

Philosophical Overdose (videos of March 2017)

source: Philosophical Overdose
50:36 Moral Realism & Animals Are there objective moral truths? Or is morality merely relative to individual or cultural standards (relativism), or perhaps not even in the game of truth or falsity at all (non-cognitivism)? Afte...
43:17 René Descartes Bernard Williams discusses the thought of Descartes with Bryan Magee. Descartes was a French rationalist philosopher and mathematician, and is often considered the father of modern philosophy. Amon...CC
15:33 Space and Time - Substances or Relations? Are space and time absolute entities or mere relations between entities? Professor Frank Arntzenius introduces this philosophical issue, which is an old debate between Newton and Leibniz carried on...
24:36 Consciousness & Computability - Roger Penrose A brief discussion with Professor Sir Roger Penrose on the idea of artificial intelligence and whether consciousness can be replicated by a computer - a discussion which may take us closer to expla...
24:30 An Atheist's God Beth Lord discusses Spinoza with Alan Saunders in an episode of the Philosopher's Zone from a few years back. Baruch Spinoza, one of the greatest philosophers of his day, was expelled from the Amst...CC
54:00 Why Naïve Realism? Much of the discussion of Naive Realism about veridical experience has focused on a consequence of adopting it—namely, disjunctivism about perceptual experience. However, the motivations for being ...
41:53 Rawls' Theory of Justice After discussing the detrimental influence of logical positivism on the public understanding of ethical and political discourse, Jonathan Wolff goes on to explain John Rawls' famous contractarian c...
19:15 Ockham's Nominalism Ockham uses his razor principle to shave away any unnecessary existing beings, including universals. Who needs relations and common natures anyway? This is an episode of Peter Adamson's History of ...
42:06 Frege, Russell, & Modern Logic Bryan Magee and A. J. Ayer discuss the work of Frege and Russell on logic, language, and knowledge. This interview is from 1987.
42:14 Scotus on Being, Universals & Individuation Duns Scotus's attack on the proposal of Aquinas and Henry of Ghent that being is subject to analogy is discussed, as well as Scotus's famous "univocity of being" (i.e. the idea that there's only on...
58:52 Heidegger and Technology Robert Harrison discusses the thought of Heidegger with guest Thomas Sheehan in this episode of Entitled Opinions, a KZSU Stanford University program. (Note, I edited out the music). http://french-...
2:14:18 A History of the Infinite Adrian Moore journeys through philosophical thought on infinity over the last two and a half thousand years in this BBC Radio 4 program.
45:42 Richard Rorty Interview An interview with Richard Rorty back in 2005, two years before his death. He discusses analytic philosophy, distinguishing between the naturalists and quietists, and then between reformers and revo...
46:07 The Illusion of Sense From bats to beetles, animals sense the world differently in order to survive. Yet we think seeing and feeling tell us how things really are. Might our senses be radically limited? Are science and ...
42:19 Anarchism - No Gods, No Masters Mark Lance discusses anarchism in an episode of Elucidations, a philosophy podcast from the University of Chicago. Mark Lance is a Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Justice and Peace at Geor...
41:20 Avicenna on Existence & God Peter Adamson discusses some of the views of Avicenna (Ibn-Sīnā), one of the most important thinkers in the medieval Islamic tradition. This is from a couple of episodes of Adamson's podcast: The H...
17:54 Zeno's Paradoxes Peter Adamson briefly discusses Zeno of Elea, Melissus of Samos, and the famous Eleatic paradoxes of motion and multiplicity, which are in many ways still unresolved. Zeno's Paradoxes were describe...
1:04:44 The Problem of Political Authority - New Books in Philosophy The philosopher Robert Nozick once claimed that the most basic question of Political Philosophy is “Why not Anarchy?” Political philosophers pose this question often with the intent of demonstratin...
14:30 The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Dr. David Wallace briefly discusses the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics and why it's the most straightforward interpretation of the theory as a theory about the universe. This is fr...
42:29 Disagreement in the Political Philosophy of Spinoza & Rancière Beth Lord gives an Aristotelian Society talk. She is Reader in Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen. She works on history of philosophy in the continental tradition, with a particular focus on ...

