

Virology Lectures (Spring 2015) by Vincent Racaniello at Columbia University

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: Vincent Racaniello    2015年1月21日
Lectures from my undergraduate virology course at Columbia University from Spring 2015.

2015 Lecture #1 - What is a virus? 59:30 In lecture #1 I introduce the world of viruses - their diversity and numbers, a definition of a virus, and their discovery in the context of the history of microbiology.
2015 Lecture #2 - The Infectious Cycle 1:14:46
2015 Lecture #3: Genomes and Genetics 1:01:43
2015 Lecture #4: Structure of viruses 1:08:12
2015 Lecture #5: Attachment and Entry 1:09:20
2015 Lecture #6: RNA directed RNA synthesis 1:04:21
2015 Lecture #7: Transcription and RNA processing 1:09:03
2015 Lecture #8: Viral DNA Replication 1:05:07
2015 Lecture #9: Reverse transcription and integration 1:10:35
2015 Lecture #10: Translation 1:10:45
2015 Lecture #11: Assembly 1:12:11
2015 Lecture #12: Infection basics 1:13:25
2015 Lecture #13: Intrinsic and innate defenses 1:12:58
2015 Lecture #14: Adaptive defenses 1:12:41
2015 Lecture #15: Viral Virulence 1:08:05
2015 Lecture #16: Acute Infections 1:16:14
2015 Lecture #17: Persistent infections 1:06:49
2015 Lecture #18: Transformation and oncogenesis 1:08:27
2015 Lecture #19: Vaccines 1:09:07
2015 Lecture #20: Antivirals 1:10:42
2015 Lecture #21: Evolution 1:13:54
2015 Lecture #22: Emerging viruses 1:12:22
2015 Lecture #23: Unusual infectious agents 1:11:42
2015 Lecture #24: HIV and AIDS 1:14:32
2015 Lecture #25: Ebolavirus 1:15:02
2015 Lecture #26: Viral gene therapy 1:17:26

Virology Lectures (Spring 2016) by Vincent Racaniello at Columbia University

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: Vincent Racaniello    2016年1月24日
Lectures from my undergraduate virology course at Columbia University from Spring 2016.

2016 #1: What is a virus? 56:59 In this first lecture of my 2016 Columbia University virology course, we explore the definitions of viruses, their discovery and properties, and my goals for this course.
2016 #2: The Infectious Cycle 1:03:38
2016 #3: Genomes and Genetics 1:10:47
2016 #4: Structure of viruses 1:09:28
2016 #5: Attachment and Entry 1:06:30
2016 #6: RNA Directed RNA Synthesis 1:11:18
2016 #7: Transcription and RNA Processing 1:14:00
2016 #8: Viral DNA Replication 1:06:30
2016 #9: Reverse transcription and integration 1:10:17
2016 #10: Lost in translation 1:08:56
2016 #11: Assembly 1:11:34
2016 #12: Infection Basics 1:10:45
2016: Retroviral Reverse Transcription 1:50
2016 #13: Intrinsic and Innate Defenses 1:09:53
2016 #14: Adaptive Immunity 1:10:01
2016 #15: Mechanisms of Pathogenesis 1:10:02
2016 #16: Acute Infections 1:12:40
2016 #17: Persistent Infections 1:11:36
2016 #18: Transformation and Oncogenesis 1:08:53
2016 #19: Vaccines 1:08:21
2016 #20: Antivirals 1:10:53
2016 #21: Evolution 1:11:54
2016 #22: Emerging Viruses 1:15:42
2016 #23: Unusual infectious agents 1:15:18
2016 #24: HIV and AIDS 1:12:17
2016 #25: Viral gene therapy 1:13:32

John O'Keefe: "The GPS of the Brain" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google   2016年12月20日
Nobel Laureate John O’Keefe visits the GooglePlex to talk about Place Cells, the “GPS of the Brain”. A discovery for which he received the 2014 Nobel Prize in Medicine.
He explains how animals and humans find their way - by working out the relationship between where they are and where other things are. The brain does this by representing places (where you are now), and representing distances and directions. O'Keefe and his colleagues established which part of the brain does this, and how it works. Your brain has cells that represent places; so when you are in a familiar environment different cells represent different locations in this environment. There are cells that represent directions, for where you are looking and where you are moving; and there are also cells that tell the distances moved in particular directions. All this together forms a so called "cognitive map", which is a framework for identifying where you are, where other things are in your environment, and how to get from one place to another.

