

UNSWelearning (videos of May to July 2017)

source: UNSWelearning
23:08 PHCM9518 Module 2A Folic Acid
14:39 PHCM9518 Module 2B Anitoxidants
4:33 PHCM9518 Module 2C Summary
14:20 PHCM9518 Module 1C Refresher Causation

5:42 PHCM9518 Module 1D Summary  15:46 PHCM9518 Module 1A History
5:58 PHCM9518 Module 1B Refresher Design
6:07 PHCM9518 The Reading Game
1:33 Using the Osmometer
42:48 MECH9761 Automobile Engine Technology Week 1 Lecture Part 2 - A/Prof Kook
44:30 MECH9761 Automobile Engine Technology Week 1 Auto Industry Lecture by A/Prof Kook
19:38 MBAX Strategic Management Unit 1
3:54 PHCM9518 Assessment Information
1:36 Peter Fisher - What is Presence?
2:06 Peter Fisher - Storytelling
2:32 Peter Fisher Introduction
5:28 Peter Fisher - The Limbic System
3:26 Peter Fisher Introduction
8:48 Using Office 365 for learning and teaching. Presented by Sam Hegarty - Digital Learning Specialist, Business School
15:12 Webquit video 7B
17:47 Webquit video 7A
19:47 Webquit video 8A
12:49 Webquit video 8B
8:51 webquit video 2
15:12 Webquit video 7B
17:47 Webquit Video 7A
17:47 Webquit Video 2B1
15:12 Webquit video 2B2
3:37 webquit video 9A
8:51 webquit video 7
8:50 webquit video 2a
3:02 Peter Fisher on Presence
2:17 Scene 5. Resistance to interpreter
2:02 Scene 7. Interpreting everything Part II
0:58 Scene 6. Interpreting everything Part 1  1:11 Scene 3. Waiting room conversation with husband Part II
0:59 Scene 4. Introduction to interpreter
1:07 Scene 2. Waiting room conversation with husband Part I
2:04 Scene 1. Debriefing with interpreter
4:45 Digital Uplift Pilot by Rob Nicholls Rob Nicholls, Lecturer in the School of Taxation and Business Law (UNSW Business School) talks about the changes he made to his course 'Business Ethics and the Law' as part of the Course Uplift pilot.

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