
2016 Lecture Series: The LHC Resumes Operation and Prepares Its Future

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source: BBVA Foundation   2016年4月26日
2016 Lecture Series: The LHC Resumes Operation and Prepares Its Future

Lecture by Frédérick Bordry. Director of the Acceleratores and Technology Sector, CERN 1:06:03
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), with a circumference of 27 kilometers, was built at CERN to explore particle physics at the energy frontier. It was approved in 1994 after ten years’ work building prototypes of the main accelerator components, and finally began running in 2009 and gathering data as of 2010.
After start-up, the accelerator ran successfully for three years, delivering an impressive quantity of data to LHC experiments and operating with a center-of-mass energy of 7 and 8 TeV. Following an extensive technical stoppage (LS1 two years), LHC physics was successfully resumed in 2015 with a new energy record of 13 TeV.
This talk will examine the main technical challenges facing the LHC and describe its restart at 13 TeV. Plans to maximize collider performance in the coming decades include upgrade work on the accelerator and detectors (the high-luminosity LHC). The speaker will also look ahead to the post-LHC era.
Frédérick Bordry has been Director of CERN’s Accelerators and Technology Sector since January 2014, and was recently confirmed in the appointment as part of the new team of Director-General Fabiola Gianotti. He is responsible for the operation of the whole CERN accelerator complex, with particular emphasis on the LHC and the development of new projects and technologies.
He holds a PhD in electrical engineering and energy conversion. After several years teaching at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil), he took up a teaching and research post at the University of Toulouse before joining CERN in 1986. From 1994 onwards, he took part in the design and construction of CERN’s flagship particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which made possible the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012.
As a convinced advocate of international exchange in the cultural, political and scientific fields, he has devoted a considerable amount of time to reflecting on issues relating to education, research and multilingualism.
(Subtitling) Lecture by Frédérick Bordry. Director of the Acceleratores and Technology Sector, CERN 1:06:03
Lecture by Maite Barroso and Pippa Wells from CERN 1:05:21
(Subtitling) Lecture by Maite Barroso and Pippa Wells from CERN 1:05:21
Lectures by Steinar Stapnes and Lucie Linssen from CERN 1:32:08
(Subtitling) Lectures by Steinar Stapnes and Lucie Linssen from CERN 1:32:08
Lecture by Michael Benedikt and José Miguel Jiménez, from CERN 1:13:14
(Subtitling) Lecture by Michael Benedikt and José Miguel Jiménez, from CERN 1:13:14
Lecture by María José García Borge and Enrico Chiaveri, CERN 1:06:07
(Subtitling) Lecture by María José García Borge and Enrico Chiaveri, CERN 1:06:07
Lecture by Eckhard Elsen. Director of the Research and Computing Sector, CERN 1:07:01

2016 Series of Lectures on Astrophysics and Cosmology: science of the cosmos, science in the cosmos

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source: BBVA Foundation    2016年4月14日
2016 Series of Lectures on Astrophysics and Cosmology: science of the cosmos, science in the cosmos
Directed by: Ana Achúcarro
There is still so much we do not know about the cosmos! Samuel Ting opens the series with a talk on cosmic rays and anti-matter, and what we have learned from detecting them in space with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer experiment aboard the International Space Station. Cosmic rays have their origin in ultra-energetic astrophysical processes that we still fail to understand. Werner Hofmann talks about these cosmic particle accelerators and the future network of telescopes that will attempt to answer these questions: the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), some parts of it sited in the Canary Islands.
Reinhard Genzel studies the evolution of galaxies and the role played by black holes. For two decades, Genzel and his team have been observing the black hole at the center of our galaxy and reconstructing stellar orbits in its vicinity. The resulting images are memorable indeed.

Closer to home, the exploration of the solar system (the subject of Mark McCaughrean’s talk) has recently caught the imagination of the wider public through iconic images of distant worlds that raise more questions than they solve. Even our own star, the Sun, has numerous secrets. Saku Tsuneta shows astonishing films of the solar magnetic field and solar flares taken from the Japanese observatory Hinode. Besides its scientific interest, solar activity affects our climate and may on occasion cut off satellite communications. The protective role of the Earth’s magnetic field also holds important clues to the conditions needed for life to exist on other planets.

