

New America (videos of March 2017)

source: New America
1:14:37 Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs In today’s world, it is easier than ever for people and material to move around the planet, but at the same time it is easier than ever for diseases to move as well. Outbreaks of Ebola, MERS, yello...
1:01:40 What Algorithms Want Algorithms tell us what to read, where to go, and whom to date…but do we really understand them?
It’s easy to think of algorithms as magical beings, delivering purely objective, admirably efficien...
5:24 Closing Remarks ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER President and CEO, New America
Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: “Wh...
49:35 Wargaming the Internet Apocalypse BETSY COOPER Executive Director, Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, UC Berkeley
ALLAN FRIEDMAN Director of Cybersecurity Initiatives, NTIA
ROSS SCHULMAN Co-Director, Cybersecurity Initiative, New ...
38:10 Tomorrow's Tech and What it Means for Cybersecurity MICHAEL DALY Chief Technology Officer, Raytheon Cybersecurity
YASMIN GREEN Director of Research and Development, Jigsaw
PETER W. SINGER Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America
43:47 Taking off the Hacker's Hoodie: Building a Better Cybersecurity Workforce THEODORE JOHNSON Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fellow, New America
CONGRESSMAN JIM LANGEVIN (D-RI), U.S. House of Representatives
ANGELA MCKAY Director of the Government Security Policy and Strategy, Micr...
2:53 Closing Remarks ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER-President and CEO, New America
PETER BERGEN-Vice President and Director, International Security, Future of War, and Fellows Programs, New America
New America and Arizona State...
27:05 The Bear and the Dragon What Will The Future Bring in US China Russia Relations EVELYN FARKAS Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia
HEATHER HURLBURT Director, New Models of Policy Change initiative, New America
JAMES MULVENON Vice-President, I...
35:44 Can We Move Beyond Buzzwords Can Innovation Actually Hack The Acquisition Cycle ELANA BROITMAN Director, New America NYC
ALEX GRAY Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Director for the Defense Industrial Base, White House National Trade Council
11:58 Rosa Brooks book talk: How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything ROSA BROOKS ASU Future of War Senior Fellow, New America; Columnist, Foreign Policy; and Professor, Georgetown University Law Center
New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Futu...
22:18 Moral Injury: What Are The Future Costs of Today's Wars? ANDREA ELLNER Lecturer in Defence Studies, King's College London
TOM FRAME Director, Australian Centre for the Study of Armed Conflict and Society
THEODORE JOHNSON Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fellow, Ne...
35:11 What in the World is Going on? Cyber Strategies in 2017 and What They Mean JACLYN KERR Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Global Security Research, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
ELAINE KORZAK Cybersecurity Fellow, Middlebury Institute of International...
13:37  What Can Cybersecurity Learn from Behavioral Science? ALEX BLAU Senior Associate, ideas42
Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: “What’s next?”
On ...
30:52 Cybersecurity Policy under the Trump Administration JEANETTE MANFRA Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity, National Protection & Programs Directorate, Department of Homeland Security
IAN WALLACE Co-Director, Cybersecurity Initiative, New A...
19:43 The Future of Afghanistan: A Conversation with H.E. Dr. Hamdullah Mohib HAMDULLAH MOHIB Ambassador of Afghanistan to the United States
IOANNIS "GIANNI" KOSKINAS Senior Fellow, New America International Security program and CEO, the Hoplite Group
New America and Arizon...
11:11 Peaceland Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention SÉVERINE AUTESSERRE Associate Professor of Political Science, Barnard College, Columbia University
New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Future of War Conference 2017 on March...
31:15 Can We Stop War Before It Starts? SHARON BURKE Senior Advisor and Director, Resource Security Program, New America
MINA CHANG CEO, Linking the World
JAKE HARRIMAN Founder and CEO, Nuru International
REBECCA J. WOLFE Director of Pea...
1:34:20 Can Technology Make Sports Safer? We’re a nation of sports nuts. We rally around our favorite teams, deify athletes, and sustain a multi-billion-dollar industry built to celebrate athleticism and human endurance. As a result, the s...
31:02 What’s Next for Iraq and Syria ERICA CHENOWETH Associate Dean for Research, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver
LUKMAN FAILY Former Ambassador of Iraq to the United States
ROBERT JOHNSON Director o...
21:21 Young Stars of Cybersecurity SARA SORCHER Deputy Cybersecurity Editor, Christian Science Monitor
PAUL VANN Senior Manager, Cyber Engineering, Raytheon
Cybersecurity in the United States and ar...
22:51 Rise of the Hacker Industrial Complex NILOOFAR HOWE Chief Strategy Officer, RSA
Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: “What’s next?...
41:54 War Goes Viral What Does It Mean When Social Media is Weaponized BRAD ALLENBY Co-director of The Weaponized Narrative Initiative of New America and ASU's Center on the Future of War
YASMIN GREEN Director of Research and Development, Jigsaw
ADAM SHARP Former Head...
