

Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations

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source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques     2015年8月6日

Mike Hochman: Dimension of self-similar measures via additive combinatorics 53:08
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I will discuss recent progress on understanding the dimension of self-similar sets and measures. The main conjecture in this field is that the only way that the dimension of such a fractal can be "non-full" is if the semigroup of contractions which define it is not free. The result I will discuss is that "non-full" dimension implies "almost non-freeness", in the sense that there are distinct words in the semigroup which are extremely close together (super-exponentially in their lengths). Applications include resolution of some conjectures of Furstenberg on the dimension of sumsets and, together with work of Shmerkin, progress on the absolute continuity of Bernoulli convolutions. The main new ingredient is a statement in additive combinatorics concerning the structure of measures whose entropy does not grow very much under convolution. If time permits I will discuss the analogous results in higher dimensions.
Recording during the thematic meeting: "Hyperbolicity and dimension" the December 03, 2013 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent
Barbara Schapira: Horocyclic flows on hyperbolic surfaces - Part I 1:34:13
Pierre Dehornoy: Wich geodesic flows are left-handed? 1:05:25
Hakan Eliasson: Quasi-periodic wave equation - almost reducibility- 1:04:42
Federico Rodriguez Hertz: Rigidity of hyperbolic higher rank lattice actions 1:00:13
Masato Tsujii: Spectrum of geodesic flow on negatively curved manifold 56:43
Damien Thomine: Precise statistical properties of the geodesic flow on periodic hyperbolic manifolds 55:09
Elise Janvresse : Les limites faibles des puissances de l'automorphisme de Chacon 45:01
Mark Pollicott: Dynamical definitions of the Weil-Petersson metric on moduli space 47:36
Frédéric Faure: The asymptotic spectral gap of hyperbolic dynamics : tentative to improve [...] 1:00:09
Tobias Weich: Resonance chains on Schottky surfaces 42:37
Frédéric Naud: Nodal lines and domains for Eisenstein series on surfaces 48:00
Holly Krieger: A case of the dynamical André-Oort conjecture 54:23
André M. de Roos: On the relevance and irrelevance of dynamic energy budget models for ... 1:06:20
Starrlight Augustine: What is maturity? Discussing links between the concept and the underlying ...
Wilco C.E.P Verberk: Size matters for balancing energy supply and demand in aquatic ectotherms 54:34
Erik Muller: Dynamic Energy Budget Theory as integrative hub for evaluating organismal [...] 55:04
Sebastiaan A.L.M. Kooijman: DEB theory: where fascination meets profession 1:32:09
Rostislav Grigorchuk: Random subgroups, totally non free actions and factor representations 46:25
Curtis T. McMullen: Coupled rotations and snow falling on cedars 1:13:11
Alex Eskin: On the algebraic hull of the Kontsevich-Zorich cocycle and applications to [...] 1:00:01
Giovanni Forni: On the ergodicity of billiards in non-rational polygons 1:03:13
Corinna Ulcigrai: Multiple mixing and Ratner property in area-preserving flows 1:06:16
Samuel Grushevsky: Limits of zeroes of holomorphic differential on stable nodal Riemann surfaces 1:03:25
Amos Nevo: Representation theory, effective ergodic theorems, and applications - Lecture 1 54:21
Amos Nevo: Representation theory, effective ergodic theorems, and applications - Lecture 2 1:02:52
Amos Nevo: Representation theory, effective ergodic theorems, and applications - Lecture 3 1:00:17
Amos Nevo: Representation theory, effective ergodic theorems, and applications - Lecture 4 1:06:44
Vitaly Bergelson : Potpourri of open problems and conjectures in linear dynamics and ergodic theory 54:30
Etienne Matheron : Some remarks regarding ergodic operators 53:31
Charles Batty: Rates of decay associated with operator semigroups 42:14
Markus Haase : On some operator-theoretic aspects of ergodic theory 53:18
Eli Glasner : A universal hypercyclic representation 59:46
Ludovic Rifford : Geometric control and dynamics 1:21:34
Pavel Brunovský : Dichotomy, the closed range theorem and optimal control 26:22
