

Mathematical Physics (from CIRM)

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source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques     2015年8月6日

Stefan Teufel: Peierls substitution for magnetic Bloch bands 55:04
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We consider the one-particle Schrödinger operator in two dimensions with a periodic potential and a strong constant magnetic field perturbed by slowly varying non-periodic scalar and vector potentials, ϕ(ϵx) and A(ϵx), for ϵ ≪ 1. For each isolated family of magnetic Bloch bands we derive an effective Hamiltonian that is unitarily equivalent to the restriction of the Schr¨odinger operator to a corresponding almost invariant subspace. At leading order, our effective Hamiltonian can be interpreted as the Peierls substitution Hamiltonian widely used in physics for non-magnetic Bloch bands. However, while for non-magnetic Bloch bands the corresponding result is well understood, both on a heuristic and on a rigorous level, for magnetic Bloch bands it is not clear how to even define a Peierls substitution Hamiltonian beyond a formal expression. The source of the difficulty is a topological obstruction: In contrast to the non-magnetic case, magnetic Bloch bundles are generically not trivializable.
As a consequence, Peierls substitution Hamiltonians for magnetic Bloch bands turn out to be pseudodifferential operators acting on sections of non-trivial vector bundles over a two-torus, the reduced Brillouin zone. As an application of our results we construct a family of canonical one-band Hamiltonians H for magnetic Bloch bands with Chern number θ ∈ Z that generalizes the Hofstadter model H=0 for a single non-magnetic Bloch band. It turns out that the spectrum of H is independent of θ and thus agrees with the Hofstadter spectrum depicted in his famous (black and white) butterfly. However, the resulting Chern numbers of subbands, corresponding to Hall conductivities, depend on θ, and thus the models lead to different colored butterflies.
Recording during the thematic meeting: "Spectral days" the June 10, 2014 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent
Xavier Garbet: Modelling of magnetic fusion plasmas: from fluid to kinetic description: kinetic MHD 1:35:04
Natalia Tronko: Exact conservation laws for gyrokinetic Vlasov-Poisson equations 55:55
Ahmed Ratnani: Towards complex and realistic tokamaks geometries in computational plasma physics 55:30
Damien Furfaro: A simple HLLC-type Riemann solver for compressible non-equilibrium two-phase flows 45:06
Elliott H. Lieb: Entropy and entanglement bounds for reduced density matrices of fermionic states 51:54
James D. Callen: Fluid and transport modeling of plasmas 1: collisional plasma kinetics, solutions :52:17
James D. Callen: Fluid and transport modeling of plasmas 2: kinetic and fluid solutions of PKE 1:49:35
James D. Callen: Fluid and transport modeling of plasmas 3: fluid models for tokamak plasmas 2:00:21
James D. Callen: Fluid and transport modeling of plasmas 4: tokamak plasma transport modeling 1:59:14
Hermann Schulz-Baldes: Invariants of disordered topological insulators 55:01
Sven Bachmann: A classification of gapped Hamiltonians in d=1 49:34
Daniel Ueltschi: Quantum spin systems and phase transitions - Part I 58:50
Daniel Ueltschi: Quantum spin systems and phase transitions - Part II 59:35
Daniel Ueltschi: Quantum spin systems and phase transitions - Part III 1:02:24
Boniface Nkonga: Models and approximations of some geophysical events 56:56
Mihai Bostan: High magnetic field averaged models for plasma physics 48:07
Guido Huijsmans: MHD Simulations for ITER 57:42
Michel Mehrenberger: Simulation of kinetik electrostatic electron nonlinear (KEEN) waves [...]
Dongho Chae: On the Hall-MHD Equations 41:06
Eduard Feireisl: Stability issues in the theory of complete fluid systems 46:55
Robert Seiringer: Validity of spin wave theory for the quantum Heisenberg model 58:27
Alexander V. Bobylev: On the structure of the Chapman-Enskog expansion 31:29
Francis Filbet: Numerical simulation of the Vlasov-Poisson model with an external magnetic field 44:33
Olivier Soulard: Pourquoi l'eau tombe-t-elle d'un verre qu'on retourne 32:54
Emmanuel Frénod: The geometrical gyro-kinetic approximation 1:01:53
Bertrand Maury: Darcy problem and crowd motion modeling 1:07:46
Antoine Rousseau: Bioremediation of natural resources: how optimization and numerical simulations... 23:28
Antoine Rousseau: Wind energy: from downscaled forecasts to mills production 40:20
Interview at CIRM: François Lalonde 44:38
Interview at Cirm : David Ruelle 47:18
Jérémy Faupin : Scattering theory for Lindblad operators 58:18
Shu Nakamura : High energy asymptotics of the scattering matrix for Schrödinger and Dirac operators 52:43
