

École normale supérieure (videos of March 2017)

source: École normale supérieure
1:25:11 LE CHAMP DE PESANTEUR TERRESTRE Le champ de pesanteur terrestre et ses variations spatiales et temporelles : exposé de Michel Diament dans le cadre du colloque "La dynamique de la Terre, outils et concepts nouveaux" organisé par ...
2:08:53 CAPITALISME & ACCÉLÉRATION NUMERIQUE - [Daniel Cohen et Alexandre Cadain] Le nouvel esprit du capitalisme, à l’âge de l’accélération numérique.
00:00:00 Alexandre Cadain
00:25:21 Daniel Cohen
01:29:52 Questions
La société industrielle était parvenue à sceller l’unité d...
1:27:37 L'ACQUISITION DU LANGAGE CHEZ LE BÉBÉ Les nourrissons et les jeunes enfants apprennent à comprendre et à parler leur langue maternelle avec une rapidité surprenante et sans effort apparent. Ainsi, vers l’âge de trois ou quatre ans le v...
1:14:34 LA MONDIALISATION, UNE NOTION EN VOIE DE DÉPASSEMENT ? #CampusJourdan Table ronde organisée autour de François Hollande, Président de la République, à l'occasion de l'inauguration du nouveau Campus Jourdan ENS/PSE.
En présence de :
- François Bourguignon (EHESS, PS...
34:51 INAUGURATION DU NOUVEAU CAMPUS JOURDAN [#CampusJourdan] Le nouveau Campus Jourdan ENS-PSE, plus de 12 000 m2, situé dans le 14e arrondissement de Paris, entre la porte d’Orléans et le parc Montsouris, face à la Cité Universitaire, a été officiellement i...
22:48 L'HORLOGE INTERNE DU CERVEAU HUMAIN André Klarsfeld s'intéresse ici à l'horloge interne du cerveau humain. Elle se situe dans une partie spécialisée à l’arrière de la tête - l’hypothalamus -, au niveau de ce que les anatomistes appel...
1:51:56 DESIGN FICTION ET ANTHROPOLOGIE La prospective, et la science-fiction dans sa lecture au premier degré, font classiquement référence à toutes sortes de promesses technologiques plus ou moins grandiloquentes. Celles-ci interrogent...
1:49:48 L'INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE DE JEU VIDÉO S’il est un domaine où l’intelligence artificielle connaît ses applications les plus familières du grand public, c’est le jeu vidéo. Depuis ses premières tentatives jusqu’à ses réalisations les plu...

Columbia University (videos of March 2017)

source: Columbia
1:01:45 Columbia University and Slavery Date: January 30, 2017
Location: Rotunda, Low Memorial Library
Description: This University event will present the findings of the Columbia University and Slavery project and a newly launched web...
13:32 Research Without Borders | Open GIS: Extending Boundaries with Carson Farmer This event is the second event of the 2015-2016 academic year in our speaker series Research Without Borders: The Changing World of Scholarly Communication. It is sponsored by Columbia University L...
14:43 Research Without Borders | Open GIS: Extending Boundaries with Xinyue Ye This event is the second event of the 2015-2016 academic year in our speaker series Research Without Borders: The Changing World of Scholarly Communication. It is sponsored by Columbia University L...
14:35 Research Without Borders | Open GIS: Extending Boundaries with Laxmi Ramasubramanian This event is the second event of the 2015-2016 academic year in our speaker series Research Without Borders: The Changing World of Scholarly Communication. It is sponsored by Columbia University L...
13:51 Research Without Borders: Institutions and Public Access Requirements with Anne Langley This event is the first event of the 2015-2016 academic year in our speaker series Research Without Borders: The Changing World of Scholarly Communication. It is sponsored by Columbia University Li...
18:14 Research Without Borders: Institutions and Public Access Requirements with Tim Clark This event is the first event of the 2015-2016 academic year in our speaker series Research Without Borders: The Changing World of Scholarly Communication. It is sponsored by Columbia University Li...
24:48 Research Without Borders: Institutions and Public Access Requirements with Stephanie Scott This event is the first event of the 2015-2016 academic year in our speaker series Research Without Borders: The Changing World of Scholarly Communication. It is sponsored by Columbia University Li...