Peter Polàčik : Dynamics of bounded solutions of parabolic equations on the real line - Part I 58:30
Carmen Núñez : Dissipativity in nonautonomous linear-quadratic control processes 28:20
Sylvain Crovisier : Perturbative techniques of the dynamics in the C1-topology 1:09:40
Patrice Le Calvez: Forcing theory for transverse trajectories of surface homeomorphisms - Part 1 54:31
Patrice Le Calvez: Forcing theory for transverse trajectories of surface homeomorphisms - Part 2 53:26
Fabio Tal: Forcing theory for transverse trajectories of surface homeomorphisms - Part 3 54:01
Fabio Tal: Forcing theory for transverse trajectories of surface homeomorphisms - Part 4 48:43
Kathryn Mann: Orderability and groups of homeomorphisms of the circle 51:21
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 1 1:27:36
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 2 1:30:01
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 3 1:12:02
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics- part 4 1:01:01
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 5 1:26:29
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 7 1:13:51
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 8 58:42
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 6 1:30:33
Markus Haase : Operators in ergodic theory - Lecture 1 : Operators dynamics versus ... 1:13:59
Markus Haase : Operators in ergodic theory - Lecture 2 : Dilations and joinings 1:01:44
Markus Haase : Operators in ergodic theory - Lecture 3 : Compact semigroups and splitting theorems 49:48
Bryna Kra : Multiple ergodic theorems: old and new - lecture 1 1:01:52
Bryna Kra : Multiple ergodic theorems: old and new - lecture 2 59:08
Bryna Kra : Multiple ergodic theorems: old and new - lecture 3 1:06:40
Nikos Frantzikinakis: Ergodicity of the Liouville system implies the Chowla conjecture 1:00:09
Harald Helfgott: The diameter of the symmetric group: ideas and tools 48:05
Peter Sarnak: Integral points on Markoff type cubic surfaces and dynamics 1:02:30
Benjamin Weiss: The unsolved problems of Halmos 57:15
James Maynard: Primes with missing digits 1:01:13
Peter Sarnak: Möbius randomness and dynamics six years later 1:12:38
Béatrice de Tilière : Dimers and related models in statistical mechanics - lecture 3 1:29:02
Srecko Brlek: Palindromes patterns 43:13
Ronnie Pavlov: Entropy and mixing for multidimensional shifts of finite type - lecture 1 1:00:50
Ronnie Pavlov: Entropy and mixing for multidimensional shifts of finite type - lecture 2 1:00:18
Pascal Hubert: Exemple d’Arnoux-Yoccoz, fractal de Rauzy, problème de Novikov: brins... 58:29
Ronnie Pavlov: Entropy and mixing for multidimensional shifts of finite type - lecture 3 1:04:06
Interview at Cirm: Mark Pollicott 8:38
Frédéric Paulin: Counting and equidistribution of integral representations by quadratic norm... 1:03:48
Dmitry Kleinbock: Shrinking targets on homogeneous spaces and improving Dirichlet's Theorem 1:05:28
Barbara Schapira: Dynamics on quotients of SL(2,C) by discrete subgroups - lecture 2 1:07:19
Anish Ghosh: Dynamics on homogeneous spaces and Diophantine approximation 1:06:26
Diana Davis: Interval exchange transformations from tiling billiards 55:13
Kasra Rafi: Unique ergodicity of geodesic flow in an infinite translation surface 59:39
Ursula Hamenstadt: Simplicity of the Lyapunov spectrum revisited 58:38
Giovanni Forni: Limits of geodesic push-forwards of horocycle measures 54:35
Alexander Wright: Totally geodesic submanifolds of Teichmuller space and moduli space 1:02:55
Carlangelo Liverani: Fast-Slow partially hyperbolic systems: an example 1:01:16
Yves Coudène: Generic properties of the geodesic flow in nonpositive curvature 50:34
Mark Pollicott: Central limit theorems for circle packings 55:55
Ian Melbourne: Mixing and rates of mixing for infinite measure flows 58:15
Sylvain Crovisier: Singular hyperbolicity and homoclinic tangencies of 3-dimensional flows 56:32
Andrey Dymov: A functional limit theorem for the sine-process 43:03
Alexander Shamov : Conditioned determinantal processes are determinantal 40:10
Yanqi Qiu: Palm equivalence and quasi-symmetries of determinantal point processes associated 44:54
Gabriel Rivière: Correlation spectrum of Morse-Smale flows 57:47
Christiane Tretter: New spectral bounds for damped systems 38:22

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