

School on glass formers and glasses (2010)

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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences    2017年3月30日
URL: https://www.icts.res.in/program/glass...
DATES: 04 January 2010 to 20 January 2010
VENUE : Conference Hall, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR)
This two week long school will survey the state-of-the-art in theory and experiment aimed at building a fundamental understanding of glassy behavior. The goal is to prepare students and junior researchers to undertake cutting edge research on glass formers and glasses. Lectures will cover topics ranging from the onset of slow relaxation at temperatures above the glass transition to the origin of mechanical response and material failure in amorphous solids. Tutorial sessions will provide opportunities for informal interaction and instruction. Ph.D. students of physics, chemistry, materials science and other engineering disciplines are encouraged to apply.
ORGANIZERS: Takeshi Egami, Michael Falk and Srikanth Sastry

Broader aspects and grand challenges of the slow...by Austen Angell 1:41:34
Description of structure, dynamics and response in liquids: time correlations...Walter Kob 2:44:41
Experimental techniques 1: Rheology and dielectric spectroscopy by Ranjini Bandyopadyay 1:17:57
Experimental techniques 1: DSC, MDSC, Imaging techniques by Jaydeep Basu 1:24:02
Liquid and Glass Structures and Physical Properties by kenneth kelton 3:04:00
Aging by Jorge Kurchan 1:22:03
The potential energy landscape approach to understanding glass forming liquids by Srikanth Sastry 2:26:22
Introduction to the theory of Spin Glasses by Chandan Dasgupta 2:39:28
Soft glasses, rheology and trap models by Peter Sollich 2:39:18
Seminar Talk by S V Bhat 26:22
The Random first order transition theory by Giulio Biroli 1:25:59
The Random first order transition theory by Giulio Biroli 1:26:07
Kinetically constrained models by Robert Jack 2:08:04
Statistical Approaches to Jamming and Stress transmission in... by Bulbul Chakraborty 2:37:46
Jamming by Jorge Kurchan 1:05:17
Structural Recovery in Glasses: Phenomenological Descriptions and Anomalous... by Greg Mckenna 1:22:16
Structural Recovery in Glasses: Aging and Rejuvenation by Greg Mckenna 1:22:07
Glass formation and crystal nucleation in supercooled liquids: insights from... Peter H Poole 2:29:39
Changes in the Structure due to Temperature and Relaxation by Takeshi Egami 41:01
Continuum aspects of plastic deformation in amorphous alloys by Upadrasta Ramamurthy 2:40:32

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