But many of us will remember 2016 for David Reitze’s already famous February statement: “Ladies and gentlemen, we have detected gravitational waves. We did it!” Measuring a distortion of space equal to one part in 10 21 is an astounding technological feat. This is a long awaited discovery that has demanded over forty years of technological development, spectacular advances in computing, and the work and dedication of around a thousand scientists. We are lucky enough to have David Reitze with us to tell the story.

The direct detection of gravitational waves by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) in the United States, as part of a joint effort with European experiments Virgo and GEO600, has opened a new window onto the Universe which will undoubtedly revolutionize what we know about the cosmos and some of the most energetic processes unfolding within it. For the moment, we can revel in the first evidence of the fusion of two black holes, each with a mass some thirty times greater than the Sun’s. Proof that these giants do exist.
Free entrance. Limited seating. Simultaneous translation will be provided.
Those wishing to attend (maximum of 2 people) should write to confirmaciones@fbbva.es, giving their name, surname(s) and contact phone numbers for themselves and their companion.

Lecture by Samuel Ting from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Nobel Prize 1:06:19
There are two types of cosmic rays that reach Earth from outer space. The first type are electrically neutral (photons and neutrinos), whose study using spaceborne, ground-based and underground telescopes and detectors has contributed greatly to our understanding of the Universe. The second type of cosmic rays carry charge and mass and are absorbed in the Earth’s atmosphere. Their study calls for a precision magnetic spectrometer located in space, beyond the atmosphere, to identify their mass, electrical charge, energy and directionality. The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) is a precision particle physics detector deployed on the International Space Station in May 2011, which in its first four years measured 76 billion cosmic rays. The precision of the detector and its ability to measure and distinguish cosmic atomic nuclei have changed our understanding of the properties of charged cosmic rays.
Bio notes
Samuel Ting received the 1976 Nobel Prize for the discovery of the J particle at Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States), one of many awards and honors bestowed on him in his research career. His seminal results include the observation of nuclear anti-matter (the anti-deuteron) and a long series of precision studies that have demonstrated the validity of key aspects of the Standard Model of elementary particles. He also developed the first large superconducting magnet (2 tons) for spaceborne research and has demonstrated separation of helium isotopes in space. He currently leads a fifteen-nation collaboration involving some 500 physicists and engineers to use the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory to probe fundamental questions of cosmology and elementary particle physics, including the origin of cosmic rays, the nature of dark matter and the search for traces of primordial anti-matter.
(Subtitling) Lecture by Samuel Ting from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Nobel Prize 1:06:19
Lecture by Prof. Saku Tsuneta from Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) 56:17
(Subtitling) Lecture by Prof. Saku Tsuneta from Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) 56:16
Lecture by Mark McCaughrean from European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Netherlands 1:22:44
(Subtitling) Lecture by Mark McCaughrean from European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) 1:22:44
Lecture by Reinhard Genzel from MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching (Germany) 1:13:09
(Subtitling) Lecture by Reinhard Genzel from MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching (Germany) 1:13:09
Lecture by Werner Hofmann from Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany 1:08:11
(Subtitling) Lecture by Werner Hofmann from Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany 1:08:11
Lecture by David Reitze from California Institute of Technology (Caltech) 1:04:01
(Subtitling) Lecture by David Reitze from California Institute of Technology (Caltech) 1:04:01

(בעברית / in Hebrew) מבוא לעיבוד אותות אקראיים (Introduciton to Random Signal Processing)

# playlist of the 24 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video) 

source: Technion    2012年8月26日
מבוא לעיבוד אותות אקראיים
מרצה: פרופ' נרי מרחב
מס' קורס: 046201
פקולטה: הנדסת חשמל

(בעברית / in Hebrew) מבוא לעיבוד ספרתי של אותות (Introduction to Digital Signal Processing)

# playlist of the 28 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: Technion 2012年11月11日
מבוא לעיבוד ספרתי של אותות
ד"ר גל בן-דוד
מס' קורס 044198

Laboratory Cosmology: AMO Physics Techniques and Applications for Cosmological Phenomena (2016)

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source: ITAMP Physics    2016年9月19日
This is a rapid-response workshop on the emerging methods in AMO physics for cosmological searches and detections. Whether it is sensing, timing, quantum entanglement, time variability of fundamental constants, macroscopic quantum systems, AMO physics is increasingly being applied for precision tests of gravity and the equivalence principle and for search and detection of cosmological phenomena (dark matter, dark energy, CMB anisotropy, gravitational waves, 21 cm dark ages...).
ITAMP is supported through grants by the National Science Foundation Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s).

