

The Ancient Land of Persia Tour

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# playlist compiled by The Oriental Institute

The Grand Bazaar: Munchies Guide To Tehran (Part 1/3) [Munchies] 10:33
When it comes to Tehran, it's impossible to avoid politics and easy to overlook the Iranian city's thriving culinary scene. In our first installment of The MUNCHIES Guide to Tehran, our host Gelareh Kiazand introduces us to the bustling street food offerings in the city.
We begin our journey at the capital city's Grand Bazaar, since that's where commodities first arrive. Gelareh beelines for the market's food stands, where she samples dried fruits and nuts while waiting out the line at Moslem Restaurant, frequented by up to 5,000 kebab connoisseurs daily—well worth it for her favorite tah chin. At the more modest and bygone Tajrish Bazaar, she's the proverbial kid in a candy store, wading through copper and carpet vendors in search of sweet snacks, such as grape molasses and lavasak (fruit leather). Watch Part 2: http://bit.ly/Tehran-2
Iran: Historic Capitals [Rick Steves' Europe] 25:44
Iran: Tehran and Side-Trips [Rick Steves' Europe] 25:45
Rick Steves' Iran [Rick Steves' Europe] 55:45
Meidan Emam, Esfahan (UNESCO/NHK) [UNESCO] 2:07
Persepolis (UNESCO/NHK) [UNESCO] 2:58
The Radif of Iranian music [UNESCO] 10:01
The Pahlevani and Zoorkhanei rituals [UNESCO] 10:06
Capital of a column from the audience hall of the palace of Darius I, Susa [Smarthistory. art, history, conversation.] 3:58
Bushel with ibex motifs [Smarthistory. art, history, conversation.] 4:02
Ilkhanid Mihrab [Smarthistory. art, history, conversation.] 5:41
Two royal figures (Saljuq Period) [Smarthistory. art, history, conversation.] 5:17
Conserving the Emperor's Carpet [The Met] 8:33
Making Qalamkar Cloth in Isfahan, Iran.mp4 [John Lawrence] 0:50
The Cyrus Cylinder from Ancient Babylon and the Beginning of the Persian Empire [The Met] 59:01
Alexander Nagel | Taking Care of Color in Persepolis [The Oriental Institute] 36:50

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