WalterandElizaHall (videos of March 2017)

source: WalterandElizaHall
 Stock A (2017): Immune mediators of heart disease Wednesday Seminar
8 March 2017
Dr Angus Stock
Inflammation division http://www.wehi.edu.au
49:42 Mitchell A (2017): Microplatforms for biomedical research Wednesday Seminar
8 February 2017
Distinguished Professor

(italiano / in Italian) Matematica III by Gino Tironi / UniNettuno

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Ryo Saeba    2013年11月2日
UniNettuno - Matematica III (Mathematics III)
Fornire le nozioni di base del calcolo differenziale e integrale delle funzioni di più variabili reali, con particolare riguardo al caso di due e tre variabili reali. - Fornire i primi elementi della teoria delle equazioni differenziali ordinarie. - Accennare a curve e superficie parametriche e al calcolo differenziale vettoriale.
Lo spazio R^n ; prodotto scalare, norma, distanza. Nozioni topologiche. Continuità e limiti per funzioni di più variabili. Derivate parziali e direzionali, differenziale, gradiente, regole di differenziazione. Formula di Taylor. Differenziale secondo e successivi. Estremi relativi liberi. Funzioni implicite. Invertibilità locale e globale. Estremi vincolati. Equazioni e sistemi differenziali. Problema di Cauchy. Risoluzione per quadrature di alcuni tipi d'equazioni differenziali. Equazioni e sistemi lineari. Caso delle equazioni lineari a coefficienti costanti. Integrale di Riemann per funzioni di più variabili su rettangoli. Proprietà dell'integrale. Formule di riduzione in R2 e in R3. Integrabilità su insiemi limitati. Misura di Peano - Jordan. Funzioni definite da integrali e loro proprietà. Integrali generalizzati. Integrali di linea e superficie. Area di una superficie. Teoremi di Gauss e di Stokes, teoremi della divergenza e del rotore.
M. BRAMANTI, C.D. PAGANI, S. SALSA: Matematica, Calcolo infinitesimale e algebra lineare, ZANICHELLI (2000)
Matematica I e Matematica II

01 Struttura di R^n 41:24
02 Continuità e differenziabilità di funzioni di più variabili 39:01
03 Conseguenze fondamentali della continuità 39:23
04 Calcolo differenziale per funzioni di più variabili (I parte) 40:31
05 Calcolo differenziale per funzioni di più variabili (II parte) 39:52
06 Calcolo differenziale per funzioni di più variabili (III parte) 40:03
07 Calcolo differenziale per funzioni di più variabili (IV parte) 41:20
08 Calcolo differenziale per funzioni di più variabili (V parte) 40:33
09 Equazioni differenziali ordinarie 40:16
10 Equazioni differenziali ordinarie. 39:24
11 Sistemi di equazioni ed equazioni differenziali lineari 42:30
12 Sistemi di equazioni (I parte) 39:00
13 Sistemi di equazioni (II parte) 40:14
14 Integrale per funzioni di due o tre variabili su rettangoli 40:48
15 Formule di riduzione per integrali doppi e tripli 41:24
16 Cambiamento di variabili per integrali doppi e tripli 41:08
17 Integrali generalizzati doppi e tripli 39:16
18 Curve e integrali curvilinei in R2 e R3 40:33
19 Formule di Gauss-Green nel piano. Campi vettoriali 41:15
20 Superficie nello spazio. 39:40

(italiano / in Italian) Matematica II by Paolo Valabrega & Nadia Chiarli / UniNettuno