(italiano / in Italian) Meccanica dei fluidi (Fluid Mechanics) by Angelo Leopardi

# playlist of the 36 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: Ingegneria Unicas    2015年4月12日
Introduzione al corso (concetti fondamentali, regimi di moto, classificazione dei moti, condizione di aderenza, ...)
Meccanica dei fluidi

# about the course: 
Proprietà dei Fluidi; Statica dei Fluidi; Cinematica dei Fluidi; Le equazioni globali della Meccanica dei Fluidi: conservazione della massa, dell'energia e della quantità di moto;Analisi Dimensionale e Modellazione; Correnti in pressione; Cenni alle equazioni indefinite del moto dei fluidi; Resistenze su corpi immersi;Moto dei fluidi comprimibili.

Oxford BRC (videos of March 2017)

source: Oxford BRC
4:12 Dr Simon Travis - podcast on clinical trials in gastroenterology Dr Simon Travis, Consultant Gastroenterologist, on clinical trials in gastroenterology
6:11 Professor Graham Ogg - podcast on cutaneous immunology Professor Graham Ogg, Professor of Dermatology, on cutaneous immunology
5:28 Dr Holm Uhlig - podcast on the immune system in the gastrointestinal tract Dr Holm Uhlig, Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Nuffield Department of Medicine - podcast on the immune system in the gastrointestinal tract
4:35 Professor Fiona Powrie - podcast on gut reactions Podcast by the Nuffield Department of Medicine, in which Professor Fiona Powrie talks about the importance of our guts and her research on gastroenterology

New York University ( videos of March 2017)

source: New York University
1:21:19 Modern Surveillance Under the Trump Administration NYU Washington, DC and Just Security held a fireside chat on the current state of U.S. surveillance and a celebration of Jennifer Granick‘s new book, American Spies: Modern Surveillance, Why You Sh...
1:06:38 Trump Administration & the Environment (7/7): Reporters Panel NYU Washington, DC and the Society of Environmental Journalists presented a mini conference to discuss water and energy issues, EPA policies, environmental advocacy and public opinion in the new Tr...
1:27:18 Trump Administration & the Environment (2/7): EPA Policy at Large NYU Washington, DC and the Society of Environmental Journalists presented a mini conference to discuss water and energy issues, EPA policies, environmental advocacy and public opinion in the new Tr...
49:19 Trump Administration & the Environment (1/7): Water Issues NYU Washington, DC and the Society of Environmental Journalists presented a mini conference to discuss water and energy issues, EPA policies, environmental advocacy and public opinion in the new Tr...
26:26 Trump Administration & the Environment (6/7): Public Opinion and Climate Change NYU Washington, DC and the Society of Environmental Journalists presented a mini conference to discuss water and energy issues, EPA policies, environmental advocacy and public opinion in the new Tr...
26:51 Trump Administration & the Environment (5/7): Advocates Panel NYU Washington, DC and the Society of Environmental Journalists presented a mini conference to discuss water and energy issues, EPA policies, environmental advocacy and public opinion in the new Tr...
29:35 Trump Administration & the Environment (4/7): Inside the EPA NYU Washington, DC and the Society of Environmental Journalists presented a mini conference to discuss water and energy issues, EPA policies, environmental advocacy and public opinion in the new Tr...
1:25:50 Beyond the Headlines: Trump Foreign Policy—Changing and Disrupting Global Norms NYU Washington, DC and the Women's Foreign Policy Group hosted Beyond the Headlines; a discussion on the Trump Administration's implementation of new foreign policy goals and objectives.
36:05 Trump Administration & the Environment (3/7): Energy NYU Washington, DC and the Society of Environmental Journalists presented a mini conference to discuss water and energy issues, EPA policies, environmental advocacy and public opinion in the new Tr...
1:21 Street Stories: What's your favorite non-Bobst study spot? You don't need us to tell you that Bobst gets pretty crowded during the busiest parts of the semester. Here, savvy students share their other go-to study hideaways.
1:15 Street Stories: What's the longest time you've spent studying in Bobst? Our student team asked fellow NYUers about the longest amount of time they've spent studying in Bobst. What's your personal record?
0:50 NYU in Brooklyn A 21st-century education requires seamless connections between industries, communities, and academics in order to prepare students to apply research to real-world challenges. Brooklyn's thriving ec...

