

London School of Economics and Political Science (videos of April 2017)

source: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
1:30:03 The Evolution of Ennahdha in Tunisia: In Conversation with Sheikh Rached Ghannouchi Hosted by the LSE Middle East Centre
Date: Thursday 20 April, 18:00-19:30
Speakers: Sheikh Rached Ghannouchi, Ennahdha Party
On Thursday 20 April, the LSE Middle East Centre hosted a talk by Ennah...
2:27 LSE Executive Education Courses – Corporate Finance and Strategy A brief overview by Dr Vicente Cuñat of the Executive Education short course; Corporate Finance and Strategy. This course is also taught by Dr Daniel Paravisini.
For further information please see...
10:41 LSE CARR | CARR/RAND Europe report on ‘Regulation of Logistics Infrastructures in Brazil’ Contributor: Dr Christian Van Stolk
What are the critical regulatory challenges in developing logistics infrastructures in countries such as Brazil? Why is it time to develop new approaches, based...
1:25:22 LSE Events | Professor Susan Buck-Morss | Global Civil War: solidarity by proxy Speaker(s): Professor Susan Buck-Morss
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu
Hosted by the Internationalism, Cosmopolitanism and the Politics of Solidarity Research group at the Centre for the Study of Hu
1:17:29 LSE Events | Dr Jean-Yves Duclos | The Facts Matter: from policy to politics The Facts Matter: from policy to politics
Speaker:: Dr Jean-Yves Duclos
Monday 24 April 2017 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Hosted by the LSE Department of Economics and LSE Centre for Macroeconomics
While bein...
3:33 LSE Student video diary | Zack integrates into the LSE community Being on the General Course means fully integrating into the LSE community for your year of study. Zack talks about meeting people in classes, societies and Halls.
Contributor: Zack Flagel
4:58 LSE Student video diary | Yea Won shows us around the Saw Swee Hock Student Centre Yea Won shows us around LSE’s Student Centre, with all its extra-curricular resources.
Contributor: Yea Won Youn
3:56 LSE Student video diary | Yea Won takes us on a tour of the LSE Library Join Yea Won on a tour of the British Library of Political and Economic Science, LSE’s main library.
Contributor: Yea Won Youn
1:28 LSE Student video diary | Living costs in London: Alex’s experience Undergraduate student Alex talks about budgeting in London.
Contributor: Alex Selway
4:18 LSE Student video diary | Alex’s experiences as a London student Alex talks about what it feels like to live in one of the world’s greatest cities and how he adapted to London life – including the cost factor.
Contributor: Alex Selway
5:18 LSE’s Brett Heasman on improving public understanding of autism The word “autism” encompasses both diversity and complexity. Autistic people* have unique ways of experiencing the world and perceiving others, are diverse in their abilities and behaviours, and ar...
1:27:58 LSE Events | Tiffany Dufu | Drop the Ball: how women can achieve more by doing less At this event Tiffany Dufu will talk about her new book, Drop the Ball, which is a memoir, manifesto and map for women who want to uncover what matters most to them and discover how to have it all ...
26:25 LSEIQ Episode 1 | Why is CEO pay so high? To subscribe on iTunes please visit - https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/lse-iq-podcast/id1223... or search for 'LSE IQ' in your favourite podcast app.
Welcome to LSE IQ, a new monthly podcast...
0:53 #LSENewsroom | Yu Jie (Cherry) | North Korea As Donald Trump prepares for his first meeting with Chinese president Xi Jinping, can we expect any consensus on how to rein in North Korea's nuclear arms programme? Yu Jie (Cherry) from LSE IDEAS ...
1:23 #LSENewsroom | Joseph Downing | French elections With the upcoming French election on a knife-edge, what chance does Marine Le Pen have of pulling off a regime change? Joseph Downing says she will have a tough time beating Emmanuel Macron.
Dr Jo...
1:15 #LSENewsroom | Tim Oliver | Article 50 Now that Brexit is finally a reality, Britain and the European Union will no longer be able to blame each other for their own problems, argues Dr Tim Oliver.
1:27:05 LSE Events | Professor Christian Hilber | Britain's Housing Crisis: causes and cures To view Slides+Audio please see: http://www.lse.ac.uk/website-archive/newsAndMedia/videoAn...
To download slides (pdf) please visit: http://w...

'The second wave of the second machine age' with Prof Erik Brynjolfsson

source: Oxford Martin School      2017年4月20日
Oxford Martin School,
University of Oxford

(اردو / in Urdu) Visual Programing (VU of Pakistan)

# playlist of the 30 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: vu    2009年1月21日
CS410 Visual Programming

(اردو / in Urdu) Fundamentals of Algorithms by Sohail Aslam (VU of Pakistan)

# playlist of the 45 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: vu      2008年7月15日
CS502 Fundamentals of Algorithms

(اردو / in Urdu) Advanced Computer Network (VU of Pakistan)

# playlist of the 45 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: vu    2009年10月22日
CS716 Advanced Computer Network

(اردو / in Urdu) Wireless Network (VU of Pakistan)

# playlist of the 45 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: vu     2009年10月22日
CS718 Wireless Network

Crisis Communication by Martha Haun (U of Houstron)

# playlist of the 26 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: UHouston    2009年9月8日
COMM 4335
Title: Crisis Communication
Professor: Martha Haun
Description: Advanced interpersonal communication concepts dealing with relationship disintegration and crisis intervention.

