

(русский / in Russian) Физика элементарных частиц Сербо В.Г. (НГУ) / Physics of Elementary Particles Serbo VG (NSU)

# playlist of the 15 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)  

source: Нормальность     2014年9月9日
Физика элементарных частиц Сербо В.Г. (НГУ) / Physics of Elementary Particles Serbo VG (NSU)

(русский / in Russian) Киселёв В В Квантовая механика (МФТИ)

# playlist of the 12 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video) 

source: Нормальность     2014年9月13日
Киселёв В В Квантовая механика (МФТИ) / Kiselev V V Quantum Mechanics (MIPT)

(français / in French) Ésotérisme, Hermétisme, Alchimie, Franc-Maçonnerie, etc. (2015-17)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: La Lucarne et la Nuit   2015年8月8日/上次更新日期:2017年2月4日
Ésotérisme, Hermétisme, Alchimie, Franc-Maçonnerie, etc. / Esotericism, Hermeticism, Alchemy, Freemasonry, etc.

Qui était Helena Blavatsky ? Conférence audio de Catherine Guillerme 1:34:36
Paracelse - " la lumière au cœur des Hommes " 1:22:36
Christian Rosenkreutz (J.V.Andreae) 1:18:20
Aleister Crowley avec Philippe Pissier et Stephan Hoebeek 1:05:17
Les secrets de l’alchimie : de la science à l’ésotérisme avec Bernard Joly 56:49
l'Enigme Fulcanelli avec Henri Loevenbrück 1:29:58
Archéologie de l´alchimie grecque avec Christina Viano & Marc Aucouturier 28:02
l'Alchimie avec Eugène Canseliet 54:42
l'Alchimie avec Alain Queruel 30:31
René Guénon : une politique de l’esprit, avec Alain de Benoist & David Bisson 1:00:34
Les langues de l'éther 59:52
Les Zodiaques avec Jean Bottéro, René Alleau, Claude Grégory et Christiane Desroches Noblecourt 1:39:19
Cédric Monget : Le satanisme LaVeyen 51:41
La gnose. Avec Etienne Couvert et Serge de Beketch 46:08
À l'école des sorciers... Avec Nicole Jacques-Lefèvre & Maxime Préaud 59:14
TempΩrium : La Franc-Maçonnerie 1:20:39
La galaxie maçonne avec Daniel Keller 30:32
La Franc-Maçonnerie dans la Bande Déssinée avec Didier Convard 30:07
La Franc-Maçonnerie avec Pierre Mollier 30:07
La Franc-Maçonnerie en Russie par André Meynieux 20:07
La Franc-Maçonnerie sous l'Ancien Régime par Emile Dana 16:07
Fred Zeller : pourquoi est-on Franc-Maçon ? 30:07
L'extravagant Monsieur Taxil par Jean-Pierre Rioux 16:07
Mozart multiple : Un maçon opératif ? Avec Jean-Yves Bosseur 30:07
Mozart, rebelle et Franc-Maçon avec Michèle Lhopiteau-Dorfeuille 49:48
Franc-Maçonnerie & Musique, avec Jean-Loup Graton 29:35
Goethe et la Franc Maçonnerie par Antoine Faivre avec Roger Godard 30:07
Les origines occultistes de la franc maçonnerie. Avec Jean-Claude Lozac'hmeur 1:13:52
Les Rose+Croix, entretien avec Frédéric Lenoir 25:13
Didier Kahn : Un bref parcours d’histoire de l’alchimie 49:11
Francois Angelier : "Là-bas" de Huysmans et le satanisme au XIXe siècle. 1:00:59
Les Arcanes du Satanisme avec Éric van den Bavière & Laurent Glauzy 53:24
Une vie, une oeuvre : Nostradamus 1:00:56
L'ésotérisme contemporain par Jérôme-Rousse Lacordaire 1:27:19
La Franc-maçonnerie et l'Eglise catholique par Jérôme Rousse-Lacordaire 1:30:03
Grand Dieu, petits Dieux : magie et religion (Constant Hames, Patricia Birman, Laënnec Hurbon) 50:32
Politique et sorcellerie : les métamorphoses du pouvoir (Dozon, Duquesne, Brac de la Perrière) 49:51
La chasse aux sorciers avec Bruno Martinelli, Christiane Bougerol & Hippolyte 49:43
De la forêt à la ville : les nouveaux visages du chamanisme (Michel Perrin) 50:15
Marcel Griaule : "Ce que vous appelez magique en Afrique Noire moi je l'appelle religieux" 25:07
Nostradamus avec Hervé Drévillon 26:25
La franc-maçonnerie française avec Roger Dachez 26:16
Entretien avec Julius Evola 1:44:58
Le spiritisme au XIXe siècle, avec Guillaume Cuchet 29:34