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Ryo Saeba 2013年11月1日
UniNettuno - Matematica II (Mathematics II)
Fornire le nozioni di base di algebra lineare con applicazioni alle equazioni differenziali, di geometria analitica piana e spaziale e di teoria dei numeri complessi.
Spazi vettoriali contenuti in R^n
Applicazioni lineari
Sistemi di equazioni lineari
Autovalori e autovettori di endomorfismi di R^n e diagonalizzazione delle matrici
Equazioni differenziali lineari del primo e secondo ordine; sistemi di equazioni differenziali
I numeri complessi
I vettori
La geometria analitica piana: rette, circonferenze,coniche
La geometria analitica dello spazio: rette e piani, sfere e circonferenze, coni, cilindri, superficie di rotazione, quadriche
Cenni di teoria dei numeri: algoritmo euclideo, numeri primi, congruenze, applicazioni alla crittografia.
N. CHIARLI, S. GRECO, P. VALABREGA, 100 Pagine di Algebra lineare, Editrice Levrotto & Bella, Torino, 1994
N. CHIARLI, S. GRECO, P. VALABREGA, 100 Esercizi di Algebra lineare, Editrice Levrotto & Bella, Torino, 1994
N. CHIARLI, S. GRECO, P. VALABREGA, 100 Pagine di Geometria analitica piana, Editrice Levrotto & Bella, Torino, 1994
N. CHIARLI, S. GRECO, P. VALABREGA, 100 Esercizi di Geometria analitica piana, Editrice Levrotto & Bella, Torino, 1994
N. CHIARLI, S. GRECO, P. VALABREGA, 100 Pagine di Geometria analitica dello spazio, Editrice Levrotto & Bella, Torino, 1994
N. CHIARLI, S. GRECO, P. VALABREGA, 100 Esercizi di Geometria analitica dello spazio, Editrice Levrotto & Bella, Torino, 1994
Altri Testi e approfondimenti:
S. GRECO, P. VALABREGA, Lezioni di Algebra lineare e geometria, 2 volumi,Editrice Levrotto & Bella, Torino, 1999 [/spoiler]
Corso Propedeutico di Matematica, Matematica I.

(italiano / in Italian) Matematica I (Mathematics I) by Giulio Cesare Barozzi / UniNettuno

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Ryo Saeba      2013年10月30日
UniNettuno - Matematica I
Fornire le nozioni di base del calcolo differenziale e integrale per le funzioni di una variabile reale. Fornire le nozioni di base sulle successioni e serie di numeri reali.
- Numeri naturali.
- Calcolo combinatorio.
- Numeri razionali.
- Dai numeri razionali ai numeri reali.
- La rappresentazione decimale dei numeri reali.
- Il campo dei numeri reali.
- Disuguaglianze tra numeri reali.
- Funzioni e successioni numeriche reali.
- Limite di una successione (prima parte).
- Limite di una successione (seconda parte).
- Limite di una funzione.
- Estensione della nozione di limite.
- Teoremi sui limiti (prima parte).
- Teoremi sui limiti (seconda parte).
- Teoremi sui limiti (terza parte).
- Proprietà delle funzioni continue.
- Derivata di una funzione.
- Teoremi sulle derivate.
- Massimi e minimi.
- Problemi di massimo e di minimo.
- Il teorema del valore medio.
- I teoremi di L?Hospital.
- Convessità e concavità.
- Grafici di funzioni.
- Definizione di integrale.
- Proprietà dell?integrale.
- Il teorema fondamentale del calcolo integrale.
- Integrazione per parti e per sostituzione.
- Alcune applicazioni del calcolo integrale.
- Ulteriori applicazioni del calcolo integrale.
- Integrazione numerica.
- Interpolazione e approssimazione polinomiale.
- Approssimazione locale di una funzione mediante polinomi (prima parte).
- Approssimazione locale di una funzione mediante polinomi (seconda parte).
- Serie.
- Criteri di convergenza per le serie (prima parte).
- Criteri di convergenza per le serie (seconda parte).
- Serie di Taylor.
- Calcolo approssimato delle funzioni elementari.
- Soluzione approssimata di una equazione.
G.C. Barozzi, Primo Corso di Analisi Matematica, Zanichelli Editore, Bologna 1998. (nel catalogo opere universitarie, codice ISBN: 88-08-01169-0)
Alcuni errata corrige al testo e le soluzioni dettagliate (in formato PDF) di tutti i problemi posti al termine dei paragrafi sono a questo indirizzo:
Corso propedeutico di Matematica