Claude-Alain Pillet : Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of harmonic networks 1:06:17
André Martinez : Estimates on the molecular dynamics for the predissociation process 48:54
Sylvia Serfaty : Mean field limits for Ginzburg-Landau vortices 1:05:30
Milton Jara : The weak KPZ universality conjecture - 1 38:46
Milton Jara : The weak KPZ universality conjecture - 2 1:03:00
Milton Jara : The weak KPZ universality conjecture - 3 53:26
Davide Gabrielli : Macroscopic fluctuation theory / Examples and applications 51:35
Davide Gabrielli : Macroscopic fluctuation theory / Macroscopic fluctuation theory 51:35
Davide Gabrielli : Macroscopic fluctuation theory / Particle systems, scaling limits and... 49:31
David Morrison: Calabi–Yau manifolds, Mirror Symmetry, and F-theory - Part I 1:54:44
David Morrison: Calabi–Yau manifolds, Mirror Symmetry, and F-theory - Part II 1:58:37
Amir-Kian kashani-Poor: School on the Mathematics of Strings Theory : Introduction 2:01:05
Yosuke Kubota : Twisted equivariant K-theory and topological phases 53:09
Alexander Figotin : Overdamping in gyroscopic systems composed of high-loss and lossless components 48:55
Shinichiroh Matsuo : Gysin maps and bulk-edge correspondence 49:08
Giuseppe De Nittis : Topological nature of the Fu-Kane-Mele invariants 1:00:17
Nicolas Rougerie: Emergent anyons in quantum Hall physics 56:10
Interview at CIRM: Ingrid Daubechies 16:25
Ingrid Daubechies: Phase retrieval in infinite dimensions 51:15
Carlo Rovelli: The essential role of coherent states in quantum gravity 58:09
Giulio Chiribella: New applications of coherent states in quantum information theory 51:22
Karol Życzkowski : Finite dimensional Hilbert space 46:20
Barry Sanders: Spacetime replication of continuous-variable quantum information 49:16
Andrey Dymov: A functional limit theorem for the sine-process 43:03
Kurt Johansson: The Airy point process in the two-periodic Aztec diamond 43:40
Alexander Shamov : Conditioned determinantal processes are determinantal 40:10
Yanqi Qiu: Palm equivalence and quasi-symmetries of determinantal point processes associated 44:54
Timo Seppäläinen: Variational formulas, Busemann functions, and fluctuation exponents - Part 1 1:31:48
Timo Seppäläinen: Variational formulas, Busemann functions, and fluctuation exponents - Part 2 1:38:37
Timo Seppäläinen: Variational formulas, Busemann functions, and fluctuation exponents - Part 3 1:34:59
Daniel Remenik: The KPZ fixed point - Part 1 1:37:55
Daniel Remenik: The KPZ fixed point - Part 2 1:29:52
Peter Hintz: The stability of Kerr-de Sitter black holes 57:55
Anke Pohl: Isomorphisms between eigenspaces of slow and fast transfer operators 58:06
David Borthwick: Asymptotics of resonances for hyperbolic surfaces 1:00:29
Andras Vasy: Microlocal analysis for Kerr-de Sitter black holes 1:01:18
Pierre Degond: Collective dynamics in life sciences - Lecture 1 53:59
Pierre Degond: Collective dynamics in life sciences - Lecture 3 32:40
Pierre Degond: Collective dynamics in life sciences - Lecture 2 1:27:54
David Mukamel: Steady states and long range correlations in driven systems - Lecture 2 1:29:33
David Mukamel: Steady states and long range correlations in driven systems - Lecture 1 1:31:02
Tom Bridgeland: Wall-crossing for Donaldson-Thomas invariants 1:26:10
Vadim Gorin: Tilings and non-intersecting paths beyond integrable cases 50:12
Dmitry Ioffe: Low temperature interfaces and level lines in the critical prewetting regime 46:15
Jinho Baik: Multi-time distribution of periodic TASEP​ 44:50
Gilles Dowek : Informatique et physique : quelques interactions 1:48:42
Ping Zhang: Large time behavior os solutions to 3-D MHD system with initial data near equilibrium 49:52
Toshiaki Hishida : Lq-Lr estimates of a generalized Oseen evolution operator... 1:01:59
Evelyne Miot: An asymptotic regime for the Vlasov-Poisson system 28:16
Josef Málek: On the analysis of a class of thermodynamically compatible viscoelastic... 1:03:16
Camillo De Lellis: The Onsager Theorem 1:02:58
​Adrian Baddeley: ​The Poisson-saddlepoint approximation 34:20
Yuval Peres: Self-interacting walks and uniform spanning forests 59:00
Tom Spencer: Introduction to hyperbolic sigma models and Edge Reinforced Random Walk 53:12
Eva Gallardo Gutiérrez: The invariant subspace problem: a concrete operator theory approach 43:07
Bernard Helffer: Spectral theory and semi-classical analysis for the complex Schrödinger operator 42:05
​Anne Sophie Bonnet-Ben Dhia: A new complex spectrum associated to invisibility in waveguides 45:05
Cristina Câmara: Truncated Toeplitz operators 41:34
Christiane Tretter: New spectral bounds for damped systems 38:22
Evgenii Kuznetsov: ​​Solitons vs collapses 53:34
Valeria Banica: Dynamics of almost parallel vortex filaments 45:18
[deleted video]

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