(italiano / in Italian) Affetti e Relazioni Interpersonali by Massimo Ammaniti / UniNettuno

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Ryo Saeba    2013年7月11日
UniNettuno - Affetti e Relazioni Interpersonali / Affections and Interpersonal Relationships
Il corso si propone di offrire allo studente una panoramica dei percorsi della ricerca psicodinamica nel campo degli affetti e delle relazioni interpersonali attraverso un approfondimento delle aree teoriche, cliniche ed evolutive che hanno caratterizzato la recente ricerca in questo ambito.
Il corso di lezioni prenderà in esame le diverse prospettive che nell'ambito della psicologia dinamica hanno ridefinito la funzione degli affetti come base per la costruzione del sé e delle relazioni interpersonali.
In particolare, verranno approfondite le implicazioni che, a partire dalla nuova concezione dello sviluppo infantile apportata dall'infant research, vedono la regolazione degli affetti nella prima infanzia come uno degli obiettivi principali per lo sviluppo del sé all'interno delle relazioni di base. Verranno a questo proposito illustrate anche le recenti ricerche nel campo delle neuroscienze che hanno contribuito in maniera significativa a questa nuova concezione.
Verrà in seguito approfondito il paradigma teorico che ha maggiormente influito su questa concezione: la teoria dell'attaccamento. Secondo tale teoria, infatti, la costruzione del sé individuale appare come il precipitato dell'organizzazione del sistema diadico madre-bambino a cui sono attribuite funzioni regolative che porteranno al costituirsi di un'autoregolazione interna. Gli strumenti di valutazione dell'attaccamento infantile e adulto hanno contribuito in quest'area ad estendere la ricerca e a basare su prove empiriche le ipotesi teorico-cliniche che ne erano a fondamento.
Il corso tratterà infine la tematica degli affetti nella clinica, definendone le implicazioni dal punto di vista psicopatologico e diagnostico, per quanto riguarda il lavoro clinico sia individuale che di gruppo.
M. Ammaniti, N. Dazzi (a cura di), Affetti. Natura e sviluppo delle relazioni interpersonali. Laterza, Roma, 1990.
C. Riva Crugnola (a cura di), La comunicazione affettiva tra il bambino e i suoi partner. Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 1999.
Per consultazione:
J. Cassidy, P. Shaver (a cura di) (1999), Manuale dell'attaccamento. Giovanni Fioriti, Roma, 2002.

00 - Identificazione primaria 8:50
01 - Introduzione al corso 39:35
02 - Infant Research 39:23
03 - La comunicazione affettiva 40:41
04 - Il ruolo delle emozioni nell'adolescenza 25:56
05 - Le basi neurologiche delle emozioni 41:03
06 - Attaccamento e regolazione affettiva 40:22
07 - Attaccamento e relazioni familiari 41:33
08 - Strumenti per la misura dell'attaccamento 38:58
09 - Attaccamento e psicoanalisi 40:03
10 - La diagnosi degli affetti 37:52
11 - Psicopatologia degli affetti 40:40
12 - Verso una psicoanalisi relazionale 39:23
13 - Strumenti per la valutazione del processo 41:32
14 - Dal gruppo all'individuo e ritorno 39:32
15 - Dal gruppo all'individuo e ritorno 38:57

