10:26
Thomas Wilfred, "Unit #86," from the "Clavilux Junior (First Home Clavilux Model)" series 10:23
Thomas Wilfred, "Unit #167," from the "Clavilux Home Instrument" series 5:12
Thomas Wilfred, "Multidimensional, Op. 79" 10:24
Thomas Wilfred, "Abstract, Op. 91 (The Firebird)" 1:21
Thomas Wilfred, "Tranquil Study, Op. 92" 4:51
Thomas Wilfred, "Vertical Sequence, Op. 136" 10:22
Thomas Wilfred, "Lumia Suite, Op. 158" 10:25
Thomas Wilfred, "Nocturne, Op. 148" 10:26
Thomas Wilfred, "Study in Depth, Op. 152" 10:21

Spring 2017 Programs at Yale University Art Gallery

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source: Yale University Art Gallery      2017年2月17日
The Gallery offers a variety of lectures, panel discussions, and talks that place our collection and exhibitions in the broader context of history and culture. Speakers include curators, scholars, artists, critics, writers, and others engaged with the world of art and ideas. Programs range from lectures for a general audience to symposia with a scholarly focus. Concerts, film screenings, dramatic performances, and literary readings connect the art on view at the Gallery with other forms of expression. Master classes provide an opportunity to explore works of art in an intimate classroom setting with a curator, educator, or guest scholar. Please check our online calendar for a full listing of lectures and other events http://artgallery.yale.edu/programs-archive

The Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom: Racial Justice Activism in 1957 and Beyond 1:21:04
William P. Jones, La Tanya S. Autry, and others
Thursday, January 19, 2017, 5:30 pm
In dialogue with Yale University students, historian William P. Jones, Professor of History at the University of Minnesota and author of The March on Washington: Jobs, Freedom, and the Forgotten History of Civil Rights, relates the roots and organizing methods of the 1957 Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom to the renowned March on Washington of 1963. The panelists also discuss how these historic mass demonstrations inspired the current activist strategies of the Black Lives Matter movement. Generously sponsored by the Martin A. Ryerson Fund.
The Astonishing Richness of Igbo Art: Beauties, Beasts, and Others 52:36
An Evening of Albers: Conversations on Small-Great Objects 1:03:28
Art and Education in Apartheid South Africa 1:09:03
What Is a Screen?: Screening Nature 1:31:55
What Is a Screen?: Projection and Protection 1:31:16
What Is a Screen?: Material. Human. Divine. Notes on the Vertical Screen 1:44:07
Amazigh Women’s Arts: Visual Expressions of Berber Identity 1:14:07
After Wilfred: The Influence of Lumia on the Joshua Light Show 1:08:56
The Dutch Abroad and What They Brought Back, Nautilus Cups in Holland: East Embraced by West 1:02:59
[deleted video]
“The Carryers of the World”: Trade and Luxury Goods in the Dutch Golden Age 55:38
Fragile Matters: Fascination for Ceramic in the Early Modern Period 1:00:15
The Lemon’s Lure
The Domestic Material World of New Netherlands 1:13:42
West Meets East in Miniature 1:00:10

London School of Economics and Political Science (videos of July 2017)

source: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
1:35:33 LSE Events | Sadiq Khan | Good Growth by Design – A Vision for London Speaker(s): Sadiq Khan, Professor Ricky Burdett, Professor Sadie Morgan, Jackie Sadek
Chair: Professor Tony Travers
Recorded on 10 July 2017 at Peacock Theatre, Portugal Street
Sadiq Khan, the Ma...
3:47 LSE Student video diary: Zack looks back on his year at LSE Zack reflects on the benefits of studying on a study abroad programme for a full academic year.
5:51 LSE IGA | The Launch of the Global Policy Lab (G-POL) For other videos in this series please see: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_lbha8gMG4Id10wB0l4Wvg
LSE IGA marked the launch of its Global Policy Lab (G-POL) on May 16, 2017. Participants includ...
5:01 LSE Dept of International History | Independent India: Myths of Freedom and Development Learn what this undergraduate course is about, how it is structured and how students can benefit from taking it in order to better understand the world we live in today.
6:18 LSE Dept of International History | The Cold War in Latin America Learn what this postgraduate course is about, how it is structured and how students can benefit from taking it in order to better understand the world we live in today.
2:02 LSE Dept of International History | Dual MA/MSc in International and World History Introduction to the Columbia University and the London School of Economics Dual MA/MSc in International and World History
1:29:08 LSE Events | Professor Branko Milanovic | The Evolution of Global Inequalities The Evolution of Global Inequalities: the impact on politics and the economy
Speaker(s): Professor Branko Milanovic
Chair: Professor Mike Savage
Recorded on 5 July 2017 at Sheikh Zayed Theatre, N...
3:27 LSE’s Graduating Class of 2017 A few of LSE’s 2017 graduates share their stories, reflecting on how they’ve changed over the last three years and looking ahead to the future.
1:56 Global Master's in Management – Your Career Our faculty and students explore the career development and graduate opportunities provided by the Global Master's in Management programme.
3:13 LSE Advancement | Realising Potential – changing the lives of talented young people Demonstrating the impact that philanthropic scholarships from alumni and friends have on brilliant young students at LSE.
For further information please see: Supporting LSE - http://www.lse.ac.uk...
30:25 LSE IQ Episode 4 | What can Brexit tell us about the white working class? To subscribe on iTunes please visit - https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/lse-iq-podcast/id1223... or search for 'LSE IQ' in your favourite podcast app.
Welcome to LSE IQ, a new monthly podcast...
3:51 LSE's IGA Director, Professor Erik Berglof, on the launch of the Global Policy Lab For other videos in this series please see: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_lbha8gMG4Id10wB0l4Wvg
In this interview, Director of LSE's Institute of Global Affairs, Professor Erik Berglof, expla...
6:51 LSE Middle East Centre | Yemen’s Urban–Rural Divide and the Ultra-Localisation of the Civil War In 2015, civil war broke out in Yemen, swiftly followed by military intervention by a Saudi-led coalition intended to restore to power the deposed but legitimate government. Yemen was already the p...