Mark Kasevich 47:41 Mark Kasevich, Stanford University, during the workshop of Laboratory Cosmology: AMO Physics Techniques and Applications for Cosmological Phenomena, lecture titled "Quantum mechanics at macroscopic scales" at the Institute for Theoretical, Atomic and Molecular and Optical Physics, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts on September 12-13, 2016
Keith Schwab 42:28
John Doyle 45:40
Shimon Kolkowitz 39:59
Anastasia Fialkov 37:21
Ron Walsworth 54:45
Douglas Finkbeiner 33:08
Andrei Derevianko 45:31
Andrew Geraci 39:49
Derek Kimball 44:56
Holger Mueller 42:28
Monika Schleier Smith 27:32
Jeff Steinhauer 39:20
Alex Sushkov 33:09

Connecting Few-body and Many-body Pictures of Fractional Quantum Hall Physics (2016)

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source: ITAMP Physics    2016年7月26日
The treatment of strongly-interacting fermions or bosons in a real or effective magnetic field lies at the heart of current interests in both many-body condensed matter physics and ultracold atomic, molecular, and optical physics. On the theory side, many questions remain to be solved in both types of systems, such as the general role of topology and entanglement in FQH systems, properties of edge states and novel stripe, bubble, melting or other phases, and the most efficient theoretical tools for identifying the filling fractions where FQH states will stand out experimentally, to name only a few. Experimentally, the condensed matter systems are now studied in great detail, and this is certainly a tremendously mature field, whereas theoretical debates are still struggling to reach a consensus about the nature of many of the FQH states. On the other hand, experiments for ultracold atom and correlated photonic systems are still in development phases that are ripe for a free-wheeling exchange of ideas, to seek out promising avenues for ways to observe Laughlin, composite-fermion, composite-boson states, or other novel states in free-space or lattice geometries. In addition to seeking answers to these types of specific physical questions, another goal for this workshop is to encourage a free exchange of ideas between AMO physicists and members of the condensed-matter community. This is likely to spawn a useful exchange of ideas, pictures, and terminology, and potentially future collaborations as well.
ITAMP is supported through grants by the National Science Foundation Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s).

Nate Gemelke 45:11 Nate Gemelke, Penn -State, during the workshop of "Connecting Few-body and Many-body Pictures of Fractional Quantum Hall Physics", lecture titled "Dissipative and Few-body Gauge Fields for Cold Atoms in the Fractional Hall Regime" at the Institute for Theoretical, Atomic and Molecular and Optical Physics, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts on July 11-13, 2016
Antonio Levy 36:35
Rachel Wooten 42:53
Wick Haxton 44:02
[private video]
Bert Halperin 48:55
Senthil Todadri, 50:58
Joe Maciejko 44:00
Susanne VIefers 40:40
Monika Aidelsburger 42:34
Ian Spielman 42:22
Philip Kim 41:01
Tilman Esslinger 41:12
Fabian Crusdt 41:25
Tim Lun Ho 46:37
Jonathan Simon 39:20
Mohammad Hafezi 41:11
Markus Greiner 43:01
Arun Paramekanti 38:15
Seth Rittenhouse 41:23
Junru Li 43:09

(Workshop) Light-matter interactions in low dimensions (2015)

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source: ITAMP Physics   2015年7月14日

