

Combinatorics (2014 at CIRM)

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source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques     2015年8月10日
Recording during the "13th International workshop in set theory" the September 29, 2014 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)

Andrew Scott Marks: Descriptive graph combinatorics - Lecture 1 1:19:01
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Recording during the "13th International workshop in set theory" the September 29, 2014 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent
Andrew Scott Marks: Descriptive graph combinatorics - Lecture 2 1:19:43
Mathilde Bouvel: Combinatorial specifications of permutation classes via their decomposition trees 57:06
Valentin Ovsienko: Pentagram map and combinatorics: more open questions than solutions 57:32
Paul Seymour: Colouring graphs with no odd holes, and other stories 55:59
Patrice Ossona de Mendez: Local limits and connectivity 46:35
Daniel Lokshtanov: Tree decompositions and graph algorithms 44:46
Maria Chudnovsky: Induced cycles and coloring 42:12
Sylvie Corteel: Le diamant aztèque - Cours 1 1:15:12
Sylvie Corteel: Le diamant aztèque - Cours 2 1:10:18
Alfred Geroldinger: A characterization of class groups via sets of lengths 25:24
Endre Szemerédi: Maximum size of a set of integers 36:26
Anne de Roton: k-sum free sets in [0,1] 35:01
Sergei Konyagin: On sum sets of sets having small product set 23:57
Gregory A. Freiman: Structure theory of set addition, a review 33:08
Jozsef Solymosi: Incidences in Cartesian products 33:57
Doron Puder : Random irregular graphs are nearly Ramanujan 56:35
Ágnes Backhausz : Spectral measures of factor of i.i.d. processes on the regular tree 54:11
Elliot Paquette : Anchored expansion in the hyperbolic Poisson Voronoi tessellation 49:06
Justin Salez : Random walk on random digraph 59:33
Laurent Massoulié : Non-backtracking spectrum of random graphs: community detection and ... 57:42
Svetlana Puzynina: On k-abelian palindromes 20:57
Juhani Karhumäki : k-abelian equivalence: an equivalence relation in between the equality... 26:46
Michaël Rao : Avoiding k-abelian powers in words 24:18
Markus Whiteland : k-abelian singletons and Gray codes for Necklaces 25:25
Aleksi Saarela : k-abelian complexity and fluctuation 21:30
Jon Fickenscher : Ergodic measures for subshifts with eventually constant growth 1:00:40
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 1 1:27:36
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 2 1:30:01
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 3 1:12:02
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics- part 4 1:01:01
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 5 1:26:29
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 7 1:13:51
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 8 58:42
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 6 1:30:33
Gourab Ray : Universality of fluctuations of the dimer model 47:56
Jonathan Novak : Monotone Hurwitz numbers and the HCIZ integral 52:55
Danilo Lewanski : Orbifold Hurwitz numbers, topological recursion and ELSV-type formulae 51:17
Béatrice de Tilière : Dimers and related models in statistical mechanics - lecture 2 1:29:29
Béatrice de Tilière : Dimers and related models in statistical mechanics - lecture 1 1:31:05
Mathilde Bouvel : Studying permutation classes using the substitution decomposition 51:18
Dimitri Zvonkine : Lecture 3: Hurwitz numbers and the topological recursion 1:28:19
Dimitri Zvonkine : Lecture 2: Hurwitz numbers and the intersection theory on moduli spaces of curves 1:26:14
Dimitri Zvonkine : Lecture 1: Hurwitz numbers and integrable hierarchies 1:30:16
Nicolas Curien : Peeling random planar maps - Lecture 3 1:30:34
Nicolas Curien : Peeling random planar maps - Lecture 2 1:28:49
Nicolas Curien : Peeling random planar maps - Lecture 1 1:27:20
Élise Goujard: Flat surfaces and combinatorics 42:46
Alexander Moll: A new spectral theory for Schur polynomials and applications 51:30
Piotr Śniady: Characters, maps, free cumulants and Stanley character formula - Part 1 1:29:40
Piotr Śniady: Characters, maps, free cumulants and Kerov character polynomials - Part 3 1:26:17
Piotr Śniady: Characters, maps, free cumulants and randoms Young diagrams - Part 2 1:27:19
Juanjo Rué : Random cubic planar graphs revisited 58:18
Guillaume Fertin : Le problème Graph Motif - Partie 1 1:08:54
Guillaume Fertin : Le problème Graph Motif - Partie 2 1:12:50
Perla Sousi: Random walks on dynamical percolation 45:32
Anne de Roton: Small sumsets in continuous and discrete settings 41:56
Yuval Peres: Self-interacting walks and uniform spanning forests 59:00

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