O’Keefe is a Neuroscientist and Professor at University College London. But he was born in Harlem, NY, the son of immigrant parents. He grew up in the Bronx, studied aeronautical engineering at New York University (yes, he’s an engineer made good!), and later attended City College of New York, the last free public college in the US, where he studied philosophy of the mind. He then did an MA and PhD in physiological psychology.
Moderated by Frank van Diggelen, who leads the Android Location team.

物理(一) 2016學年: 簡紋濱 / 交大

# 播放清單 (可按影片右上角清單標誌選取影片)

source: NCTU OCW    2016年12月26日
授課教師:電子物理系 簡紋濱老師

1. 課程介紹 7:42
2. 第0章 數學 (1/7) 13:18
3. 第0章 數學 (2/7) 8:27
4. 第0章 數學 (3/7) 9:59
5. 第0章 數學 (4/7) 20:39
6. 第0章 數學 (5/7) 20:00
7. 第0章 數學 (6/7) 16:22
8. 第0章 數學 (7/7) 22:50
9. 第一章 測量 Physics and Measurements (1/4) 14:25
10. 第一章 測量 Physics and Measurements (2/4) 15:19
11. 第一章 測量 Physics and Measurements (3/4) 14:02
12. 第一章 測量 Physics and Measurements (4/4) 17:22
13. 第二章 一維運動 Motion In One Dimension (1/5) 19:17
14. 第二章 一維運動 Motion In One Dimension (2/5) 16:10
15. 第二章 一維運動 Motion In One Dimension (3/5) 12:14
16. 第二章 一維運動 Motion In One Dimension (4/5) 19:05
17. 第二章 一維運動 Motion In One Dimension (5/5) 13:36
18. 第四章 向量與二維運動 Motion In Two Dimensions (1/5) 13:33
19. 第四章 向量與二維運動 Motion In Two Dimensions (2/5) 19:21
20. 第四章 向量與二維運動 Motion In Two Dimensions (3/5) 19:40
21. 第四章 向量與二維運動 Motion In Two Dimensions (4/5) 18:48
22. 第四章 向量與二維運動 Motion In Two Dimensions (5/5) 12:39
23. 第五章 運動定律 The Laws of Motion (1/6) 17:44
24. 第五章 運動定律 The Laws of Motion (2/6) 9:58
25. 第五章 運動定律 The Laws of Motion (3/6) 15:53
26. 第五章 運動定律 The Laws of Motion (4/6) 22:58
27. 第五章 運動定律 The Laws of Motion (5/6) 16:48
28. 第五章 運動定律 The Laws of Motion (6/6) 18:44
29. 第六章 圓周運動與其應用 Circular Motion and Other Applications (1/7) 11:54
30. 第六章 圓周運動與其應用 Circular Motion and Other Applications (2/7) 10:28
31. 第六章 圓周運動與其應用 Circular Motion and Other Applications (3/7) 21:30
32. 第六章 圓周運動與其應用 Circular Motion and Other Applications (4/7) 15:44
33. 第六章 圓周運動與其應用 Circular Motion and Other Applications (5/7) 13:58
34. 第六章 圓周運動與其應用 Circular Motion and Other Applications (6/7) 11:29
35. 第六章 圓周運動與其應用 Circular Motion and Other Applications (7/7) 13:34
36. 第七章 能量 Energy of A System (1/8) 18:10
37. 第七章 能量 Energy of A System (2/8) 11:10
38. 第七章 能量 Energy of A System (3/8) 19:47
39. 第七章 能量 Energy of A System (4/8) 20:51
40. 第七章 能量 Energy of A System (5/8) 12:00
41. 第七章 能量 Energy of A System (6/8) 11:07