(italiano / in Italian) Comunicazioni Efficaci in Pubblico by Enrico Cogno / UniNettuno

# playlist of the 4 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: Ryo Saeba    2012年11月20日
UniNettuno - Comunicazioni Efficaci in Pubblico / Effective Communication in Public
Si tratta di una serie di videolezioni tenute dal Prof. Enrico Cogno nel 2009 per l'università telematica Uninettuno, sulla comunicazione efficace in pubblico, sulla comunicazione efficace in pubblico.
Le lezioni non fanno parte di un corso universitario specifico in quanto vengono inserite nel palinsesto come "lezioni speciali".
Le lezioni hanno lo scopo di fornire tecniche e suggerimenti su come preparare e gestire un discorso in pubblico, migliorare le abilità nell'esposizione verbale, aumentare la propria chiarezza ed incisività espositiva e gestire le emozioni e lo stress.
Le lezioni sono utili a tutti coloro che, per motivi di studio o di lavoro, si trovano a dover tenere discorsi in pubblico, ma anche a coloro che intendono migliorare le proprie capacità espositive e le proprie capacità di interloquire con gli altri

2015 Programs at Yale University Art Gallery

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Yale University Art Gallery    2015年11月3日
The Gallery offers a variety of lectures, panel discussions, and talks that place our collection and exhibitions in the broader context of history and culture. Speakers include curators, scholars, artists, critics, writers, and others engaged with the world of art and ideas. Programs range from lectures for a general audience to symposia with a scholarly focus. Concerts, film screenings, dramatic performances, and literary readings connect the art on view at the Gallery with other forms of expression. Master classes provide an opportunity to explore works of art in an intimate classroom setting with a curator, educator, or guest scholar. Please check our online calendar for a full listing of lectures and other events

Fruit, Flowers, and Lucky Strikes: The Still Life in American Culture 59:56
Once disdained as possessing only “a petty, imitative monkey talent” (as described by the artist John Opie in 1848), still-life painters gained respect through the 19th century as they celebrated America’s new culture of abundance. In the post–Civil War era, painters of the first rank—John La Farge, William Michael Harnett—adopted the still life as a major mode of expression. By the 20th century, in the hands of artists such as Paul Strand, Stuart Davis, and Georgia O’Keeffe, it had become a medium for innovation. In this lecture, Carol Troyen, B.A. 1971, M.A. 1974, Ph.D. 1979, the Kristin and Roger Servison Curator Emerita of American Paintings, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, examines the evolution of the still life from marginal subject to a genre essential to modernism. Followed by a reception. Generously sponsored by the Oswaldo Rodriguez Roque Memorial Fund.
Velázquez’s Masterpieces in Seville and Some New Proposals 1:04:44
William Kentridge: Peripheral Thinking 1:00:24
Gallery+ Newspeak 47:50
Homes of the American Presidents 1:11:48
The Challenge of Building a National Museum 1:06:48
Andrew Carnduff Ritchie Lecture, A Conversation with Mike Leigh 1:24:08
For Silver, for Country, and for Yale: Francis P. Garvan and the Politics of Collecting 35:50
Painting Techniques: From Rembrandt to Vermeer 1:08:08
Rembrandt (1936): Conversation with Francesco Casetti and John Walsh 31:19
Song without Words: The Romantic Experience 1:25:28
Attempting Impossibles: Hazlitt on Turner and Blake 1:04:27
The Material World in 17th-Century Dutch Painting 38:27

2016 Programs at Yale University Art Gallery

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Yale University Art Gallery    2016年9月22日
2016 Programs at Yale University Art Gallery
The Gallery offers a variety of lectures, panel discussions, and talks that place our collection and exhibitions in the broader context of history and culture. Speakers include curators, scholars, artists, critics, writers, and others engaged with the world of art and ideas. Programs range from lectures for a general audience to symposia with a scholarly focus. Concerts, film screenings, dramatic performances, and literary readings connect the art on view at the Gallery with other forms of expression. Master classes provide an opportunity to explore works of art in an intimate classroom setting with a curator, educator, or guest scholar. Please check our online calendar for a full listing of lectures and other events