Introduction to "Light-matter interactions in low dimensions" workshop 6:05
Andreas Wallraff, “Photon-Qubit Interactions in On Dimensional Superconducting Circuits” 47:53
Yasunobu Nakamura “Impedance-matched Λ system in a superconducting waveguide” 43:14
Christopher Wilson, “ Quantum electrodynamics in 1D using a superconducting artificial atom” 42:19
Juan-Jose Garcia-Ripol, “Superconducting circuit microwave photonics” 42:02
Kai Mueller, “Quantum Nanophotonics” 33:36
Edo Waks 44:30
Peter Lodahl 43:46
Shanhui Fan 42:49
Michael Pletyukhov 43:56
Jeff Kimble, Caltech, "Strong Atom-Photon Interactions in Photonic Crystal Waveguides" 46:02
Jeff Thompson, “Nanoscale quantum systems with single atoms and photons” 44:57
Philipp Schneeweiss, TU Wien “Optical diode based on the chirality of guided photons” 39:40
Luis Orozco, University of Maryland, “Nanofibers at JQI, a progress report”37:43
Amir Safavi-Naeini, "Engineered Optomechanical Interactions in Nanostructures" 40:38
Thomas Pohl, “Single-photon routing in strongly interacting atomic ensembles” 38:20
Hannes Pichler, “Quantum optics with chiral system-reservoir coupling” 47:23
Anders Sorensen, “Quantum information processing with atoms coupled to waveguides and cavities” 41:52
Ephraim Shahmoon, “Dipolar interactions in waveguides: From Casimir forces to nonlinear optics” 40:49
James Douglas 39:20
Mohammad Hafezi 40:34
Alexey Goshkov, “Few-body and many-body physics with Rydberg polaritons” 43:40
Sebastian Hofferberth, “Nonlinear Quantum Optics Using Interacting Rydberg Atoms” 43:20
Vladan Vuletic, "Strong Photon-Photon Interactions" 42:39
Helmut Ritsch 0:13
Alp Sipahigil, "Quantum Optics with Silicon-Vacancy Centers in Diamond Cavities" 35:12
Alex High, "Hyperbolic metasurfaces: a plasmonic platform for engineering light matter interaction" 23:05

New questions in quantum field theory from condensed matter theory (2016)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences    2016年2月5日
New questions in quantum field theory from condensed matter theory
Organizers: Subhro Bhattacharjee, Rajesh Gopakumar, Subroto Mukerjee and Aninda Sinha
Url: http://www.icts.res.in/discussion_meeting/qft2015/
Dates: Monday 28 Dec, 2015 - Tuesday 05 Jan, 2016

Description: The last couple of decades have seen a major revolution in the field of condensed matter physics, where the severe limitations of conventional paradigms (viz., spontaneous symmetry breaking and Landau’s Fermi liquid framework) have been repeatedly exposed in context of a large number of correlated electronic systems. This has led to a wide search for a more general framework that can successfully capture the low energy properties of the unconventional quantum many-body systems. The quickly expanding frontiers of this field have, among other things, explored ideas involving different ways of manifestation of symmetries in condensed matter systems, role of quantum entanglement, bulk-edge correspondence and gauge-gravity duality. This has thrown wide open newer frontiers, in turn, for fruitful exchanges between condensed matter and quantum field theory, and string theory, which have seen parallel remarkable developments over the last two decades.
In view of these current advances, the discussion meeting aims to bring together researchers to foster and develop the above connections between the two disciplines for free exchange of ideas -- both at conceptual and technical levels.

Opening Remarks 1:49
Entanglement Entropy in Gauge Theories by Sandip Trivedi 1:53:47
Fermions in synthetic gauge fields and synthetic dimensions by Vijay Shenoy 1:28:30
Chern-Simons Matter theories by S. Minwalla 2:21:33
Exotic metals in graphene and the high temperature superconductors by Subir Sachdev 2:15:14
Conformal bootstrap and critical phenomena by Aninda Sinha 2:02:31
Half-filled Landau level, topological insulator surfaces, and 3D quantum spin liquids by T. Senthil  2:09:49
Thermalization in 2 dimensional critical quench and holography by G. Mandal 2:20:57
Melting of three-sublattice and easy-axis antiferromagnets on triangular and kagome lattices 1:18:05
A supersymmetric QHE by David Tong 2:02:43
A perfect microscopic theory for a perfect phenomenon by J. K. Jain 2:02:07
Particle vortex duality of Dirac fermions from electric magnetic duality of topological ... 1:48:14
Topological sigma models & dissipative hydrodynamics by R. Loganayagam 1:35:57
Lattice realization of integer QHE of bosons by Subhro Bhattacharjee 1:12:14
More perfect than we imagined: A physicist’s view of life by William Bialek (Lecture 1) 1:50:41

Quantum entanglement in macroscopic matter (2015)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences    2015年3月9日
Discussion Meeting: Quantum entanglement in macroscopic matter
URL: http://www.icts.res.in/discussion_mee...
Dates: Monday 12 Jan, 2015 - Friday 16 Jan, 2015

Condensed matter systems display a wide variety of interesting low temperature phases that are the product of the interplay between inter-particle interactions and the quantum statistics obeyed by the particles. The last few years have seen many exciting developments in this field ighlighting the role of quantum entanglement. The aim of the discussion meeting is to understand these developments and their applications to physical systems by bringing together theorists and experimentalists working in the field of quantum condensed matter physics. The list of topics that will be covered includes thermalization, many-body localization, hidden order, magnetic frustration and symmetry protected and enhanced topological order.

