

Cosmology & Quantum Foundations

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source: PhilosophyCosmology    2013年11月4日
A mini-series of lectures from the Philosophy of Cosmology project. A University of Oxford and Cambridge Collaboration.

Cosmology and Quantum Foundations: Introduction (Joe Silk) 5:25 Introduction to the mini-series "Cosmology and Quantum Foundations" from the "Philosophy of Cosmology" project. A University of Oxford and Cambridge Collaboration.
Quantum Mechanics and Cosmology: the Case for Many Worlds (Simon Saunders) 58:06
Hidden Variables in Modern Cosmology (Antony Valentini) 48:44
Hidden Variables in Modern Cosmology: Q&A (Antony Valentini) 16:05
Unifying the Inflationary & Quantum Multiverses (Max Tegmark) 1:00:03
Unifying the Inflationary & Quantum Multiverses: Q&A (Max Tegmark) 14:20
Probability and the Multiverse: an Everettian View (Simon Saunders) 54:58
Probability and the Multiverse: an Everettian View: Q&A (Simon Saunders) 3:10
Thermodynamics, Information & Consciousness in a Quantum Multiverse (Max Tegmark) 53:36
Thermodynamics, Information & Consciousness in a Quantum Multiverse: Q&A (Max Tegmark) 9:34
Cosmology and Quantum Theory: the Relational View (Carlo Rovelli) 58:26
Cosmology and Quantum Theory: the Relational View: Q&A (Carlo Rovelli) 18:59
Inflationary Cosmology as a Laboratory for Primordial Quantum Mechanics (Antony Valentini) 56:04
Inflationary Cosmology as a Laboratory for Primordial Quantum Mechanics: Q&A (Antony Valentini) 6:43
Cosmology and Quantum Gravity: Loops and Spinfoams (Carlo Rovelli) 41:32
Cosmology and Quantum Gravity: Loops and Spinfoams: Q&A (Carlo Rovelli) 11:23
Cosmology & Quantum Foundations: Discussion Panel 58:50
Our Mathematical Universe (Max Tegmark) 23:33

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