(בעברית / in Hebrew) אבני פינה | כל הביולוגיה על רגל אחת (Biology)

# playlist of the 12 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video) 

source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem     2016年11月23日

Perspectives in Civilization (Summer 2011) with Emily Magruder at California State U

# playlist of the 15 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV    2011年5月10日
IDS336 Human Rights (Summer 2011) with Emily Magruder

Understanding Terrorism (Fall 2014) with Gus Martin at California State U

# playlist of the 11 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV     2014年9月3日
CJA446 Understanding Terrorism (Fall 2014) with Gus Martin
www.YouTube.com/csuDHTV [Please Subscribe]
Examination of contemporary terrorism and extremism. Critical analysis of terrorist behavior, typologies of terrorism, and extremism as a foundation for terrorist behavior. Analysis of the
role of law enforcement and other public administrative agencies.
Please Subscribe

Oak Creek Wisconsin Sikh Temple Massacre:

September 11, 2001:

Christmas Day 2009:

Fort Hood Texas November 5, 2009:

Shift in U.S. Policy:

Propaganda Value:

Madrid Spain March 11 2004

Chicago and Springfield IL, July 4th weekend:

North Valley Jewish Community Center:

Pennsylvania April 28, 2000:

Different forms of Terrorism:


Mainstream American Ideologies:

Extremist American Ideologies:


The Past as a Prologue- Historical Perspective:


(2016下-商專) 英文文法與修辭 (二)--張秀珍 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)

# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角清單標誌選取影片)

source: 華視教學頻道    2017年3月2日
更多英文文法與修辭(二)(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...

(2016下-商專) 英語會話 (二)--黃雅琳 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)

# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角清單標誌選取影片)

source: 華視教學頻道     2017年3月2日
更多英語會話(二)(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...

(105下-商專) 字彙與閱讀 (二)--邱怡慧 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)

# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角清單標誌選取影片)

source: 華視教學頻道     2017年3月2日
更多字彙與閱讀(二)(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...

Probability and Statistics: an introduction by Norman J. Wildberger

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: njwildberger     2013年9月28日
This is the first lecture of a short course introducing probability and statistics, meant for an advanced first year undergraduate class. The course will be about 8 lectures long, and will go from basic sets, counting, probability and odds, to probability measures, conditional probabilities, Bayes rule, random variables, probability distributions (discrete and continuous), mean, variance, Binomial, Poisson, normal distributions, and perhaps some words in the direction of the Central Limit Theorem. We will not discuss inference in this course, so it is a rather limited, specific introduction to the subject.
In this lecture I review some basic notation and terminology for sets, including operations and rules, the Inclusion/Exclusion principle and partitions; together with some basic facts about functions.
My research papers can be found at my Research Gate page, at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/.... I also have a blog at http://njwildberger.com/, where I will discuss lots of foundational issues, along with other things, and you can check out my webpages at http://web.maths.unsw.edu.au/~norman/. Of course if you want to support all these bold initiatives, become a Patron of this Channel at https://www.patreon.com/njwildberger?... .

Probability and Statistics: an introduction

A brief introduction to Probability and Statistics. This short course will be aimed at advanced first year undergraduates, with good algebraic skills and some knowledge of calculus. We will discuss probabilities and odds, random variables, probability distributions (both discrete and continuous), for example the Binomial, Poisson and normal distributions, mean and variance and mention the Central Limit Theorem.

1: Review of sets and functions 51:26
2: Basic Counting and Probability 49:53
3: Probabiilty spaces, events and conditional probabilities 49:22
4: Total probability, Bayes' rule and tree diagrams 52:09
5: Random variables, means, variance and standard deviations 53:09
6: Binomial and geometric distributions 52:22
7: The sign rule and continuous probability distributions 50:15
8: The normal distribution 48:24

Programming for Designers (2010) by Malcolm Ryan at UNSW

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: UNSWelearning     2010年11月2日
Programming for Designers - COMP1400-T2 (2010)
An introduction to the concepts and techniques of object oriented programming with a focus on the construction of interactive multimedia applications. Delivery is through lectures and computer lab classes. Assessment will be via a number of in-class exercises and staged assignments.