Probing Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in Graphene and MoS2 layers 1:04:19
A Topological Fermi Liquid to a Algebraic Spin Liquid Transition in Kitaev Hubbard Model 47:01
Majorana end modes: topological invariants, Floquet theory and conductance 56:12
Non-equilibrium dynamics of closed quantum systems: a tale of two stories 58:44
Universal dynamics and entanglement patterns near the many-body localization transition 1:12:19
Dynamic Ferromagnetic Response of a High Temperature Quantum Antiferromagnet 51:04
Quantum entanglement in macroscopic matter (Lecture 1) 1:25:54
Dynamical effects from topology in metals 58:20
Deconfined criticality by design 1:02:05
Simple models of Symmetry Protected Topological phases 1:07:51
Quantum entanglement in macroscopic matter (Lecture 2) 1:22:05
Fermions in Synthetic Rashba Gauge Potentials 49:56
Experimental evidence of spontaneous time reversal symmetry breaking in interacting two-dimensional 1:04:08
Superconductivity in the Iron Arsenides: A Strong-Coupling Route. 59:19
Quantum entanglement in macroscopic matter (Lecture 3) 1:20:16
A theory of magnetisation plateaus in Shastry-Sutherland model & SrCu2(BO3)2 52:45
The pseudogap phase of the cuprate superconductors 58:01
Spinons and holons: aspects of confinement and deconfinement in a two-dimensional valence-bond solid 1:02:57

Advances in Graphene, Majorana fermions, Quantum computation (2012)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences   2013年5月22日
Wednesday 19 Dec, 2012 - Friday 21 Dec, 2012
Auditorium, New Physical Sciences Building, IISc

Quantum computation is one of the most fundamental and important research topics today, from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. A fault tolerant computation scheme, such as that protected against dephasing or decay of quantum information, is crucial for this purpose. It has been known for some time that a class of quasi-particles of non-abelian braiding statistics, such as the Majorana fermions, can be an excellent platform to achieve such a topologically protected quantum computation. While recent discovery of the Majorana fermions in semiconductor nanowires have boosted the quantum computation community, other material platforms, in particular graphene, are also being researched extensively. Much research is directed towards electron-electron interaction and non-trivial p-type superconductivity in graphene with the ultimate aim to create and detect Majorana fermions in these systems. This Discussion Meeting on "Advances in Graphene, Majorana fermions, and Quantum Computation" showcases in-depth scientific presentations and debates on these globally active fields of research today. The participation of many leaders in these fields from all over the world will make this meeting a scientifically exciting event for the local active research community.
PROGRAM LINK: http://www.icts.res.in/discussion_mee...

Welcome Address 21:27 
Circuit QED: Wiring up Quantum Systems - Steven M. Girvin 40:31 
Fermions in Synthetic Non-Albelian Gauge Fields- Vijay B Shenay 38:58 
Evolution of the quantum wavefunction during measurement: From quantum jumps to feedback - R Vijay 46:26 
Topological and Flat Bands - Roderich Moessner 47:17 
Electronic topological transition from band to topological insulator under pressure -Ajay Sood 36:47 
Condensate vs. Quasiparticle Transport in a Bilayer Quantum Hall Superfluid - Jim Eisenstein 54:04 
Possible Anti - Pfaffian Pairing of Composite Fermions at Filling Factor 3/8 - Sudhansu S. Mandalo 34:46 
Advances in Graphene, Majorana Fermions, Quantum Computation ( 1 ) - Sankar Das Sarma  1:19:09
Topological Surface States in Topological Insulators, Superconductors and Beyond - M. Zahid  42:41
Fractionalizing Majorana Fermions - Ady Stern 49:21
Transport at surfaces of topological insulators - Diptiman Sen 39:55 
Quantum computing in silicon and the limits of silicon miniaturisation - Michelle Simmons 43:28
A Fast Spin Qubit - Charles Marcus 44:51
Advances in Graphene, Majorana Fermions, Quantum Computation ( 2 ) - Sankar Das Sarma 1:15:34 
The chiral Mott phase of bosons in one dimensional optical lattices - Subroto Mukerjee 41:18
Spectral Function in Bilayer Graphene: Quasiparticles and Plasmarons - Rajdeep Sensarma 47:14 
Correlated Electron Phenomena in Suspended Graphene - Amir Yacoby 33:17 
Charge transport across tunable superlattice barriers in graphene -Mandar Deshmukh 39:15 
Graphene Interaction with Light - Andrea Ferrari 48:07 
Quantum Ising Dynamics in the Rabi Lattice Model - Brijesh Kumar 44:42 
Correlation between dissipation & out of equilibrium noise in low dimensional mesoscopic 23:52 
Advances in Graphene, Majorana Fermions, Quantum Computation ( 3 ) - Sankar Das Sarma 1:16:01