01 Numeri naturali 44:02
02 Calcolo combinatorio 43:38
03 Dai numeri naturali ai numeri interi 42:20
04 Dai numeri interi ai numeri razionali 42:58
05 La rappresentazione decimale 43:43
06 Il campo dei numeri reali 43:40
07 Disuguaglianze 43:43
08 Funzioni e successioni reali 43:28
09 Limite di successioni (Prima parte) 44:00
10 Limite di successioni (Seconda parte) 42:28
11 Limite di funzioni 42:43
12 Estensione della nozione di limite 43:28
13 Teoremi sui limiti (I parte) 41:35
14 Teoremi sui limiti (II parte) 43:37
15 Teoremi sui limiti (III parte) 40:36
16 Proprietà delle funzioni continue su un intervallo 42:36
17 Il concetto di derivata 43:40
18 Teoremi sulle derivate 41:58
19 Derivazione delle funzioni composte 43:11
20 Massimi e minimi 43:39
21 Il teorema del valor medio 41:44
22 I teoremi di L'Hospital 40:44
23 Concavità e convessità 41:21
24 Grafici di funzioni ( I parte) 42:51
25 Grafici di funzioni (Seconda parte) 42:35
26 Definizione di integrale 42:33
27 Il teorema fondamentale del calcolo integrale 42:00
28 Proprietà dell'integrale 41:44
29 Integrazione per parti e per sostituzione 40:48
30 Estensione della nozione di integrale 41:42
31 Applicazioni del calcolo integrale ( I parte) 43:12
32 Applicazione del calcolo integrale (II parte) 42:30
33 Serie 42:50
34 Criteri di convergenza 42:55
35 Polinomi di Taylor (Parte prima) 43:25
36 Polinomi di Taylor (Parte seconda) 43:25
37 Serie di Taylor (Prima parte) 42:57
38 Serie di Taylor (Seconda parte) 43:11
39 Approssimazione delle funzioni elementari 43:23
40 Approssimazione degli zeri di una funzione 43:55

(italiano / in Italian) Matematica Generale by Romano Isler / UniNettuno

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Ryo Saeba    2015年8月17日
Matematica Generale (General Mathematics)

01 Introduzione. Richiami scolastici elementari 41:43
02 Proposizioni logiche ed insiemi 42:51
03 Applicazioni fra insiemi 42:44
04 Insieme prodotto. Corrispondenze e relazioni. Relazione d'ordine 42:01
05 Relazione di equivalenza. Calcolo combinatorio 41:40
06 I numeri e la retta geometrica 41:03
07 Intervalli, intorni e topologia della retta 41:23
08 Il piano cartesiano, metrica e topologia. Sottoinsiemi e grafici 41:41
09 Funzioni monotone, pari, dispari, periodiche. 41:10
10 Funzioni continue e prime proprietà 42:10
11 Teoremi fondamentali sulle funzioni continue 42:51
12 Rette nel piano cartesiano 41:29
13 Equazioni di una retta. Parallelismo ed ortogonalità. 41:23
14 Coniche elementari, ellisse, iperbole e parabola 41:31
15 Limite di una funzione, definizione e prime proprietà 42:41
16 Teoremi sui limiti 42:21
17 Limiti di funzioni fondamentali 41:11
18 Funzione esponenziale e logaritmo 42:04
19 Infiniti ed infinitesimi 42:11
20 Derivata di una funzione, definizione e prime proprietà 42:01
21 Proprietà locali e legami con la derivata 41:41
22 Teoremi sulle derivate e conse
24 Proprietà locali del secondo ordine. Metodi di integrazione 42:01
25 Integrale definito 42:41
26 Funzioni in più variabili. 42:45
27 Derivate parziali. 42:20
28 Vettori geometrici, spazio vettoriale e dipendenza lineare 41:21
29 Indipendenza lineare, generatori, basi. Prodotto scalare. Matrici 42:55
30 Sistemi di equazioni lineari, metodi di riduzione. Rango 42:01
31 Metodo di Gauss. Teorema di Rouchè-Cappelli. Determinanti 41:00
32 Studio di un sistema di equazioni lineari con i determinanti 40:19
33 Autovalori ed autovettori. Il processo gerarchico analitico 43:21
34 Definizioni fondamentali in matematica finanziaria 42:10
35 Operazioni finanziarie. 42:01
36 La legge esponenziale 41:51
37 Scomposizione di operazioni finanziarie. 41:51
38 Valori attuali di rendite. Ammortamenti 41:30
39 Piani d’ammortamento 41:30
40 Ammortamento con rendita anticipata. 41:48
41 Teorema Di Cramer. Funzioni Lineari 40:56
42 Funzioni E Sistemi Lineari 39:06
43 Autovalori - Autovettori Matrici Quadrate 44:11
44 Matrici simili. Diagonalizzazione Matrici 42:48

