

Jean-Morlet Chair - Research Talks - Lemanczyk/Ferenczi

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source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques    2016年11月2日

Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 1 1:27:36
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 2 1:30:01
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 3 1:12:02
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics- part 4 1:01:01
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 5 1:26:29
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 6 1:30:33
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 7 1:13:51
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 8 58:42
1:01:13 James Maynard: Primes with missing digits
10 1:02:30 Peter Sarnak: Integral points on Markoff type cubic surfaces and dynamics
11 48:05 Harald Helfgott: The diameter of the symmetric group: ideas and tools
12 1:12:38 Peter Sarnak: Möbius randomness and dynamics six years later
13 1:13:59 Markus Haase : Operators in ergodic theory - Lecture 1 : Operators dynamics versus ...
14 1:00:09 Nikos Frantzikinakis: Ergodicity of the Liouville system implies the Chowla conjecture
15 57:15 Benjamin Weiss: The unsolved problems of Halmos

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