

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (videos of April 2017)

source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
1:38:41 Random Walks in Science by Mustansir Barma Courtesy: 39:07 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxNSw7wI6Ro
4pm to 6pm Sunday, 09 April 2017
6:09 Scientific Aims by Ashish Mahabal 20 March 2017 to 25 March 2017
VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
This joint program is co-sponsored by ICTS and SAMSI (as part of the SAMSI yearlong program on Astronomy; ASTRO). The p...
1:19:03 Accelerators: The Technical challenges by Amit roy 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
29:01 Some thoughts on plasma-based acceleration (PBA)...(Lecture - 02) by Warren Mori 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
30:54 Features of ion-acceleration from Petawatt femtosecond laser pulses by Prashant Singh 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
31:12 Turbulent magnetic field amplification in Laser Plasma interaction by R. P. Sharma 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
58:56 Table Top Accelerators Effective field theory approach by V Ravishankar 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
48:03 Radiation Pressure Acceleration of ions from Sub-Critical by V. K. Tripathi 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
22:50 Status of the Simulation Activity by Ajit Upadhyay 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
1:03:40 Laser plasma acceleration simulations with new code AGASTHII by Sushil Arun Samant 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
1:01:07 Geometry and Arithmetic of Calabi-Yau Manifolds by Philip Candelas FRS 07 April 2017, 16:00 to 17:00
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore
Calabi-Yau manifolds play an important role in physics owing to the part they play in passing from a 10-dimensional s...
1:17:50 Laser-Plasma Acceleration Research at Berkeley Lab by Carl B Schroeder 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
1:01:37 Relativistic Laser Science Explored with PW Lasers at CoReLS by Chang Hee Nam 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
1:04:04 Status and plans of the PWFA Program by Chan Joshi 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
53:18 Surface Plasma Attosource: from electrons to high harmonics at ELI-ALPS by Subhendu Kahaly 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
35:41 Laser-plasmas electron acceleration in a strongly-mismatched regime by Aakash Sahai 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
33:14 Laser Plasmas for Acceleration and Applications: Science and Sources by Christopher Murphy 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
1:13:32 Some thoughts on plasma-based acceleration (PBA)...(Lecture - 01) by Warren Mori 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
26:59 Positron Acceleration using Plasma-based accelerators by Aakash Sahai 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
53:32 Use of PLUTO code for High Energy Astrophysical Problems by Bhargava Vaidya 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
26:20 Thoughts on Managing International Collaborations by Alex Robinson 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
12:32 Newton-Bhaba Theory & Simulation Workshop by Alex Robinson 06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundame...
1:27:48 LIGO detectors observe the first Binary Black Hole Merger by Archana Pai URL: https://www.icts.res.in/lectures/bbhm2017
Date: 17 February 2017, 13:00 to 15:00
VENUE: Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (RIT), Kottayam, Kerala
Let us listen to the symphony of our Uni...
1:07:47 Holomorphic tensors, fundamental groups and universal...(Lecture - 04) by Frederic Campana 20 March 2017 to 25 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
Complex analytic geometry is a very broad area of mathematics straddling differential geometry, algebraic geometry an...
1:01:01 Hyperbolic geometry and the proof of Morrison-Kawamata... (Lecture - 04) by Misha Verbitsky 20 March 2017 to 25 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
Complex analytic geometry is a very broad area of mathematics straddling differential geometry, algebraic geometry an...
1:02:51 The moduli space of Higgs bundles over a real curve and the real Abel-Jacobi map by Tom Baird 20 March 2017 to 25 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
Complex analytic geometry is a very broad area of mathematics straddling differential geometry, algebraic geometry an...
1:08:06 Characteristic classes of Real vector bundles by Johannes Huisman 20 March 2017 to 25 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
Complex analytic geometry is a very broad area of mathematics straddling differential geometry, algebraic geometry an...
1:03:01 On Moebius and conformal maps between boundaries of CAT(-1) spaces by Kingshook Biswas 20 March 2017 to 25 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru

Fifth Annual IECO-RCC International Colloquium at Harvard University

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Harvard University     2017年4月28日
On March 23, 2017, the Fifth Annual IECO-RCC International Colloquium at Harvard University addressed the topic of “Educating Millennials for Ethical Leadership and Trust." This series of colloquia is an initiative of Manuel Guillén, IECO’s founding director and University of Valencia Representative at the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard. And it has been generously supported by the Abigail Adams Institute, co-organizer of the event since 2016. This year, the question of millennials education on ethics and trust inspired another lively discussion among the speakers and the audience.

The guest speakers were:
• Danilo Petranovich, PhD, Director of the Abigail Adams (Moderator).
• Leon Goldman, MD, CBE Executive Fellow, Bentley University.
• Donna Hicks, PhD, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University.
• Rita Jácome, PhD, IECO-UV Chair of Business Ethics, University of Valencia.
• Kevin Majeres, MD, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University.
• Richard Weissbourd, PhD, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University.