Making a Masterpiece: The Royal Inca Tunic at Dumbarton Oaks 1:09:18
The royal Inca tunic at Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, in Washington, D.C., has long been recognized as the single most important artifact to have survived from the Inca civilization. Examining this tremendously complex work of art yields a richer appreciation of Inca artistic practices, aesthetics, and color theory. In this lecture, Andrew J. Hamilton, Cotsen Postdoctoral Fellow in the Society of Fellows and Lecturer in the Department of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University, New Jersey, shares new research on this fascinating object.
Presented in conjunction with the exhibition Weaving and the Social World: 3,000 Years of Ancient Andean Textiles and sponsored by the Martin A. Ryerson Fund.
Studying American Furniture in the Present 49:35
Friendship, Enslavement, and Persistence: Indigenous Relations with the “Wautaconâuog-Coatmen” 52:22
Yale at Yosemite: A Conversation across University Collections 1:08:03
American Irony: Religious Freedom and Slavery in Colonial Newport 1:24:23
Recollections of a Great Musical Weekend in New Haven 57:49
Rembrandt’s Debut in Amsterdam 1:04:12
Rembrandt the Dramatist and the Heart of the Matter 1:01:12
The “Most Bizarre Manner”: Rembrandt’s Etchings 1:08:16
Rembrandt Presents Himself 1:01:24
Past Tense 1:04:43
Rembrandt’s Syndics and His Later Portraits 54:48
The Jewish Bride: Rembrandt’s Surfaces and Depths 53:49
“To Bigotry No Sanction” 51:41
Rustic or Refined: The Arts of Renaissance France 1:02:47
The World’s Oldest Church: Bible, Art, and Ritual at Dura-Europos, Syria 1:15:24
The Nok Terracotta Enigma 1:20:25
Yale University Art Gallery 10,000 Member Celebration - June 26, 2016 5:05
Francisco Goya’s Prints in Context 55:22
Dissembling Earth in Yoruba Visual Culture 1:18:34
How Dutch Painters Invented Atmosphere 1:01:36
Rembrandt’s “Three Crosses” 1:02:33
RoseLee Goldberg on Dada and Dance 1:22:04
Frans Post: Bringing Home the New World 37:17
Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt van Rijn, and the Spousal Model-Muse 52:24
From Paris to Tahiti: Paul Gauguin’s Innovative Prints 1:03:25

Living With Traumatic Brain Injury

source: University of California Television (UCTV)    2017年2月16日
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Traumatic brain injury results from an impact to the head that disrupts normal brain function. Dr. Phiroz Tarapore looks at strategies for treating patients with chronic traumatic brain injury. Recorded on 11/03/2016. Series: "UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine presents Mini Medical School for the Public" [2/2017] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 31567]

(בעברית / in Hebrew) מבוא להיסטוריה עולמית (Introduction to World History) 2011

# playlist of the 26 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video) 

source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem    2011年2月14日
ד"ר יובל הררי
תוכנית אבני פינה
נסקור את התהליכים המרכזיים של ההיסטוריה האנושית מאז הופעתו של האדם ועד היום. מטרתנו להכיר לסטודנטים את תהליכי המפתח ונקודות המפנה העיקריות של ההיסטוריה, ובמקביל לעמוד על הקשרים בין ההיסטוריה האנושית לבין הביולוגיה של האדם והמערכת האקולוגית הגלובאלית.

Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods by Walt Russell at Biola University

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: BiolaUniversity    2012年1月30日
Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods (CSAP 527), Dr. Walt Russell
A study of sound interpretation and application of the Bible, including analysis of presuppositions, general rules and specialized principles for various biblical genre and phenomena. A presentation of various approaches to studying the Bible.