Advances in Graphene, Majorana Fermions, Quantum Computation - Sankar Das Sarma (2012)

source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences    2013年3月28日
Speaker : Sankar Das Sarma (University of Maryland, USA)
Date and Time : 19 Dec 2012, 04:30 PM
Venue : Auditorium, New Physical Sciences Building, IISc

These lectures will cover three modern topics in physics: graphene, quantum computation, and Majorana fermions. Graphene is a two-dimensional Dirac material existing in nature where the energy dispersion follows the chiral massless Dirac-Weyl equation. It has very intriguing properties which will be discussed at length. Quantum computation is a new theoretical paradigm for computation where the full power of quantum resources, namely superposition and entanglement, is utilized to solve problems which are beyond the realm of classical computation. Since quantum decoherence is the real enemy of quantum computation with quantum states disappearing rather fast in nature (i.e. before any successful computation could be carried out), a revolutionary new way of carrying out quantum computation uses topological quantum matter where emergent Majorana fermions with non-Abelian anyonic statistics can be braided to create the elementary computation steps. Topology provides the immunity for these Majorana fermions which do not decohere. The lectures will cover quantum computation and will discuss the recent possible discovery of Majorana fermions in semiconductor-superconductor hybrid systems.

The Quantum Phases of Matter (1-3) - Subir Sachdev (2013)

source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2013年3月28日
Speaker : Subir Sachdev (Harvard University)
Date and Time : 06 Dec 2010, 04:00 PM
Venue : Faculty Hall, IISc, Bangalore
Quantum mechanics was developed in the early twentieth century to describe the motion of a single electron in a hydrogen atom. Later, Einstein and others pointed out that the quantum theory of a pair of electrons had non-intuitive features which they found unpalatable: two well-separatedelectrons can have their quantum states "entangled", indicating that they talk to each other quantum mechanically, even though they are far apart. Today, quantum entanglement is not viewed as a subtle microscopic effect of interest only to a few physicists, but as a crucial ingredient necessary for a complete understanding of the many phases of matter. A crystal can have roughly trillion trillion electrons entangled with each other, and the different patterns of entanglement lead to phases which are magnets, metals, or superconductors. I will give a simple discussion of these and other remarkable features of the quantum mechanics of a trillion trillion electrons, and of their importance to a variety of technologically important materials. The theory also has surprising and unexpected connections to string theory: remarkably, this connects the motion of electrons within a plane of a crystal in the laboratory, to the theory of astrophysical black holes similar to those studied by Chandrasekhar.
ICTS Chandrasekhar Lectures

Donald Grimes: Competition is Good for U.S. Industries

source: University of Michigan    2017年1月28日
University of Michigan Economics expert Donald Grimes explains the dynamics of international trade and its impact on U.S. companies.

Chris Douvos: Escaping the Tyranny of Mediocrity: Finding Differentiation Through Authenticity

source: Stanford     2017年1月10日
Chris Douvos began his career at the Princeton University Investment Company before becoming the co-head of Private Equity Investing at The Investment Fund for Foundations. Currently, Chris is the Managing Director of fund-of-funds Venture Investment Associates, and is well-known for his blog “Super LP.”
In this fireside chat, Chris examines the manner in which he and his companies identify talented venture capitalists and promising funds, and balance institutional portfolios to minimize risk and maximize potential rewards. Chris also discusses the manner in which LP investment strategies adjust with changing economic trends and the corresponding adjustment in the role of an institutional investor.
MS&E 476 Course Description: We often discuss how technology is reinvented and disrupted, but there is also a good amount of change occurring within the venture capital industry. Within the past several decades there have been new entrants, from incubators to angels to different models of venture capital.
The course explores changes in the venture capital industry: from the rise of Sand Hill Road and investing in the dot-com bubble, to incubators and accelerators, equity crowdfunding platform, and different models of venture capital today. Through lectures, guest speakers and interviews, the course explores how companies are funded, grown, and scaled, hearing from individuals who have been at the forefront of the industry as investors, technologists and entrepreneurs.