(русский / in Russian) Язык UML 2 в анализе и проектировании программных систем и бизнес-процессов

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source: НОУ ИНТУИТ     2013年12月10日
Язык UML 2 в анализе и проектировании программных систем и бизнес-процессов
Курс и тесты в НОУ "ИНТУИТ" http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/480/336/info
Автор: Александр Леоненков
Предметом курса является описание нотации языка UML версии 2 и его использование в процессе объектно-ориентированного анализа, проектирования и разработки программных приложений. Представлены определения всех базовых конструкций языка UML 2, нотация и семантика графических элементов, используемых при построении визуальных моделей программных и информационных систем. Последовательно рассматриваются все типы канонических диаграмм языка UML 2, приводятся примеры их построения. Даются рекомендации по применению рассматриваемых конструкций языка UML 2 для построения UML-моделей.
Курс ориентирован на начинающих и более опытных системных аналитиков и архитекторов программных систем, корпоративных программистов, бизнес-аналитиков и менеджеров проектов разработки программных и информационных систем, ставящих перед собою цели получения или повышения квалификации в области современных технологий разработки программных проектов и моделей бизнес-систем. Для иллюстрации материала используются диаграммы визуального моделирования и фрагменты реализации отдельных проектов разработки программных систем. Для спецификации и визуализации различных представлений моделей используются канонические диаграммы языка UML 2. Курс посвящен изучению основ нотации и семантики последней версии Унифицированного языка моделирования или, сокращенно, UML 2, который предназначен для описания, визуализации и документирования объектно-ориентированных систем и бизнес-процессов с ориентацией на их последующую реализацию в виде программного обеспечения. Изучение материала курса направлено на формирование и совершенствование знаний по методологии описания, визуализации и документирования объектно-ориентированных систем и бизнес-процессов с помощью языка UML 2. Полученные в ходе изучения курса знания могут быть успешно использованы в последующем при совершенствовании бизнес-процессов и управлении проектами в ходе разработки информационных моделей и программных приложений. Знание изучаемых в курсе базовых конструкций языка UML 2 позволит слушателям самостоятельно использовать CASE-средства с целью автоматизации выполнения всех этапов концептуального, логического и физического проектирования архитектуры корпоративных информационных систем и программных приложений.

Лекция 1: Базовые принципы и понятия технологии 1:04:39 Основы современной методологии объектно-ориентированного анализа и проектирования. Особенности визуального моделирования информационных систем. Базовые семантические конструкции языка UML 2 и их описание с помощью специальных обозначений. Основные элементы нотации языка UML 2 и их отличие от языка UML 1. Особенности моделей представления структуры и поведения в проектах разработки сложных программных систем и бизнес-процессов. Канонические диаграммы языка UML 2 и их общая характеристика. Механизмы расширения языка UML 2.
Лекция 2: Диаграмма вариантов использования 1:04:12
Лекция 3: Диаграмма классов 1:04:34
Лекция 4: Диаграмма последовательности 50:11
Лекция 5: Диаграмма конечного автомата 57:55
Лекция 6: Диаграмма деятельности 57:46
Лекция 7: Диаграмма компонентов 29:33
Лекция 8: Диаграмма развертывания 22:23
Лекция 9: Диаграммы композитной структуры, коммуникации и пакетов 1:17:35

(русский / in Russian) Организация службы информационных технологий

# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.

source: НОУ ИНТУИТ     2013年12月25日
Организация службы информационных технологий / Organization of the Information Technology Service
Курс и тесты в НОУ "ИНТУИТ" http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/483/339/info
Автор: Роман Васильев
Курс посвящен изучению основ и методов, которые обеспечивают целостный, процессно-ориентированный подход к принятию управленческих решений, направленных на повышение эффективности владения и развития информационных систем для достижения бизнес-целей организаций и создания новых конкурентных преимуществ.
В курсе рассмотрены принципы формирования служб информационных технологий, задачи, которые они должны решать, основные модели их организационной структуры, процедуры и регламенты их деятельности во взаимодействии с руководством, функциональными подразделениями и внешней бизнес-средой. Изучается планирование работы службы ИТ, разработка ее отчетности, анализ и формирование показателей эффективности использования информационных технологий в организациях, рационально организация работы службы ИТ и взаимодействие с вендорами и партнерами, включая проведение тендеров. Дается представление о лучших практиках организации служб ИТ и тенденциях в их развития.