An Intro to Romans 56:57
Why We Need Hermeneutics  55:49
Flesh and Spirit Struggles in Galatians 1:02:40
A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible Through Book Tracking 1:03:35
The History of Interpretation 1:15:21
The Battle for Meaning 1:04:33
The Reader's Role in Meaning 1:12:01
Interpretation of Romans 7, Pt I 1:05:11
Interpretation of Romans 7, Pt II; and 12 Steps of Exegesis 1:04:35
Interpretation of Romans 8:1-11 1:10:47
Theological Systems Influence on Interpretation 1:16:43
The Importance of the Proper Definition of Words 1:13:07
Poetry in the Bible 1:08:45
The Importance of Genre in Biblical Interpretation, Pt I 1:04:31
The Importance of Genre in Biblical Interpretation, Pt II 1:08:06
The Importance of Genre in Biblical Interpretation, Pt III 1:01:49
The Genre of Prophecy 1:05:04
The Genre and Categories of Psalms 1:04:48
The Genre of Wisdom Literature 1:07:10
The Genre of the New Testament and Gospels 59:16
Interpretation of the Parables 58:36
The Book of Acts 1:02:59
The Genre of the Epistles 1:02:44
The Genre of the Epistles Part II 1:14:21
The Book of Revelation 49:30
Application of Hermeneutics 45:02
Interpreting a Passage 44:49

Theology I (2011) by Erik Thoennes at Biola University

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: BiolaUniversity    2011年2月19日
Theology I (BBST 251), Dr. Erik Thoennes.
Dr. Erik Thoennes teaches this introductory class to Theology, which includes topics such as the Biblical doctrines of God, Christ, man, and sin, with reference to the history and development of Christian theology.

Introduction 53:41
Introduction, Part 2 57:58
The Knowability of God 1:08:09
[private video]
Moralistic Therapeutic Deism 1:06:13
Doing Theology 1:00:22
The Character of God 1:00:31
The Jealousy of God 55:43
Doctrine of the Trinity 1:10:26
The Doctrine of Creation 45:59
The Doctrine of Humanity 1:03:27
Humanity and The Image of God 1:07:38
The Image of God, Part II 52:11
The Providence of God 1:02:45
Doctrine of Sin 59:08
Who is Jesus? 53:35
The Deity of Christ: Son of Man 59:59
The Apostle's Creed 39:01
The Duality of Jesus' Humanity and Divinity 1:03:14
Human Beings in the Image of God 50:34
Creation: Males and Females 1:03:30
The Doctrine of Sin 58:03
The Reversal of Fortune 57:37
The Doctrine of Jesus - Part 1 42:16
The Doctrine of Jesus - Part 2 1:05:28
The Four Affirmations of Biblical Christology 1:00:10
The Humanity of Christ 58:31
The Humanity of Christ - Part 2 58:27
Unity of the Nature of God 1:04:41

Theology III (2011) by Bob Saucy at Biola University

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: BiolaUniversity     2011年9月28日
Theology III (TTTH 613), Dr. Bob Saucy
The person and saving work of Christ. The nature and application of salvation including the person and work of the Spirit. Special emphasis on the practice of sanctification in personal Christian living.

The Doctrine of Salvation 1:10:24
Christ's Emotions 1:03:11
Christ Emptying Himself 1:00:46
The Personhood of Christ 1:13:45
The Significance of Christ Being God and Man 1:12:51
The Divinity of Christ 1:12:24
The Heart of Atonement, Part 1 1:09:24
The Heart of Atonement, Part 2 1:14:15
Limited Atonement: Arminianism vs Calvinism 1:07:50
Election: Do We Search Out God? 1:06:45
Election: Arminianism vs Calvinism 1:06:55
Conditions of Salvation 1:08:26
The Truth About Faith 1:11:07
Is Doubting Sinning? 1:06:07
Conversion: Where does it start? 1:03:56
Being Born Again 1:10:11
Penalty of Sin 1:12:28
Post Salvation 42:34
Justification 1:04:58
Spiritual Adoption 1:09:20
New Covenant With God 1:03:15
The Suffering Christian 30:44
Demons 1:01:39
Salvation 1:05:41