

Kane B (videos of July 2017)

source: Kane B
33:28 Adaptationism 2 This video explores recent developments in the debate about adaptationism. First I outline the distinction between three different forms of adaptationism: empirical adaptationism, explanatory adapt...
33:05 Adaptationism 1 Adaptationism is the view that the primary cause of all evolutionary change is natural selection, and that the central goal of evolutionary biology is to explain adaptations. This video examines th...
28:40 The Paradox of Pornography The paradox of pornography arises from the fact that we very rarely recognize porn films as art - let alone good art - yet porn film exemplifies many features that we usually associate with good ar...
 30:34 Fitness and Natural Selection We are all familiar with the slogan "survival of the fittest". More accurately, we should probably say "survival and reproduction of the fittest". But what is fitness? It's tempting to say that fit...

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