42. 第七章 能量 Energy of A System (7/8) 17:37
43. 第七章 能量 Energy of A System (8/8) 12:08
44. 第八章 能量守恆 Conservation of Energy (1/6) 10:21
45. 第八章 能量守恆 Conservation of Energy (2/6) 16:51
46. 第八章 能量守恆 Conservation of Energy (3/6) 13:27
47. 第八章 能量守恆 Conservation of Energy (4/6) 16:02
48. 第八章 能量守恆 Conservation of Energy (5/6) 21:09
49. 第八章 能量守恆 Conservation of Energy (6/6) 12:16
50. 第九章 動量 Systems of Particles and Conservation of Linear Momentum (1/8) 19:08
51. 第九章 動量 Systems of Particles and Conservation of Linear Momentum (2/8) 15:07
52. 第九章 動量 Systems of Particles and Conservation of Linear Momentum (3/8) 13:30
53. 第九章 動量 Systems of Particles and Conservation of Linear Momentum (4/8) 14:01
54. 第九章 動量 Systems of Particles and Conservation of Linear Momentum (5/8) 18:16
55. 第九章 動量 Systems of Particles and Conservation of Linear Momentum (6/8) 17:11
56. 第九章 動量 Systems of Particles and Conservation of Linear Momentum (7/8) 21:59
57. 第九章 動量 Systems of Particles and Conservation of Linear Momentum (8/8) 23:12
58. 第十章 轉動慣量 Rotation of A Rigid Object About A Fixed Axis (1/10) 21:13
59. 第十章 轉動慣量 Rotation of A Rigid Object About A Fixed Axis (2/10) 18:29
60. 第十章 轉動慣量 Rotation of A Rigid Object About A Fixed Axis (3/10) 16:55
61. 第十章 轉動慣量 Rotation of A Rigid Object About A Fixed Axis (4/10) 19:52
62. 第十章 轉動慣量 Rotation of A Rigid Object About A Fixed Axis (5/10) 17:51
63. 第十章 轉動慣量 Rotation of A Rigid Object About A Fixed Axis (6/10) 18:49
64. 第十章 轉動慣量 Rotation of A Rigid Object About A Fixed Axis (7/10) 13:55
65. 第十章 轉動慣量 Rotation of A Rigid Object About A Fixed Axis (8/10) 23:45
66. 第十章 轉動慣量 Rotation of A Rigid Object About A Fixed Axis (9/10) 11:06
67. 第十章 轉動慣量 Rotation of A Rigid Object About A Fixed Axis (10/10) 17:53
68. 第十一章 轉動慣量守恆 Conservation of Angular Momentum (1/5) 17:11
69. 第十一章 轉動慣量守恆 Conservation of Angular Momentum (2/5) 12:41
70. 第十一章 轉動慣量守恆 Conservation of Angular Momentum (3/5) 21:21
71. 第十一章 轉動慣量守恆 Conservation of Angular Momentum (4/5) 15:35
72. 第十一章 轉動慣量守恆 Conservation of Angular Momentum (5/5) 10:29
73. 第十二章 靜力平衡 Static Equilibrium and Elasticity (1/4) 16:52
74. 第十二章 靜力平衡 Static Equilibrium and Elasticity (2/4) 9:16
75. 第十二章 靜力平衡 Static Equilibrium and Elasticity (3/4) 16:26
76. 第十二章 靜力平衡 Static Equilibrium and Elasticity (4/4) 13:59
77. 第十四章 流體力學 Fluids (1/5)21:46
78. 第十四章 流體力學 Fluids (2/5) 14:24
79. 第十四章 流體力學 Fluids (3/5) 16:42
80. 第十四章 流體力學 Fluids (4/5) 21:22
81. 第十四章 流體力學 Fluids (5/5) 17:24
