

T1-2014 : Random walks and asymptopic geometry of groups.

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source: Institut Henri Poincaré    2014年4月14日
T1-2014 : Random walks and asymptopic geometry of groups.
March 24 - 28, 2014
Organizers: Emmanuel Breuillard, Indira Chatterji and Anna Erschler
Part of the IHP trimester on "random walks and asymptotic geometry of groups"
Organizers: Indira Chatterji, Anna Erschler, Vadim Kaimanovich and Laurent Saloff-Coste

Rostislav Grigorchuk - Invariant random subgroups of groups of the lamplighter type 41:54 Rostislav Grigorchuk (Texas A&M University, USA)
After a short introduction to invariant random subgroups (IRS) I will present some results obtained in collaboration with L.Bowen, R.Kravchenko and T.Nagnibeda and with M.Benli and T.Nagnibeda.
First I will talk about IRS of groups of lamplighter type. Then about IRS
of groups of intermediate growth. And finally, about IRS on hyperbolic groups, mapping class group and group of outer automorphisms of a free group. The latter results are based on study of characteristic random subgroups of a free abelian group of infinite rank and of a free non-commutative group.
Alex Lubotzky - Quantum error correcting codes... 47:00
Amos Nevo - On best possible rates of Diophantine approximation by lattice orbits. 53:51
Elon Lindenstrauss - Spectral gap, random walks on Euclidean isometry groups... 50:18
Elyahu Rips - Free Engel Groups and Similar Groups 49:58
Joel Friedman - Sheaves on Graphs, L^2 Betti Numbers, and Applications. 48:48
John s. Wilson - Metric ultraproducts of finite simple groups 43:44
Laurent Bartholdi - Imbeddings in groups of subexponential growth 50:38
Mark Sapir - The Tarski numbers of groups. 50:40
Martin Bridson - Profinite isomorphism problems. 50:50
Miklos Abert - Invariant random subgroups. 49:41
Mladen Bestvina - On the asymptotic dimension of a curve complex. 47:40
Nicolas Monod - Cutting and pasting: a group for Frankenstein 46:50
Nikolay Nikolov - Right angled cocompact lattices in higher rank simple Lie groups. 49:26
Thomas Delzant - Holomorphic families of Riemann surfaces from the pov of asymptotic group theory 40:37
Alexander Olshanskii - Relative growth of subgroups in finitely generated groups 44:13
Karen Vogtmann - Outer space for right-angled Artin groups 47:16
Leonid Potyagailo - Similar Relatively hyperbolic actions of a group 48:06
Yves Benoist - Random walk on p-adic flag varieties 50:35
Zlil Sela - Envelopes and equivalence relations in a free group 46:50
Gilbert Levitt - Vertex finiteness for relatively hyperbolic groups 48:30

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