1. Educating Millennials for Ethical Leadership and Trust 2:31:46
Introduction to the Colloquium: Educating Millennials. Danilo Petranovich 4:41
Has business ethics education failed? Leon Goldman 10:26
What is missing in our education of future leaders? Donna Hicks 8:02
What are 'millennials' expecting from us as educators? Rita Jácome 9:46
Are we helping millennials to enjoy working at their best? Kevin Majeres 6:53
Are we preparing children to be caring and ethical citizens? Richard Weissbourd 9:24
Educating Millennials – Participants' short testimonial 17:20
Educating Millennials – Insights from the panelists 8:46

New Thinking Allowed (videos of April 2017)

source: New Thinking Allowed
28:57 Instrumental Transcommunication with Stafford Betty Stafford Betty, PhD, is professor of religious studies at California State University at Bakersfield. He is author of Heaven and Hell Unveiled, The Afterlife Unveiled, and When Did You Ever Become ...
4:17 Video Nugget: A Shared Past Lifetime in Ancient Rome? with Brendan Engen This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer interview with Brendan Engen titled "Archetypal Synchronistic Resonance, Part One: A New Theory"
4:00 Video Nugget: Guided by a Dream with Stephan A. Schwartz This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Stephan A. Schwartz titled "Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet".
3:56 Video Nugget: Opening Up with Miranda Alcott This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Miranda Alcott titled "Listening to Animals".
28:27 Parapsychology and Social Transformation with Stephan A. Schwartz Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication Schwartzreport.net in both of ...
27:48 Animal Medical Intuition with Miranda Alcott Miranda Alcott, MA, is an intuitive animal communicator. She is also author of a chapter titled "Listening to Water" in the book, The Healing Power of Water, edited by Masaru Emoto.
Here she descr...
4:21 Locations One, Two, Three, & Four with Jeffery Martin This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Jeffery Martin titled "Locations Within Non-Symbolic Consciousness"
28:30 Getting Started in Parapsychology with Russell Targ Russell Targ, a laser physicist, cofounded the remote viewing research program at SRI International. He is coauthor Mind Reach, The Mind Race, Miracles of Mind, The Heart of the Mind, and The End o...
4:52 Oneness with James Guy This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with James Guy titled "Entheogen Mind and Beyond".
3:54 Shamanic Training with Charles Tart This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Professor Charles T. Tart titled "Remote Viewing Psychology".
4:31 Psychic Shielding with Debra Lynne Katz This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer interview with Debra Lynn Katz titled "Remote Viewing Versus Psychic Reading, Part One: Two Different Histories".
4:15 The Haunted Universe with John B. Alexander This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer interview with John B. Alexander, titled "UFOs: Myths and Realities".
28:59 Transpersonal Psychology with Charles T. Tart Charles T. Tart, PhD, is emeritus professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, as well as the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. He is a past-president of the Parapsychologic...
4:46 Intuition & Feeling Vs. Sensation & Thinking with Fred Alan Wolf This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from the longer video with Fred Alan Wolf titled, "Qabala and Physics, Part One: Stories Within Stories".
3:59 "Oh Wow! Oh Wow!" with Stafford Betty This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from the longer interview with Professor Stafford Betty.
4:20 The Prison of the Ego with Cate Montana This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" is an excerpt from the longer interview with Cate Montana titled "The Ego and Its Matrix".
27:48 Grief's Dark Cocoon with Joseph Gallenberger Joseph Gallenberger, PhD, is a clinical psychologist. He is author of Inner Vegas: Creating Abundance, Miracles, and Health and Liquid Luck: The Good Fortune Handbook. His most recent book is Heave...
30:49 Project Deep Quest with Stephan A. Schwartz Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication Schwartzreport.net in both of ...
25:22 The Ego and Its Matrix with Cate Montana Cate Montana, MA, is author of Unearthing Venus: My Search for the Woman Within and is coauthor of The Heart of the Matter and Underground Physics. Her most recent book is The E-Word: Ego, Enlighte...
27:36 Deathbed Visions with Stafford Betty Stafford Betty, PhD, is professor of religious studies at California State University at Bakersfield. He is author of Heaven and Hell Unveiled, The Afterlife Unveiled, and When Did You Ever Become ...

HarvardEducation (videos of April 2017)

source: HarvardEducation
1:34:13 Askwith Forum: Empowering Youth as Changemakers Speaker: Bill Drayton, CEO and chairman, Ashoka
Discussants from the Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative (ALI):
1:01:07 Lift Off: From the Classroom to the Stars Gutman Library Distinguished Author Series: Donovan Livingston
Donovan Livingston is an award-winning educator, spoken word poet, and public speaker. In 2016, his Harvard Graduate School of Educat...
1:24:12 Arabs: America's Imaginary Enemy -- A Talk from the Front Lines of the Middle East Arabs: America's Imaginary Enemy -- A Talk from the Front Lines of the Middle East, featuring Nemr, a Lebanese/American Stand-Up Comedian who is credited with establishing and pioneering the stand-...
1:04:54 PIER Public Seminar - Lindsay Page, University of Pittsburgh The Harvard Graduate School of Education welcomes Lindsay Page, Assistant Professor of Education and Economics at the University of Pittsburgh, to lead this PIER Public Seminar