82. 第十五章 簡諧振動 Oscillation Motion (1/6) 17:46
83. 第十五章 簡諧振動 Oscillation Motion (2/6) 13:59
84. 第十五章 簡諧振動 Oscillation Motion (3/6) 18:11
85. 第十五章 簡諧振動 Oscillation Motion (4/6) 21:07
86. 第十五章 簡諧振動 Oscillation Motion (5/6) 20:19
87. 第十五章 簡諧振動 Oscillation Motion (6/6) 12:55
88. 第十六章 波動 Wave Motion (1/5) 18:15
89. 第十六章 波動 Wave Motion (2/5) 16:25
90. 第十六章 波動 Wave Motion (3/5) 11:20
91. 第十六章 波動 Wave Motion (4/5) 25:08
92. 第十六章 波動 Wave Motion (5/5) 23:57
93. 第十八章 駐波 Superposition and Standing Waves (1/7) 13:44
94. 第十八章 駐波 Superposition and Standing Waves (2/7) 13:09
95. 第十八章 駐波 Superposition and Standing Waves (3/7) 12:11
96. 第十八章 駐波 Superposition and Standing Waves (4/7) 15:29
97. 第十八章 駐波 Superposition and Standing Waves (5/7) 16:13
98. 第十八章 駐波 Superposition and Standing Waves (6/7) 19:25
99. 第十八章 駐波 Superposition and Standing Waves (7/7) 10:10
100. 第十九章 溫度 Temperature (1/4) 12:09
101. 第十九章 溫度 Temperature (2/4) 13:24
102. 第十九章 溫度 Temperature (3/4) 15:22
103. 第十九章 溫度 Temperature (4/4) 25:37
104. 第二十章 熱力學第一定律 The First Law of Thermodynamics (1/7) 12:44
105. 第二十章 熱力學第一定律 The First Law of Thermodynamics (2/7) 13:14
106. 第二十章 熱力學第一定律 The First Law of Thermodynamics (3/7) 16:36
107. 第二十章 熱力學第一定律 The First Law of Thermodynamics (4/7) 14:02
108. 第二十章 熱力學第一定律 The First Law of Thermodynamics (5/7) 23:12
109. 第二十章 熱力學第一定律 The First Law of Thermodynamics (6/7) 18:28
110. 第二十章 熱力學第一定律 The First Law of Thermodynamics (7/7) 10:52
111. 第二十一章 氣體動力學 The Kinetic Theory of Gases (1/8) 19:49
112. 第二十一章 氣體動力學 The Kinetic Theory of Gases (2/8) 13:12
113. 第二十一章 氣體動力學 The Kinetic Theory of Gases (3/8) 16:47
114. 第二十一章 氣體動力學 The Kinetic Theory of Gases (4/8) 12:57
115. 第二十一章 氣體動力學 The Kinetic Theory of Gases (5/8) 17:22
116. 第二十一章 氣體動力學 The Kinetic Theory of Gases (6/8) 10:02
117. 第二十一章 氣體動力學 The Kinetic Theory of Gases (7/8) 23:11
118. 第二十一章 氣體動力學 The Kinetic Theory of Gases (8/8) 22:29
119. 第二十二章 熱力學第二定律 Heat Engines, Entropy and The Second Law of Thermodynamics (1/6) 20:44
120. 第二十二章 熱力學第二定律 Heat Engines, Entropy and The Second Law of Thermodynamics (2/6) 14:10
121. 第二十二章 熱力學第二定律 Heat Engines, Entropy and The Second Law of Thermodynamics (3/6) 15:04
122. 第二十二章 熱力學第二定律 Heat Engines, Entropy and The Second Law of Thermodynamics (4/6) 11:42
123. 第二十二章 熱力學第二定律 Heat Engines, Entropy and The Second Law of Thermodynamics (5/6) 11:51
124. 第二十二章 熱力學第二定律 Heat Engines, Entropy and The Second Law of Thermodynamics (6/6) 23:17