11:11 Social Media Jihad 2 0: Inside ISIS’ Global Recruitment and Incitement Campaign MICHAEL S. SMITH II Terrorism Analyst and former Kronos Advisory Principal and COO
New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Future of War Conference 2017 on March 21 in Washingto...
20:24 What are the Lessons of Colombia's Peace Deal with the FARC for Ending Other Civil Wars JUAN CARLOS PINZÓN Ambassador of Colombia to the United States
ANNETTE IDLER Director of Studies at the Changing Character of War Programme, University of Oxford
New America and Arizona State Univ...
10:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks LIEUTENANT GENERAL (RET.) BENJAMIN C. FREAKLEY Professor of Practice of Leadership and Special Advisor to President Michael Crow for Leadership Initiatives, ASU
42:39 How Do We Inject Innovation Into the Defense Department ERIC SCHMIDT Executive Chairman, Alphabet Inc.
TOM RICKS Senior Advisor, International Security program, New America and Contributing Editor, Foreign Policy magazine
New America and Arizona State ...
43:12 Tomorrow's Air Force: A Conversation with General David L. Goldfein GENERAL DAVID L. GOLDFEIN Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force
KEVIN BARON Executive Editor, Defense One
New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Future of War Conference 2017 on...
1:31:54 Ranking Digital Rights 2017 Corporate Accountability Index We depend on dozens of companies – such as Facebook, Google, Apple, and AT&T – for the digital products and services that increasingly shape our personal lives, careers, and even politics. But how ...
53:47 Tomorrow's Army: A Conversation with General Mark A. Milley GENERAL MARK A. MILLEY Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army
ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER President and CEO, New America
New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Future of War Conference 2017 ...
30:45 Lessons Learned Reflections on Cybersecurity in the Obama Administration MICHAEL DANIEL President, Cyber Threat Alliance
SUZANNE SPAULDING Former Under Secretary for National Protection and Programs Directorate, Department of Homeland Security
Cybersecurity in the Uni...
15:31 Bugs in the System: Addressing the Vulnerability Problem KATIE MOUSSOURIS Founder and CEO, Luta Security and New America Cybersecurity Fellow
Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for...
35:10 Big Ideas for the Future of Cybersecurity EVA GALPERIN Director of Cybersecurity, Electronic Frontier Foundation
HERB LIN Senior Research Scholar, CISAC and Research Fellow, Hoover Institution
TERRY ROBERTS Founder & President, WhiteHawk, ...
20:28 Whats Next for the Cybersecurity Community NATHANIEL FICK CEO, Endgame
Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: “What’s next?”
On March 20...
9:43 Welcome ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER President and CEO, New America
Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: “Wh...
32:57 Keynote: The View from the Hill CONGRESSMAN JIM LANGEVIN (D-RI), U.S. House of Representatives
IAN WALLACE Co-Director, Cybersecurity Initiative, New America
Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring dow...
7:17:48 Cybersecurity for a New America Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: "What's next?"
On March 20, 2017, New America will conv...
8:27:32 Future of War Conference 2017 New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Future of War Conference 2017 on March 21 in Washington, D.C. The event will feature leaders from government, military, journalism, academ...
30:48 What’s Next for Cybersecurity at the State and Local Level What’s Next for Cybersecurity at the State and Local Level?
Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia
Moderator: Anne-Marie Slaughter, President and CEO, New America
37:13 What’s Next for International Cybersecurity What’s Next for International Cybersecurity?
Marina Kaljurand, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Estonia and Chair, Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace
Moderator: Sean Ka...
2:01:15 Cybersecurity for a New America Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: "What's next?"
On March 20, 2017, New America will conv...
1:10:04 What’s Next for STEM Education? There is a national consensus: today’s students need more opportunities to build skills in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) across the PreK-12 grade span. Teachers are a critical p...
2:42:13 Will Collaboration or Competition Propel Humans to Mars and Beyond Between the close of the Cold War and the more recent retirement of the U.S. shuttle fleet, we’ve long since left the first space age behind. But now it seems there’s a new space race brewing—one t...
2:05:40 Cyber Warfare in the 21st Century Threats, Challenges, and Opportunities Strategist and Senior Fellow Peter W. Singer testified before the House Armed Services Committee hearing on "Cyber Warfare in the 21st Century: Threats, Challenges, and Opportunities." He covered w...
5:59 Cyber Warfare in the 21st Century - Peter Singer Opening Statement Strategist and Senior Fellow Peter W. Singer testified before the House Armed Services Committee hearing on "Cyber Warfare in the 21st Century: Threats, Challenges, and Opportunities." He covered w...
1:32:59 How People Become Terrorists In the years since 9/11 the scope and nature of the global neo-jihadi threat to the West has changed radically, prompting reassessments from those following the threat. In his latest book Misunders...

ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΑΡΜΟΣ (videos of March 2017)

1:58:58 «Αμαρτωλή αλεπού» Ο Χρυσόστομος Σταμούλης συνομιλεί με τον Αντώνη Παπαρίζο. Με αφορμή την έκδοση των βιβλίων τους, «Κοινωνία των Αμαρτωλών» και «Τί γυρεύει η Αλεπού στο Παζάρι;», ο Αντώνης Παπαρίζος, καθηγητής στο Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών και ο Χρυσόστομος Σταμούλης, κα...
1:19:24 Παρουσίαση του νέου βιβλίου "Αγία και Μεγάλη Πέμπτη" Παρουσίαση του νέου βιβλίου:
" Αγία και Μεγάλη Πέμπτη,
Η θεία ευσπλαγνία και η απώλεια του Ιούδα"
Μετάφραση - Σχόλια: Νικόλαος Μιχαλολιάκος
Εισαγωγή - Επιμέλεια: Αντώνιος Καπώνης
Για το βιβλίο μιλ...
1:27:12 "Ελληνικό αδιέξοδο και αυτογνωσία" του Δημήτρη Σουλιώτη Παρουσίαση του βιβλίου του Δημήτρη Σουλιώτη
"Ελληνικό αδιέξοδο και αυτογνωσία"
Δευτέρα 20 Μαρτίου
Για το βιβλίο μιλούν:
Ανδρέας Ανδριανόπουλος, πρ. Υπουργός - Διευθυντής Ινστιτούτου Διπλωματίας ...
1:23:16 "Λεξικό χωρίς γραβάτα" του Γιάννη Βλαστάρη Παρουσίαση του βιβλίου του Γιάννη Βλαστάρη
"Λεξικό χωρίς γραβάτα"
Τρίτη 28 Φεβρουαρίου
Για το βιβλίο μιλούν:
Νίκος Μαραντζίδης, Καθηγητής Πολιτικής Επιστήμης

Infectious diseases (from 2013 - )

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: WalterandElizaHall     2013年5月5日

"The Future of Learning" by Dan Russell, Google

source: UCIBrenICS    2017年3月28日
Special Informatics Seminar
Dan Russell,
March 28, 2017
Title: The Future of Learning: How will people learn the skills they need for academe, work, and life?
Abstract: What does it means to be literate in the age of Google? At a time when you can search billions of texts in milliseconds, we need to rethink what it means to be literate, and to be a learner. Although you might think that "literacy" is one of the great constants that transcends the ages, the skills of a literate person have changed substantially over time as texts and technology allow for new kinds of reading and understanding. Knowing how to read is just the beginning of it - knowing how to frame a question, pose a query, interpret the texts that you find, organize (and use) the information you discover, and understand your metacognition - these are all critical parts of being literate as well. In his talk Dan reviews what literacy means today and shows how some very surprising and unexpected skills will turn out to be critical in the years ahead.
The advent of the networked world changes our expectations from traditional learning behaviors to ways of learning that leverage the networked world and networked people. From his perspective as a MOOC instructor of more than 3M students (and as someone who spends considerable time teaching in K12 and public libraries), Russell will describe the changes in literacies that are taking place, how we are becoming perpetual students, and what this means for the future of learning.
Bio: Daniel Russell is the Űber Tech Lead for Search Quality and User Happiness in Mountain View. He earned his PhD in computer science at the University of Rochester (1985), specializing in Artificial Intelligence until he realized that magnifying human intelligence was his real passion. Twenty years ago he foreswore AI in favor of HI, and enjoys teaching, learning, running and music, preferably all in one day.

Interaction Design - Final presentations Winter 2017

source: Calit2ube    2017年3月20日
COGS 120/CSE 170 Intro to Human-Computer Interaction Design
Final Presentation
Friday, March 17, 2017
Price Center East Ballroom, UC San Diego
Interaction Design course:
Introduces fundamental methods and principles for designing, implementing, and evaluating user interfaces. Topics: user-centered design, rapid prototyping, experimentation, direct manipulation, cognitive principles, visual design, social software, software tools. Learn by doing: work with a team on a quarter-long design project.

