

Oriental Institute Docent Training Fall 2013

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source: The Oriental Institute 2014年2月6日
These videos represent the lecture portion of the Oriental Institute's Fall 2013 Docent Training. These lectures were specifically designed around the themes of: Communication, Economy, Royalty/Kingship, Religion, Technology, Daily LIfe, Environment, Art and Warfare. Additionally the lectures highlight some of the more significant artifacts in the Museum's collection.

Highlights from the Robert and Deborah Aliber Persian Gallery by Abbas Alizadeh, PhD 46:37 Docent training lecture based on the Persian artifacts in the Oriental Institute Museum collection.
Highlights from the Robert F. Picken Family Nubia Gallery by Emily Teeter PhD 1:15:05
Highlights from the Haas Schwartz Megiddo Gallery by Jack Green PhD 1:06:17
Highlights from the Joseph and Mary Grimshaw Egyptian Gallery by Jan Johnson PhD 1:25:17
Highlights from the Edgar and Deborah Jannotta Mesopotamian Gallery by McGuire Gibson PhD 50:58
Highlights from the Henrietta Herbolsheimer, M.D., Syro-Anatolian Gallery by Theo van den Hout PhD 1:17:37
Emily Teeter | Collecting for Chicago: James Henry Breasted 48:08

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