2016學年 (上) 經典通識教育講座 (交大)

# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角選取影片觀看)

source: NCTU OCW    2017年1月12日
為持續校務長遠發展,及面對新世紀資訊、科技、與全球化之挑戰,本校以「全人教育、科技創新、學術卓越」為願景,採取 前瞻多元之全人教育,培育新世代精英領袖;整合跨越之知識能量 ,探索人類文明的新知 ;突破創新之科技研發,解決人類面臨的挑戰等三策略,於民國 96 年起實施「以通識教育為核心的全校課程改進計畫」。

Lec 01 講題:法律訴訟中的人性與試煉-呂秋遠 1:53:58
Lec 02 講題:Rockets-the Key to Space,Can Taiwan Make It? 中年阿伯的太空夢-吳宗信 57:25
Lec 03 講題:《哈客流行列車》音樂賞析-張逸士 1:39:33
Lec 04 講題:藝享芭蕾-徐進豐 1:14:43
Lec 05 講題:亂彈風華~北管戲曲-莊進才 1:39:22
Lec 06 講題:建築~時光的容器-潘冀 1:38:21
Lec 07 講題:世界的學術史:敦煌的發現、「東方學」、與Philology- 張谷銘 1:23:53
Lec 08 講題:明譯伊索式寓言與荷馬式希臘神話-從幾個英文關鍵字談起-李奭學 1:53:37
Lec 09 講題:舞蹈與劇場的對話~遇見・何曉玫 1:32:25
Lec 10 講題:楊英風創作的活水源頭-寬謙法師 1:29:43

The mathematics of sidewalk illusions - Fumiko Futamura

source: TED-Ed    2017年1月23日
View full lesson here: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-mathema...
Have you ever come across an oddly stretched image on the sidewalk, only to find that it looks remarkably realistic if you stand in exactly the right spot? These sidewalk illusions employ a technique called anamorphosis — a special case of perspective art where artists represent 3D views on 2D surfaces. So how is it done? Fumiko Futamura traces the history and mathematics of perspective.
Lesson by Fumiko Futamura, animation by TED-Ed.

Noam Chomsky and Peter Singer on Abortion

source: LennyBound 2009年6月6日
These clips are taken from the 2006 Tony Kaye documentary "Lake of Fire" that graphically depicts the contemporary abortion debate in the United States.
Noam Chomsky is professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and is one of the fathers of modern linguistics. Since the 1960s, he has become known more widely as a political dissident, an anarchist, and libertarian socialist.
Peter Singer is the Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, and laureate professor at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics (CAPPE), University of Melbourne. He specializes in applied ethics, approaching ethical issues from a secular utilitarian perspective.

Peter Singer's Ethics

source: Eidos84    2010年11月27日
In this short clip Peter Singer discusses the ethics of poverty and affluence, animal rights, and the radical nature of applied ethics.

Peter Singer On Poverty

source: Eidos84 2010年10月30日
In this short clip Peter Singer draws on ideas from his "Singer Solution to World Poverty" article, and discusses arguments for why we should help people living in absolute poverty.

Peter Singer - Ethics, Utilitarianism & Effective Altruism

source: Adam Ford    2014年9月6日
Blog Post: http://www.scifuture.org/peter-singer...
In his 2009 book 'The Life You Can Save', Singer presented the thought experiment of a child drowning in a pond before our eyes, something we would all readily intervene to prevent, even if it meant ruining an expensive pair of shoes we were wearing. He argued that, in fact, we are in a very similar ethical situation with respect to many people in the developing world: there are life-saving interventions, such as vaccinations and clean water, that can be provided at only a relatively small cost to ourselves. Given this, Singer argues that we in the west should give up some of our luxuries to help those in the world who are most in need.

Around this central idea a new movement has emerged over the past few years known as Effective Altruism, which seeks to use the best evidence available in order to help the most people and do the most good with the limited resources that we have available. Associated with this movement are organisations such as GiveWell, which evaluates the relative effectiveness of different charities, and Giving What We Can, which encourages members to pledge to donate 10% or more of their income to effective poverty relief programs.
New Book 'The Point of View of the Universe - Sidgwick and Contemporary Ethics' - by Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek and Peter Singer : http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/97...
Subscribe to this Channel: http://youtube.com/subscription_cente...
Science, Technology & the Future: http://scifuture.org
Humanity+: http://humanityplus.org

Yale Fox International Fellowship Leadership Seminar: Leadership & Corpo...

source: Yale University    2016年12月6日
Speaker: Jeremy Moon, Velux Professor of Corporate Sustainability, Copenhagen Business School. Formerly the founding Director of the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, University of Nottingham; and Deputy Dean, Nottingham University Business School.
Moderator: Marian Chertow, Associate Professor and Director, Industrial Environmental Management Program, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and Yale School of Management.
This event is a part of a yearlong seminar series focused on the role of leadership in advancing policy goals in different fields.