Big Think (videos of March 2017)

source: Big Think
4:41 Einstein's Gravity Waves: How Astronomers Proved Relativity's Key Prediction | Alex Filippenko Alex Filippenko is a Hertz Foundation Fellow and recipient of the prestigious Hertz Foundation Grant for graduate study in the applications of the physical, biological and engineering sciences. Whe...
4:36 Redefine Your Limits by Being Honest With Yourself | Kyle Maynard Why don’t we chase our dreams? What if everyone confronted the daily excuses they make for themselves? Innovation would explode around us. Life satisfaction would soar. Any yet we typically keep a ...
3:15 America’s Next Moonshot: Cut Poverty 50% by 2030 | Jeffrey Sachs on JFK's Optimism Optimism, as defined by economist Jeffrey Sachs, is more than just a translucent, faraway wish. It means having bold goals and acting on them—even if you have no plan or existing knowledge of how y...
2:53 Bill Nye on Climate Change: We Could Engineer Low-Methane Cows — or Eat Less Meat Make all the jokes you want, says Bill Nye, but methane is a very potent greenhouse gas, and as Earth's population increases so too does the size of the meat industry that caters to it. Demand for ...
3:05 The Intelligence Revolution: Coupling AI and the Human Brain | Ed Boyden Edward Boyden is a Hertz Foundation Fellow and recipient of the prestigious Hertz Foundation Grant for graduate study in the applications of the physical, biological and engineering sciences. A pro...
5:34 Digital Addiction: How Half the Developed World Got Hooked on the Internet | Adam Alter It's not your screen you're addicted to — it's just the conduit for your high. NYU professor Adam Alter explains that behavioral addiction is similar to substance addiction: it feels good in the sh...
4:16 Big Bang Evidence: Frozen Higgs, Frozen Beer, and Gravity Waves | Lawrence Krauss It’s near impossible to comprehend the size of our universe without busting a mental cog or spraining your sense of awe. However, the origins of our universe has exactly the opposite problem: it wa...CC
4:49 Scientology Is the McDonalds of Religions | Louis Theroux What is the most quintessentially American religion? It would need to have celebrities, a Hollywood setting, big money, and a confusing swirl of innocence and the macabre. That's Scientology define...CC
3:01 Why There Is No Alternative to Publicly Funded Science Research | Avideh Zakhor Avideh Zakhor is a Hertz Foundation Fellow and recipient of the prestigious Hertz Foundation Grant for graduate study in the applications of the physical, biological and engineering sciences. Here,...CC
3:46 'Hey Bill Nye, Does Consciousness Transcend the Brain?' Consciousness is one of the big questions humanity longs to have answered. What makes us human? What is the experience of consciousness that we all feel exists intuitively, but that we have no evid...
2:21 How "Rude" New Yorkers Treated One Muslim Woman after Trump's Election | Amani Al-Khatahtbeh When she was nine years old, Amani Al-Khatahtbeh heard her first racial slur, from the mouth of one of her classmates. It was 2001, and 9/11 had just shocked and shattered the US's sense of safety.... CC
2:55 Political Correctness Unites People — in Hatred | Adam Mansbach, "Go the F*ck to Sleep" Political correctness has united us all—in hatred, says Adam Mansbach, author of Go the F*ck to Sleep. The principle of calling people by the names and pronouns that show them respect is valid, if ...CC
3:06 Thankfully, Everyone Poops: How a Smarter Toilet Could Save Millions of Lives | Philip Eckhoff In 2011, a research team featuring several Hertz Foundation Fellows received a grant to participate in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s ‘Reinvent the Toilet Challenge’. To bring sustainable sa...CC
5:20 Got Relationship Goals? Relational Thinking Is Your Launchpad | Esther Perel When you treat business relationships as perfunctory or shallow, the truth us, you lose. The dynamics between business partners are no different to the ones at play between romantic partners. Psych...CC
3:53 Anyone Can Be a Math Person Once They Know the Best Learning Techniques | Po-Shen Loh Po-Shen Loh is a Hertz Foundation Fellow and Carnegie Mellon mathematics professor who thinks that history is a much harder subject than math. Do you agree? Well, your position on that might change...CC