(italiano / in Italian) Macchine e Sistemi Energetici (Machinery and Energy Systems) by Gustavo Fontana

# playlist of the 84 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video) 

source: Ingegneria Unicas    2016年3月1日
Introduzione al corso

Macchine e Sistemi Energetici
Macchine a fluido e fonti di energia. Criteri di classificazione delle macchine a fluido. Richiami di termodinamica applicata e fluidodinamica. Rendimenti e principi di funzionamento delle macchine a fluido. Equazione di Eulero nelle varie forme. Macchine motrici dinamiche: funzionamento dello stadio e condizioni di massimo rendimento. Turbine multi-stadio e multi-corpo. Compressori volumetrici e dinamici: curve caratteristiche, prestazioni, regolazione e limiti di funzionamento. Pompe volumetriche e dinamiche: curve caratteristiche, prestazioni, regolazione e limiti di funzionamento. Cavitazione e altezza massima di aspirazione. Criteri di scelta di una pompa. Pompe in serie e in parallelo
Impianti motori termici: cicli di riferimento, indici di prestazione e rendimento globale. Impianti motori con turbina a vapore: ciclo di riferimento, schemi di impianto, caratteristiche dei componenti; prestazioni e ottimizzazione del rendimento. Impianti motori con turbina a gas: termodinamica e schemi di impianto, caratteristiche dei componenti. Cicli combinati: termodinamica e schemi di impianto, caratteristiche dei componenti. Impianti Idraulici: schemi di impianto e caratteristiche delle turbine idrauliche.
Motori alternativi a combustione interna: classificazione, principi di funzionamento e cicli di riferimento. Cicli reali e processo di combustione. Potenza e bilancio termico, sovralimentazione. Regolazione e curve caratteristiche. Emissioni

(italiano / in Italian) Progetto di Macchine by Enzo Galloni

# playlist of the 52 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video) 

source: Ingegneria Unicas    2016年2月29日
Introduzione al corso. Richiami di termodinamica applicata; equazione dell'energia: forma termica e meccanica; principio di funzionamento delle turbomacchine.

Progetto di Macchine  
Classificazioni delle macchine, richiami di termodinamica ed equazioni fondamentali. Cenni sulla teoria alare: comportamento del profilo isolato; messa in schiera dei profili. Teoria dell'equilibrio radiale: tecniche di svergolamento delle pale.Perdite e rendimenti nelle turbomacchine.
La similitudine nelle macchine a fluido: punti di funzionamento corrispondenti; gruppi adimensionali caratteristici; diagrammi statistici.
Macchine idrauliche operatrici. Lavoro di palettatura e lavoro utile; slip factor e correzione di Pfleiderer. Curve caratteristiche dimensionali e adimensionali. Diagrammi statistici. Cavitazione ed altezza di aspirazione. Dimensionamento di una pompa radiale.
Macchine termiche operatrici.Compressori centrifughi ed assiali. Condizioni critiche di funzionamento. Criteri di carico e scelta dei profili nei compressori assiali. Curve caratteristiche. Compressori multistadio.
Dimensionamento di massima di un compressore centrifugo multistadio. Dimensionamento preliminare di un compressore assiale.
Macchine termiche motrici. Diagrammi statistici. Triangoli delle velocita reali: fattori di riduzione delle velocita, correlazione di Vavra. Termodinamica dello stadio. Rendimenti di stadio. Coefficiente di pressione ottimale. Perdite energetiche. Correlazione di Soderberg. Curve caratteristiche. Dimensionamento dello stadio di una turbina a vapore.
Macchine motrici idrauliche. Richiami sull'architettura delle macchine. Perdite e rendimenti. Curve caratteristiche. Diagrammi statistici e campi di applicazioni. Cavitazione e tubo diffusore. Dimensionamento di una turbina a grande passo di palettatura.

The Sociology of Work (Fall 2012) with Sergio Soto at California State U

# playlist of the 13 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video) 

source: csuDHTV      2012年9月8日
SOC315 The Sociology of Work (Fall 2012) with Sergio Soto

Organizational Behavior (Spring 2010) with Geri Girardin at California State U

# playlist of the 12 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV    2010年1月12日
MGT312 Organizational Behavior (Spring 2010) with Geri Girardin