Лекция 1: Структура и задачи службы информационных технологий 57:22 В лекции рассматривается базовая модель организационной структуры и задачи службы ИТ.
Лекция 2: Организационные структуры управления 57:14
Лекция 3: Адаптивные структуры управления. Кейс "Перспективная модель управления ИТ оператора связи" 1:09:27
Лекция 4: Документация службы ИТ (часть 1) 49:02
Лекция 5: Документация службы ИТ (часть 2) 1:00:54
Лекция 6: Анализ ИТ-бюджетов Российских компаний 48:10
Лекция 7: Профессиональная состоятельность и компетентность ИТ-директора 1:07:26

(русский / in Russian) Теория информационных систем

# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.

source: НОУ ИНТУИТ     2013年12月26日
Теория информационных систем / Theory of Information Systems
Курс и тесты в НОУ "ИНТУИТ" http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/507/363/info
Автор: Владимир Грекул
Курс входит в образовательную программу "Прикладная информатика" по специальности "Бизнес-информатика". Он дает общее представление об информационных технологиях и системах.
В курсе рассматриваются принципы создания информационных технологий и систем, их внедрения и использования.

Лекция 1: Технологии обмена данными 1:23:05 В данной лекции рассматриваются технологии информационного обмена, архитектуры информационных систем, а также аспекты использования информационных технологий в государственном управлении.
Лекция 2: Архитектуры информационных систем и ИТ в госуправлении 1:03:20
Лекция 3: ИС в управлении экономическими объектами 1:14:15
Лекция 4: Жизненный цикл продукта и рынок КИС 1:01:08
Лекция 5: Прогнозирование 1:09:01
Лекция 6: Оптимизация 50:36
Лекция 7: Разработка и внедрение ИС 1:27:43

(русский / in Russian) Стандартизация и сертификация программного обеспечения

# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.

source: НОУ ИНТУИТ     2013年12月26日
Стандартизация и сертификация программного обеспечения
Курс и тесты в НОУ "ИНТУИТ" http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/506/362/info
Автор: Борис Позднеев
Курс посвящен изучению основополагающих принципов, методов и средств обеспечения качества в жизненном цикле средств информационных технологий, подтверждения соответствия программного обеспечения с учетом действующей в Российской Федерации законодательной базы и требований национальных и международных стандартов.
В основные задачи дисциплины входит изучение cовременных мировых тенденций в области обеспечения качества и безопасности процессов, продукции и услуг в сфере информационных технологий, требований международных стандартов серии ИСО 9000 в части создания систем менеджмента качества, структуры и основных требований национальных и международных стандартов в сфере средств информационных технологий, методов оценки качества и управления качеством в жизненном цикле программных средств и информационных систем, организационно-методических принципов функционирования систем сертификации средств информационных технологий, нормативно-технической базы и процедур сертификационных испытаний программных средств и информационных систем, организации информационного обеспечения в сфере стандартизации и сертификации информационных технологий.

Лекция 1: Стандартизация и сертификация программного обеспечения 57:51 В данной лекции рассматриваются: предмет курса, его содержание, структура, цели и задачи.
Лекция 2: Техническое регулирование и стандартизация в области ИКТ 55:57
Лекция 3: Закон о техническом регулировании. Основные положения 1:09:53
Лекция 4: Управление качеством и обеспечение качества на основе стандартов серии ИСО 9000 59:33
Лекция 5: Требования стандарта ISO 9000 1:17:50
Лекция 6: Зрелость процессов. Измерение зрелости 1:01:34
Лекция 7: Процессы проектирования сложных программных систем 1:11:19
Лекция 8: Основные положения стандартов ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 15288-2005 и ISO/IEC 12207-1999 1:12:16
Лекция 9: Принципы обеспечения качества программных средств 1:12:37
Лекция 10: Оценка программной продукции 1:19:07
Лекция 11: Организация работ по стандартизации в области ИКТ и открытые системы 1:19:43
Лекция 12: Основные направления создания открытых информационных систем 1:15:21
Лекция 13: Нормативно-правовые документы и стандарты в области защиты информации 59:33
Лекция 14: Нормативно-правовая база сертификации продукции и услуг в области ИКТ 1:09:55
Лекция 15: Схемы сертификации 1:09:38
Лекция 16: Подведение итогов курса. Информация о юбилейном заседании ТК 461 41:20