

Time Series Analysis for Synoptic Surveys and Gravitational Wave Astronomy (2017)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences     2017年4月19日
20 March 2017 to 25 March 2017
VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
This joint program is co-sponsored by ICTS and SAMSI (as part of the SAMSI yearlong program on Astronomy; ASTRO). The primary goal of this program is to further enrich the international collaboration in the area of synoptic time domain surveys and time series analysis of gravitational wave data. The participants will focus on advancing the current understanding of these research topics by incorporating expertise of researchers from India and US who are working on identifying electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave sources. In essence, this program would enable US researchers to learn from the expertise of Indian researchers and also enable US researchers to exchange and share the methodologies developed by two of the five working groups of the SAMSI ASTRO program.
The program will begin with a few overview lectures designed to familiarize attendees with current trends in time domain astronomy and modern methodologies in statistics and applied mathematics. The subsequent part of the program will follow with specialized research lectures on the existing subgroups, panel discussions about collaboration possibilities between different groups with specific end-points in mind through collaborative research sessions.
Participation in this program is by invitation only and will involve about 35-40 participants only. If you are interested to participate, please contact one of the organizers.
CONTACT US: tassgw2017@icts.res.in
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/TASSG...

Scientific Aims by Ashish Mahabal 6:09
Challenges for Real-time and Archival Time domain astronomy by Ashish Mahabal 34:01
Issues in time domain astronomy by Matthew Graham 37:27
Challenges in Source Parameter Estimation in GW Astronomy by Rajesh Nayak 28:32
Observing facilities in india by Varun Bhalerao 25:42
The Search for Electromagnetic Counterparts to GW sources by Varun Bhalerao 29:30
Transient noise in the LIGO detectors by Jessica Mclver 24:34
Compact binaries, sky localization & all that by Sukanta Bose 33:59
Robust and accurate inference via a mixture of Gaussian and terrors by Hyungsuk Tak 32:51
Gamma Ray Bursts & Associated Supernovae by Kuntal Misra 23:57
[private video]
Bayesian model selection of population synthesismodels of CBCs by Sumit Kumar 9:53
Bayesian identification of strongly lensed GW events by M K Haris 10:24
Statistics in astronomy and the SAMSI ASTRO Program by G Jogesh Babu 24:09
Building a training set for an automatic LSST light curve classifier by Rafael Martinez Galarza 26:16
Searching for ultraviolet transients with Ultra Violet imaging Telescope by Koshy George 7:51
GW astronomy: Overview by Archana pai 32:30
A hybrid geometric-random template placement by Anand Sengupta 12:50
PSD, Structure Function, and CARMA Analysis of AGN Variability by Jackeline Moreno 34:38
Two Statistical Challenges in Classification of Variable Sources by James long 29:31
The Physical, statistical, and computational challenges of Pulsar Timing by Justin Ellis 26:08
SAMSI Deputy Director's welcome 13:48

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