

Yale University (videos of April 2017)

source: Yale University
1:20:05 Conversation with Secretary John Kerry On April 27, 2017, the Yale University Jackson Institute for Global Affairs hosted the inaugural “Kerry Conversation” with Sec. John Kerry ’66.
Sec. Kerry will join Yale in Fall 2017 as a Disting...
1:19:25 The Anatomy of Religion: Churches & Symbols Lecture two of the 2017 Yale University Dwight H. Terry Lectures delivered by Kwame Anthony Appiah, Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Law at New York University. April 19, 2017
Kwame Antho...
1:10:04 The Anatomy of Religion: Gods & Spirits Lecture one of the 2017 Yale University Dwight H. Terry Lectures delivered by Kwame Anthony Appiah, Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Law at New York University. April 18, 2017
Kwame Antho...
1:17:41 The Anatomy of Religion: Religion After Darwin Lecture three of the 2017 Yale University Dwight H. Terry Lectures delivered by Kwame Anthony Appiah, Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Law at New York University. April 25, 2017
Kwame Ant...
20:48 Molly Brunson - Russian Realisms: Literature and Painting, 1840-1890 As a scholar of modern Russian culture, Professor Brunson specializes in the literature and visual art of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with an emphasis on the recurrent realisms that eme...
19:48 Anthony Acciavatti - Ganges Water Machine: Designing New India’s Ancient River Anthony Acciavatti is a historian of science and technology with training in architecture and cartography. His first book, Ganges Water Machine: Designing New India’s Ancient River (awarded the 201...
1:35:39 VISEGRAD GROUP as a Factor of stability in Central and Eastern Europe Challenges to Security and Stability in Central and Eastern Europe Roundtable Series
“VISEGRAD GROUP as a Factor of stability in Central and Eastern Europe”
With the following participants: H.E...
1:22:01 Dr. Hasok Chang: "Is There Room for Pluralism in Science?" The Franke Program in Science and the Humanities at Yale
Scientific progress can be helped by pluralism, similarly as social progress has been aided by political pluralism. Contrary to the widespr...
42:25 “A Communion of Subjects: Law, Environment, and Religion” with Peter Raven The sixth installment of “A Communion of Subjects: Law, Environment, and Religion” features an interview with Peter Raven, President Emeritus of the Missouri Botanical Garden.
Interviewed by Andrew...
21:06 Jolanta Mickutė: Zionist Women in Interwar Poland Jolanta Mickutė is an assistant professor of history at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania, and her research examines political and cultural issues in the interwar period in Central an...
24:56 Ian Miller: The Development of Forestry in Early Modern China An assistant professor of history at St. John’s University, Professor Miller is visiting Yale as an Agrarian Studies Program Fellow. He researches conflicts over wood resources and the development ...
1:06:04 Ela Ramesh Bhatt "Women, Work, Peace: What the Artisans from South Asia Can Tell Us" Ela Ramesh Bhatt is an Indian cooperative organizer, activist, and Gandhian, who founded the Self-Employed Women's Association of India (SEWA) in 1972, and served as its general secretary from 1972...
46:25 “A Communion of Subjects: Law, Environment, and Religion” with Richard Norgaard The fifth installment of “A Communion of Subjects: Law, Environment, and Religion” features an interview with Richard Norgaard, Professor of Energy and Resources, University of California, Berkeley...
1:38:17 18th Annual John W. Hall Lecture - Dismembered and Still Kicking: Kokoro in the High School Textbook The Council on East Asian Studies is pleased to present the Eighteenth Annual John W. Hall Lecture in Japanese Studies. Ken K. Ito, Professor, Japanese Literature, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa pr...
3:52:31 An Island under Siege: Puerto Rico’s Current Financial, Political, and Human Rights Crisis Roundtable participants include:
José I. Alameda Lozada, Professor of Economics, University of Puerto Rico, Recinto de Mayagüez
Ariadna Godreau-Aubert, Access to Justice Coordinator, Espacios Abie...
1:44:09 Syrian Refugee Crisis: Ground Realities and Humanitarian Responses in Jordan Panelists:
Michael Callan, Chief Analyst - MENA Region, Government of Canada’s Privy Council Office
Stephen Allen, Head of Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance - Jordan
Panel Facilitator: Nays...
47:21 Science on Saturdays – Timothy Newhouse – Not for Fools: Organic Synthesis of Natural Products Speaker: Timothy Newhouse (Yale Chemistry)
Making the materials and therapeutics of the future, synthetic chemists synthesize and discover new molecules by twisting bonds and stereocenters at their...
1:26:59 "State Fragility and Collapse in the Arab Region," Ezzedine C. Fishere State Fragility and Collapse in the Arab Region
Ezzedine C. Fishere, Egyptian Writer; Visiting Professor at Dartmouth College. Introduction by Jonas Elbousty.
Cosponsored by the Program on Refuge

Comparative Human Behavior with Susann Robbins (U of Houston)

# playlist of the 12 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: UHouston    2010年9月17日
SOCW 7397 Comparative Human Behavior

Cultural Psychology with Herb W. Agan (U of Houston)

# playlist of the 19 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: UHouston     2009年1月14日
PSYC 2344
Title: Cultural Psychology
Professor: Herb Agan
Description: Relationship between ethnicity, socialization, personality, behavior issues related to current race relations.