2:38 Bill Nye: How NASA Will Look for Alien Life in the TRAPPIST-1 System, and Beyond When NASA announced the discovery of the TRAPPIST-1 solar system in February 2017, humanity’s collective ears spiked. The system is made up of a dwarf star surrounded by seven “Earth-like” exoplane...CC
4:29 Are Humans Emotional Creatures or Are We Rational? | Yale Psychologist Paul Bloom For once, an optimistic worldview is the one sparking controversy. Paul Bloom thinks humans are not prisoners to their emotions, but have great capacity for rationality and reason. This makes him a...
4:32 Instant Drone Delivery: How a Former Google Lab Will Disrupt the Ownership Economy | Astro Teller If the future, your buffalo chicken wings will fly to you. Drone delivery is going to bring so much more than food, however; these aeronautical robots will, in time, herald the end of private owner...CC
3:29 Hate, Humor, and Political Correctness in America | Josh Lieb Josh Lieb is an absolutist when it comes to freedom of speech. As a comedy writer and producer on late night programs like The Daily Show and The Tonight Show, he knows that the freedom to essentia...CC
3:45 Philosophies of Self: East-West Distinctions | Gish Jen You can learn a lot about yourself by looking through the lens of a different worldview. Gish Jen presents that awareness here by comparing notions of self-identity in the Eastern world and in the ...CC
4:19 Tucker Carlson vs. Bill Nye: Round Two – The Science Guy's Reply On February 27, Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson invited Bill Nye onto his show to talk about climate change, only to yell over him, belittle his qualifications, and bafflingly interrupt answers t...CC
2:03 Can Innovation Save the Fossil Fuel Industry? | Max Mankin If Modern Electron, an energy innovation startup co-founded by Max Mankin, could make fossil fuels just 1% more efficient it would equal the entire contribution from all the solar panels across the...
4:41 Earwolf: The Making of a Podcast Network | Scott Aukerman If an idea comes along that is complicated and terrifying and you want to run a million miles from it—you’re probably onto a great thing. That’s the takeaway from Scott Aukerman, who co-founded the...CC
6:09 The Gay Rights Playbook Is a Model for Change in America | Evan Wolfson For four decades, gay rights activists and couples who appealed to the courts for the right to marry their partners were fighting against a legal system. The real battle, however, was against publi...CC
5:01 Bill Nye on NASA, Space Exploration, and Mars Why is NASA so important? Let us count the ways – for its intellectual and physical daring, its spinoff technology that has advanced civilization generally (we wouldn’t have the internet without NA...
5:29 Altered States of Consciousness: There’s Nothing Supernatural About It | Jamie Wheal Transcendent experiences that were once attributed to gods, angels, muses, or even possession, are now being demystified by neuroscience. Jamie Wheal, Director of Programs at the Flow Genome Projec...CC
5:35 A Scientific Explanation of the Human Mind | Daniel Siegel Back in 1988, Pixies asked the catchy question: “Where is my mind?”. Now, nearly 30 years later, UCLA psychiatry professor Daniel Siegel has a revolutionary answer. We’ve come to accept that the br...CC
7:42 Rust Belt Populism: An Economic Analysis | Pia Malaney Americans understands very well what feels wrong – and there's a piece of U.S. economic policy that the establishment and educated elites haven’t been fully honest about, says Pia Malaney.Read more...CC
4:47 The Making of O.J. Simpson: Made in America | Ezra Edelman Every great documentary is the result of hundreds, if not thousands, of difficult decisions. Director Ezra Edelman, who just won the Best Documentary Feature Academy Award for O.J. Simpson: Made in...CC
2:41 ‘Hey Bill Nye, Our Brains Are All the Same – Why Aren’t People More Identical?’ Our brains are the same organ, but no way are we all the same people. So why do we like different things, if we’re all made of roughly the same parts? Everybody’s brain development is a little bit ...CC