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras (Gang Xu @ PSI 2013)

source: LeonhardEuler1     2014年10月14日
4 lectures on Lie groups and Lie algebras (with a particular focus on physics) given by Gang Xu, a PSI Fellow, at the 2014-2015 PSI. The first lecture provides an introduction to the subject, going through the motivation and basic examples/properties.
If you're having trouble seeing the board at any point in the lectures, you can check out this pdf with snapshots of the board -- one shot for each change that occurs:
These are NOT my videos! All rights, credit, etc. go to the Perimeter Institute, which can be found at the website linked to below. All the videos come from, and can be downloaded from in various formats and from previous years, the Perimeter Institute (where these lectures took place) website:

G-Higgs Bundles and Mirror Symmetry by Nigel Hitchin (2013)

source: LeonhardEuler1    2015年5月28日
A talk on G-Higgs bundles and mirror symmetry given by Nigel Hitchin at the Centre for Quantum Geometry of Moduli Spaces, at Aarhus University, on June 12, 2013.
This video, as well as a few other lectures, can be found on their website:

The Geometry of Scattering Amplitudes (2012)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: LeonhardEuler1    2014年8月27日
The Geometry of Scattering Amplitudes
Talks from the "The Geometry of Scattering Amplitudes" workshop held at Banff in August of 2012.
The conference website, where the videos can be downloaded, can be found here:

Michael Green, Duality, Unitarity and SUSY Constraints on Superstring Amplitudes 1:10:14
Pierre Vanhove, Automorphic Properties of String Amplitudes 1:03:07
Jacob Bourjaily, Scattering Amplitudes and the Positive Grassmannian 59:43
Freddy Cachazo, Planar On-shell Diagrams in N=4 1:00:13
Jaroslav Trnka, MHV Non-planar Leading Singularities II 39:50
Andrew Hodges, New Expressions for Gravitational Amplitudes 1:01:22
George Sparling, What is Quantum Twistor Theory? 1:06:18
Emery Sokatchev, Hidden Beauty of Correlation Functions in N=4 SYM 1:03:16
Lance Dixon, Scattering In Planar N=4 Super Yang Mills Theory in the Multi Regge Limit 56:34
Zvi Bern, Gravity as a Double Copy of Gauge Theory and Implications for UV 1:08:50
Donal O'Connell, Aspects of Colour Kinematic Duality 51:49
Johannes Henn, Analytic Results for Cusped Wilson Loops 1:06:37
Pedro Vieira, Multi-particles and the OPE 1:10:11
Mikhail Kapranov, Lie Operads 41:48
Simon Caron-Huot, Feynman Integrals & Spacetime 1:09:55
Alexander Goncharov, Hidden Motivic Symmetries and Scattering Amplitudes 1:07:21
Arthur Lipstein, Scattering Amplitudes of 3D SYM 36:10
Yu-tin Huang, Lessons from Chern-Simons Matter Theory 39:42
James Drummond, Generalised Ladders and Single-valued Polylogs 57:48
Cristian Vergu, Super Wilson Loops 1:01:42

Advances in Hyperkähler and Holomorphic Symplectic Geometry (2012)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: LeonhardEuler1     2014年8月29日
Advances in Hyperkähler and Holomorphic Symplectic Geometry
Talks from the "Advances in Hyperkähler and Holomorphic Symplectic Geometry" workshop held at Banff in March of 2012.
The conference website, where the videos can be downloaded, can be found here:

Kieran O'Grady, Vector Bundles and Zero cycles on K3 Surfaces 1:03:04
Daniel Huybrechts, Chow Groups and Stable Maps 59:17
Sergey Cherkis, Doubly-periodic Monopoles and their Moduli Spaces 54:23
Andrew Neitzke, Spectral Networks 1:13:53
Tamás Hausel, Symmetries of SL(n) Hitchin Fibres 54:46
Dimitri Markushevich, Some Examples of Prym Lagrangian Fibrations 55:17
Yoshinori Namikawa, On the Structure of Homogeneous Symplectic Varieties of Complete Intersection 57:40
Sabin Cautis, Flops and About 1:00:28
Philip Boalch, Irregular Connections, Dynkin Diagrams, and Fission 1:04:00
Brent Pym, Residues of Poisson Structures and Applications 57:07
Jun Muk Hwang, Webs of Lagrangian Tori in Projective Symplectic Manifolds 1:04:14
Keiji Oguiso, K3 Surface Automorphisms and Hyperkähler Automorphisms Inspired by Complex Dynamics 1:00:56
François Charles, Some Arithmetic Aspects of Specialization of Néron-Severi Groups for... 1:04:44
Emanuele Macri, Projectivity and Birational Geometry of Bridgeland Moduli Spaces 1:00:17
Misha Verbitsky, Trisymplectic Manifolds 54:25