The Future of Food: Feeding the Planet During Climate Change

source: Harvard University    2016年12月15日
By 2050, a projected 9.7 billion people will inhabit the planet. How will we produce enough nutritious food to support this burgeoning population and ensure access to food resources, particularly as climate change stresses the environment? This Forum explored innovative methods and systems for producing food, as well as new types of products and underutilized sources. The panelists talked about emerging technologies, including advances in genomics and aeroponics, to grow food. They also discussed ways to sustain at-risk food resources made vulnerable from climate change, and the impacts for populations in developing countries.
Part of The Andelot Series on Current Science Controversies, this event was presented jointly with PRI's The World and WGBH on December 13, 2016.
Watch the entire series from The Forum at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health at www.ForumHSPH.org.

Orbit Pavilion at The Huntington

source: caltech    2016年12月22日
Learn more: http://www.caltech.edu/news/jpl-news-...
Dan Goods and David Delgado dreamed of listening to the satellites that study the earth. As visual strategists for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is managed for NASA by Caltech, Delgado and Goods invited sound artist Shane Myrbeck and architect Jason Klimonski to create a stunning immersive experience now installed at The Huntington.

Human Cooperation

source: London School of Economics and Political Science  2016年12月14日
Speaker(s): Dr David Rand
Chair: Dr Bradley Franks
Recorded on 8 December 2016 at Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House
Cooperation is central to successful human societies. But why are people willing to incur the individual costs involved in cooperating?

David Rand (@DG_Rand) is an Associate Professor of Psychology, Economics, and Management at Yale University, and the director of Yale University’s Human Cooperation Laboratory.
David's work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such Nature, Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Psychological Science, the American Economic Review, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, and Management Science, and has received widespread attention from print, radio and TV outlets. He has also written popular press articles for the New York Times, Wired, New Scientist, and the Psychological Observer. He was named to Wired magazine’s Smart List 2012 of “50 people who will change the world,” chosen as a 2012 Pop!Tech Science Fellow, and received the 2015 Arthur Greer Memorial Prize for Outstanding Scholarly Research, and his papers have been awarded Best Paper of the Year in Experimental Economics, Social Cognition, and Political Methodology.
Bradley Franks is Associate Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science at LSE. He has interests in the intersections between culture, evolution and cognition, and has researched a variety of topics within this field, including the self, agency, varieties of knowledge representation and categorisation. His books include The Social Psychology of Communication (with D Hook & M Bauer, Palgrave MacMillan, 201), and Cognition and Culture: Evolutionary Perspectives (Palgrave MacMillan, 2011).
The Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science (@PsychologyLSE) study and teach societal psychology: the psychology of humans in complex socio-technical systems (organisations, communities, societies). Our research deals with real-world issues, we train the future global leaders.

Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace

source: The RSA    2016年12月29日
Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace. Global bestselling author and leadership guru Simon Sinek offers an insight in to why many Millennials struggle in the workplace and lack the mechanisms to deal with the stress and consequently struggle to form deep, meaningful relationships.
Watch our Simon Sinek in our latest RSA Spotlight - the edits which take you straight to the heart of the event! Loved this snippet? Watch the full talk here: https://youtu.be/AIkfdhGhxDc

Knowledge A Priori - Schopenhauer

source: Philosophical Overdose 2016年12月23日
A section of the supplements to the first book of Arthur Schopenhauer's "The World as Will and Idea" (The Doctrine of the Idea of Perception) from LibriVox, read by Expatriate.