(2016下-商專) 會計學--謝銘仁 / 空中進修學院 (19-36)

# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角選取影片)

source: 華視教學頻道     2017年3月6日
更多會計學(下)(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...

(2016下-商專) 貨幣銀行學--劉金華 / 空中進修學院 (19-36)

# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角選取影片)

source: 華視教學頻道     2017年3月2日
更多貨幣銀行學(下)(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...

(2016下-商專) 經濟學--謝文盛 / 空中進修學院 (19-36)

# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角選取影片)

source: 華視教學頻道     2017年3月3日
更多經濟學(下)(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...

(Deutsch / in German) Mathematik-Vorlesungen: „Analysis 1“ und „Statistik“ by Tobias Hell &

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: Tobias Hell    2015年2月21日
(Deutsch / in German) Mathematik-Vorlesungen: „Analysis 1“ und „Statistik“ (Mathematics Lectures: "Analysis 1" and "Statistics")
Mitschnitte der Vorlesungen „Analysis 1“ (Tobias Hell, Alexander Ostermann) und „Statistik“ (Tobias Hell) aus dem Wintersemester 2014/15.

1 Grundlagen Seite 1 00:00:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5OXG...
1.1 Aussagenlogik Seite 1 00:00:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5OXG...
Wahrheitswert (wahr/falsch) Seite 1 00:01:28 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5OXG...
Bilden von Aussagen Seite 2 00:11:28 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5OXG...
Verknüpfen von Aussagen (Junktoren) Seite 2 00:14:25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5OXG...
1.1 Beispiel (Direkter Beweis) Seite 3 00:29:35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5OXG...
1.2 Satz (De Morgansche Regeln für Aussagen) Seite 4 00:46:45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5OXG...
1.3.Beispiel (Indirekter Beweis) Seite 5 00:53:40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5OXG...
1.4 Beispiel Seite 5 01:00:40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5OXG...

VO01 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Tobias Hell :19:55
VO02 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Tobias Hell 1:32:19
VO03 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Georg Spielberger 1:26:24
VO04 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Tobias Hell 1:31:33
VO05 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Tobias Hell 1:30:46
VO06 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Tobias Hell 1:32:42
VO07 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Alexander Ostermann 1:29:55
VO08 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Alexander Ostermann 1:24:53
VO09 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Tobias Hell 1:31:59
VO10 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Tobias Hell 1:45:52
VO11 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Alexander Ostermann 1:28:36
VO12 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Alexander Ostermann 1:33:00
VO13 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Alexander Ostermann 1:26:47
VO14 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Alexander Ostermann 1:25:31
VO15 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Tobias Hell 1:08:50
VO16 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Tobias Hell 1:29:11
VO17 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Alexander Ostermann 1:26:12
VO18 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Alexander Ostermann 1:24:39
VO19 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Alexander Ostermann 1:29:31
VO20 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Alexander Ostermann 1:31:16
VO22 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Tobias Hell 1:31:02
VO23 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Alexander Ostermann 1:27:16
VO24 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Alexander Ostermann 1:29:45
VO25 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Alexander Ostermann 1:24:57
VO26 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Alexander Ostermann 1:29:14
VO27 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Tobias Hell 1:31:55
VO28 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Tobias Hell 1:32:39
VO29 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Tobias Hell 1:30:44
VO30 - Analysis 1 WS 14/15 - LFU Innsbruck - Tobias Hell 1:27:31
VO01 StatistikWS14 15 LFU Innsbruck Tobias Hell 1:26:39
VO02 StatistikWS14 15 LFU Innsbruck Tobias Hell 1:26:18
VO03 StatistikWS14 15 LFU Innsbruck Tobias Hell 1:28:48
VO04 StatistikWS14 15 LFU Innsbruck Tobias Hell 1:34:42
VO05 StatistikWS14 15 LFU Innsbruck Tobias Hell 1:28:07
VO06 StatistikWS14 15 LFU Innsbruck Tobias Hell 1:31:17
VO07 StatistikWS14 15 LFU Innsbruck Tobias Hell 1:33:28
VO08 StatistikWS14 15 LFU Innsbruck Tobias Hell 1:28:11
VO09 StatistikWS14 15 LFU Innsbruck Tobias Hell 1:31:40
VO10 StatistikWS14 15 LFU Innsbruck Tobias Hell 1:29:51
VO11 StatistikWS14 15 LFU Innsbruck Tobias Hell 1:26:54
VO12 StatistikWS14 15 LFU Innsbruck Tobias Hell 1:23:41

(Deutsch / in German) Einführung in die Programmierung (Introduction to programming) - Justus Piater (WS 2014/15)