Jordan B Peterson (videos of March 2017)

source: Jordan B Peterson
1:42:52 Patreon Q & A Livestream 01 This is a Question and Answer session that I set up for my Patreon subscribers. I plan to conduct such sessions once per month. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jordanbpeterson
Self Authoring: h...
2:16:50 2017 Maps of Meaning 9: Patterns of Symbolic Representation In this lecture, I discuss the manner in which the fundamental symbolic archetypes (particularly those dealing with the Wise King and Tyrant) are hijacked for the purposes of propaganda. Ideologies...
49:26 2017 Personality 17: Biology and Traits: Agreeableness In this lecture, I talk about the Big Five trait agreeableness, which is the dimension of the care system, in Jaak Panksepp's terminology. It can be construed as cooperation vs competition, or comp...
19:45 Dr. Oren Amitay and the Ontario Psychological Association Recently, Dr. Oren Amitay, a lecturer in psychology at Ryerson U, invited me to talk to his class (and extended an invitation to other students at the university). He had previously been exchanging...
14:15 Go ahead, make my day.... McMaster University's Presidential Advisory Committee on Building an Inclusive Community wrote and posted a public letter on Mar 16 decrying my invitation from a student group to speak at that inst...
45:44 Chaos (and Order) at McMaster University All this video from the "panel discussion" at McMaster University Friday March 17th 2017. Three other panel members dropped out because of controversy and harassment. Then the moderator also droppe...
2:34:52 The Resurrection of Logos This is a talk that happened about a week ago, featuring the Rev. Fr. Theodore Paraskevopoulus, Dr. Jordan B Peterson, Jonathan Pageau (http://pageaucarvings.com/index.html) and the very Rev. Fr. G...
1:01:00 Strengthen the Individual: Q & A Parts I & II This is part I & II of the Question and Answer session that followed my talk Saturday March 11 at the Ottawa Public Library.
1:13:41 Strengthen the Individual: A counterpoint to Post Modern Political Correctness This is a lecture (Q & A forthcoming) that I gave in Ottawa, Canada's capital city, on Saturday. I discuss the development of post-modernism, its relationship to Marxism, the dangers it poses to th...
1:50:04 Conversation between Sam Harris & Jordan Peterson - Waking Up Podcast #67 Original Podcast: https://www.samharris.org/podcast/item/meaning-and-chaos
A repost of Waking Up Podcast #67. Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson discuss science, religion, archetypes, mythology, and t...
2:21:22 2017 Maps of Meaning 8: Neuropsychology of Symbolic Representation In this lecture, I discuss the relationship between the basic categories of imagistic/symbolic representation and brain function, noting that the very hemispheres of the brain are adapted, right/le...
1:18:58 2017 Personality 15: Biology/Traits: The Limbic System In this lecture, I begin my discussion of the relationship between brain function, at a deep, subcortical level, and the existence of the five traits identified by psychometric researchers.
This i...
1:13:38 2017 Personality 16: Biology/Traits: Incentive Reward/Neuroticism In this lecture, I continue my discussion of the relationship between subcortical brain processes and the big five personality traits identified by psychometric researchers, focusing on the relatio...
49:37 2017 Personality 14: Introduction to Traits/Psychometrics/The Big 5 In this lecture, I begin discussing the development of modern trait theory. Psychologists, expert in measurement and statistics, discovered extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousne...
1:41:04 2017 Personality 13: Existentialism via Solzhenitsyn and the Gulag In this lecture, I explore the dreadful socio-political consequences of the individual inauthentic life: the degeneration of society into nihilism or totalitarianism, often of the most murderous so...
30:24 Pt 3: Freedom Of Speech/Political Correctness: Question/Answer This is Part 3 of a 3-part posting from The Speakers Action Group (http://www.speakersaction.com/), who hosted Dr. Norman Doidge, author of the bestselling The Brain that Changes Itself and The Bra...
2:11:51 2017 Maps of Meaning 7: Images of Story & MetaStory In this lecture, I discuss how the basic or archetypal categories we use to frame the world are represented in image, where they existed long before their nature could be articulated. These categor...
1:21:09 Dialogue with great U Texas Austin Psych Prof JW Pennebaker Podcast: http://jordanbpeterson.com/2017/03/episode-11/
Dr. James W. Pennebaker is Professor of Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, and the Executive Director of Project 2021, aimed a...
52:08 Pt 2: Freedom Of Speech/Political Correctness: Dr. Jordan B Peterson This is Part 2 of a 3-part posting from The Speakers Action Group (http://www.speakersaction.com/), who hosted Dr. Norman Doidge, author of the bestselling The Brain that Changes Itself and The Bra...
1:32:49 Pt 1: Freedom Of Speech/Political Correctness: Dr. Norman Doidge This is Part 1 of a 3-part posting from The Speakers Action Group (http://www.speakersaction.com/), who hosted Dr. Norman Doidge, author of the bestselling The Brain that Changes Itself and The Bra...
1:51:30 An incendiary discussion at Ryerson U A few weeks ago, Dr. Oren Amitay, who has been defending me in online discussions hosted by the Ontario Psychological Association, invited me to address his psychology class (to which other student...