Gene editing revolution: should there be limits?

source: Oxford Martin School    2017年1月25日
Gene editing promises to precisely modify the human DNA of embryos. This could cure genetic disorders, eradicate genes contributing to common human diseases and further research into disease. But it could also be used to enhance normal human traits like intelligence, memory and even moral dispositions. The prospect of designer humans has led scientists to call for a moratorium on this research. But what should the limits be?
Dr Andy Greenfield, Programme Leader, Medical Research Council, Harwell
Dr Christopher Gyngell, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow, Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, University of Oxford
Professor Robin Lovell-Badge, Group Leader and Head of the Division of Stem Cell Biology and Developmental Genetics, The Francis Crick Institute
Professor Alison Murdoch, Professor of Reproductive Medicine/Gynaecologist at the Newcastle Fertility Centre at Life/Newcastle University
Professor Julian Savulescu, Co-Director, Oxford Martin Programme on Collective Responsibility for Infectious Disease and Director of the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics
Oxford Martin School,
University of Oxford

Rogue One's Alan Tudyk on Developing the Backstory and Voice for K-2SO |...

source: WIRED UK    2017年1月17日
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story star Alan Tudyk plays K-2SO, an Imperial droid who was reprogrammed and finds himself on the side of the rebellion. Alan tells WIRED how he developed the character and how tricky it was controlling K-2SO.
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Rogue One's Alan Tudyk on Developing the Backstory and Voice for K-2SO | WIRED

Asma Jilani Jahangir & Amartya Sen | Religious Intolerance and its Impact on Democracy

source: London School of Economics and Political Science    2017年1月19日
Speaker(s): Asma Jilani Jahangir and Professor Amartya Sen
Chair: Professor Chetan Bhatt
Recorded on 17 January 2017 at Old Theatre, Old Building
Asma Jilani Jahangir will deliver the 2017 Amartya Sen Lecture.
Asma Jilani Jahangir is a Pakistani human rights lawyer and activist who co-founded and chaired the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.
Amartya Sen is Thomas W Lamont University Professor and Professor of Economics and Philosophy at Harvard University. He is the recipient of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Economics and an LSE Honorary Fellow.
Chetan Bhatt (@ChetanBhatt1962) is director of the Human Rights Centre at LSE.
STICERD (@STICERD_LSE) brings together world-class academics to put economics and related disciplines at the forefront of research and policy. Founded in 1978 by the renowned Japanese economist Michio Morishima, with donations from Suntory and Toyota, we are a thriving research community within the LSE.
The new International Inequalities Institute at LSE (@LSEInequalities) brings together experts from many LSE departments and centres to provide co-ordination and strategic leadership for critical and cutting edge research and inter-disciplinary analysis of

The Illusion of Self - Hume & Buddhism

source: Philosophical Overdose     2017年1月16日
Descartes famously claimed that the one thing which is absolutely certain and cannot be doubted is the existence of himself as a conscious thinking subject. But the existence of the self has been challenged, both in the east and west. David Hume maintained that there's only a bundle of memories, perceptions, and thoughts, but no underlying subject or self which "has" them, to which they belong and are held together. So too, Buddhists also reject the existence of a self which persists through time, as a consequence of a rejection of permanence generally. This all sounds quite counterintuitive, especially to the western ear. What are the implications? What does this mean for ethics and our conception of mind?
This is an episode of ABC National's Philosopher's Zone. Joe Gelonesi discusses the no self view in Buddhism with Professor Alison Gopnik and Monima Chadha. For more information, go to: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/p...

Intuition Nihilism vs. Protean Crypto-Rationalism

source: SchAdvStudy    2013年3月6日
22-02-13 Institute of Philosophy
Professor Jonathan Weinberg (Arizona) -- Intuition Nihilism vs. Protean Crypto-Rationalism

Knowledge and Intuitions - A one-day conference with papers on Professor Herman Cappelen's recent publication, Philosophy without Intuitions (OUP, 2012), with Professor Brain Weatherson (Michigan), Dr Ana-Sara Malmgren (Stanford), Professor Jonathan Weinberg (Arizona) and Professor Mark Richard (Harvard), with responses from the author.