# playlist of the 14 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video) 

source: University of Innsbruck     2014 年 10 月 9 日
Einführung in die Programmierung (Introduction to programming) - Justus Piater (WS 2014/15)
Graduates of this module understand the most important concepts of imperative programming and can apply them. You have acquired the skill to develop similar content yourself. They are able to analyze programs and to design and create their own programs.
Lectures given by Justus Piater were recorded in the winter semester 2014/15 at the University of Innsbruck : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list ...
More information: http://informatik.uibk.ac.at/

Movement Ecology (2012 at Minerva Center)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem     2012年10月17日
Movement Ecology Minerva Center

an introductory case study II | Otso Ovaskainen 29 July 2012 1:43:20
Butterfly movements, population dynamics and evolutionary dynamics (OtO)
This lecture will present a case study (Glanville fritillary butterfly metapopulation) to illustrate how movement models can be formulated and fitted to data, and how such models integrate into analyses of ecological and evolutionary dynamics
An introductory case study | Luca Giuggioli 29 July 2012 1:19:10
Bayesian state‐space approaches Part 1 | Otso Ovaskainen 31 July 2012 58:43
Bayesian state‐space approaches Part 2 | Otso Ovaskainen 31 July 2012 59:48
Characterizing animal movement‐ commonly used statistic | Luca Giuggioli 29 July 2012 1:00:22
Correlated movement in confined space: Part 1 | Luca Giuggioli 1 August 2012 1:30:47
Correlated movement in confined space: part 2 | Luca Giuggio 2 August 2012 53:03
First - Passage Distributions | Luca Giuggioli 2 August 2012 43:18
From animal movement to population dynamics | Otso Ovaskainen 2 August 2012 1:19:53
Introduction to Movement ecology | Ran Nathan 29 July 2012 1:43:24
Modeling animal movement in heterogeneous space - Part 1 | Otso Ovaskainen 1 August 2012 41:02
Modeling animal movement in heterogeneous space - Part 2 | Otso Ovaskainen 1 August 2012 1:11:09
Modeling animal movement in homogeneous space | Otso Ovaskainen 30 July 2012 1:02:51
movement models from discrete to continuous space | Luca Giuggioli 30 July 2012 38:17
Probability function movement models | Luca Giuggioli 31 July 2012 42:47

Patterns of Nature (Fall 2016) with Gurmohanjeet S. Bevli at California State U

# playlist of the 16 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV     2016年8月24日
PHY100 Patterns in Nature (Fall 2016) with Gurmohanjeet S. Bevli

Lecture 01. An introduction to the study of self, socialization and social interaction. Interpersonal relations and the structure of social roles, deviance and normality in everyday life.
Oscillations (Vibrations): https://youtu.be/Haaj2_Zn4JM?t=36m
Time Period: https://youtu.be/Haaj2_Zn4JM?t=38m14s
Amplitude: https://youtu.be/Haaj2_Zn4JM?t=41m20s
Frequency: https://youtu.be/Haaj2_Zn4JM?t=46m52s
Human Perception: https://youtu.be/Haaj2_Zn4JM?t=1h16m26s

Patterns of Nature (Spring 2011) with Jim Hill at California State University

# playlist of the 14 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV     2011年1月31日
PHY100 Patterns of Nature with Jim Hill

Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Summer 2012) with Donna El-Armale at California State U

# playlist of the 13 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV    2012年5月5日
PSY372 Industrial and Organizational Psychology with Donna El-Armale

Work - More than a four letter word: https://youtu.be/2TnzmJeGW_M?t=5m50s
I/O PSY on the job and everyday life: https://youtu.be/2TnzmJeGW_M?t=12m28s
Psychological Testing World War I: https://youtu.be/2TnzmJeGW_M?t=27m45s
The Hawthorne Studies: https://youtu.be/2TnzmJeGW_M?t=31m21s
WWII and Engineering Psychology: https://youtu.be/2TnzmJeGW_M?t=38m54s
Challenges for I-O Psychology: https://youtu.be/2TnzmJeGW_M?t=43m46s

Understanding Human Behavior (Spring 2013) with Tara Victor at California State U

# playlist of the 10 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV    2013年2月22日
PSY101 Understanding Human Behavior with Tara Victor