文茜的世界(財經)周報+中天的夢想驛站 (2017-04月影片)

source: 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News
48:00 《文茜世界財經週報》川普執政滿百日 內憂外患都沒有答案2017.04.30|Sisy's Finance Weekly【完整版-FULL HD】
47:44 《文茜世界周報》恐攻殉職憲警喪禮 法國政要出席國殤籲團結2017.04.30|Sisy's World News【完整版-FULL HD】
47:09 《中天的夢想驛站》人工智慧時代來臨 科技教育為起點2017.04.29|Courier Station of Dream【完整版-FULL HD】
47:59 《文茜世界周報》美呼籲全球對北韓施壓 北韓再試射飛彈2017.04.29|Sisy's World News【完整版-FULL HD】
48:22 《文茜世界周報》美航母虛晃一招 金正恩閱兵出安全牌2017.04.22|Sisy's World News【完整版-FULL HD】
47:55 《文茜世界財經週報》法選最後衝刺 瑪琳勒朋柔中帶剛搶出線2017.04.23|Sisy's Finance Weekly【完整版-FULL HD】
47:30 《文茜世界周報》最活躍的美第一千金 川普長女伊凡卡2017.04.23|Sisy's World News【完整版-FULL HD】
47:21 《中天的夢想驛站》延邊朝鮮族 與北韓難抹滅的血緣情感2017.04.22|Courier Station of Dream【完整版-FULL HD】
47:59 《文茜世界財經週報》極左派梅隆雄戲劇竄起 法選倒數添變數2017.04.16|Sisy's Finance Weekly【完整版-FULL HD】
47:41 《文茜世界周報》川普政策髮夾彎不斷 評論自己與時俱進2017.04.16|Sisy's World News【完整版-FULL HD】
47:11 《中天的夢想驛站》南韓總統大選黑馬 安哲秀民調首次超越文在寅2017.04.15|Courier Station of Dream【完整版-FULL HD】
47:59 《文茜世界周報》415金日成冥誕 全球緊盯北韓大閱兵2017.04.15|Sisy's World News【完整版-FULL HD】
47:39 《文茜世界財經週報》化武「窮人核彈」 沙林毒性強、致命快2017.04.09|Sisy's Finance Weekly【完整版-FULL HD】
47:10 《文茜世界周報》美中關係漸破冰 上任22天後川習通話晤談2017.04.09|Sisy's World News【完整版-FULL HD】
46:37 《中天的夢想驛站》含金度最高盛宴 瑞士巴塞爾鐘錶珠寶展2017.04.08|Courier Station of Dream【完整版-FULL HD】
47:13 《文茜世界周報》習川會前夕 北韓強硬射導彈示威表態2017.04.08|Sisy's World News【完整版-FULL HD】
47:37 《中天的夢想驛站》受救父決心感動 陳肇隆挑戰活體肝腎雙移植2017.04.01|Courier Station of Dream【完整版-FULL HD】
47:40 《文茜世界周報》熱帶氣旋直撲澳洲 川普簽政令背離環保2017.04.02|Sisy's World News【完整版-FULL HD】
47:58 《文茜世界財經週報》健保法案挫敗 川普擬加速稅務改革時程2017.04.02|Sisy's Finance Weekly【完整版-FULL HD】
46:53 《文茜世界周報》時隔三年 世越號靠岸同日 朴槿惠入監2017.04.01|Sisy's World News【完整版-FULL HD】 

PBS Idea Channel (videos of April 2017)

source: PBS Idea Channel
13:39 What Are Stories With Telekinetics Really About? Try The Great Courses Plus at: http://ow.ly/zIpD30aclsSa.
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7:47 Comment Responses: How Is Everything Interconnected? Comment Responses!
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15:03 How Is Everything Interconnected? Try The Great Courses Plus at: http://ow.ly/zIpD30aclsSa. CORRECTION: The Great Courses Plus is offering a 30 day free trial to PBS Idea Channel viewers.
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12:35 Comment Responses: How Does the Shape of Money Shape Life? Comment Responses!
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15:01 How Does the Shape of Money Shape Life? Why Are Coins Round? Give it a think....
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12:09 Comment Responses: How Is Terrace House Like a Let’s Play? & April Fools! Comment Responses!
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5:13 Are Ideas a Resource That Can Be Depleted? I, uuhhh, ummm - I have no idea.
Happy April Fools. Be careful out there.