

Nexus Trimester - 2016 - Inference Problems Theme

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source: Institut Henri Poincaré     2016年3月28日

Alex Andoni (Columbia) 1/2 47:29 Sketching and Embeddings 1/2
Alex Andoni (Columbia)
March 11, 2016
Abstract: Sketching for distance estimation is the problem where we need to design a possibly randomized function f from a metric space to short strings, such that from f(x) and f(y) we can estimate the distance between x and y. This problem is a core problem in both the streaming and nearest neighbor search areas. We will discuss this problem and its connections to the theory of metric embeddings. In particular, we will discuss when and why sketching is equivalent to embedding into normed space such as ℓ1.Alex Andoni (Columbia) 2/2 1:02:28
Yue Lu (Harvard University) 40:14
Eric Moulines (Télécom Paristech) 56:03
Ronitt Rubinfeld (MIT and Tel Aviv University) 1/2 43:00
Ronitt Rubinfeld (MIT and Tel Aviv University) 2/2 48:15
Sudipto Guha (University of Pennsylvania) 47:05
David Woodruff (IBM Almaden) 1/2 50:07
David Woodruff (IBM Almaden) 2/2 49:51
Christian Konrad (Reykjavik University) 33:38
Michael Kapralov (EPFL) 50:53
Krzysztof Onak (IBM T. J. Watson) 42:31
Harry Lang (Johns Hopkins University) 40:56
Graham Cormode (University of Warwick) 1/2 49:14
Graham Cormode (University of Warwick) 2/2 46:40
Christian Sohler (TU Dortmund) 42:02
Arnak Dalalyan (ENSAE / CREST, GENES) 45:26
Amit Chakrabarti (Dartmouth College) 1/2 43:15
Amit Chakrabarti (Dartmouth College) 2/2 56:17
Stephen Chestnut (ETH Zurich) 46:15
Pascal Vontobel (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 1:20:39
Nicolas Macris (EPFL) 56:46
Ioannis Kontoyiannis (Athens U of Econ & Business) 38:53
Alexandre d'Aspremont (École Normale Supérieure) 52:44
Ruediger Urbanke (EPFL) 1/2 49:26
Ruediger Urbanke (EPFL) 2/2 38:36
Sewoong Oh (UIUC) 58:04
Mehdi Molkaraie (UPF) 41:57
David Gamarnik (MIT) 50:24
Henry Pfister (Duke University) 1/2 54:23
Henry Pfister (Duke University) 2/2 53:21
Sidharth Jaggi (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 46:52
Iryna Andriyanova (ETIS Lab, ENSEA/University of Cergy-Pontoise/CNRS) 51:24
Galen Reeves (Duke University) 48:24
Andrew McGregor (University of Massachusetts) 1/2 1:02:39
Andrew McGregor (University of Massachusetts) 2/2 39:25
Ilias Diakonikolas (University of Southern California) 47:33
Gregory Valiant (Stanford) 1/2 56:01
Gregory Valiant (Stanford) 2/2 56:17
Gábor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University) 1/2 46:18
Gábor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University) 2/2 39:48

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