

Classical Mechanics (2012) by Jacob Linder at NTNU

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source: NTNU openVideo    2012年12月17日
NTNU: TFY 4345 - Classical Mechanics by Jacob Linder
Constraints and generalized coordinates. Virtual displacements, Lagange's equations. Variational calculus, Hamilton's principle. Lagrangian for particle in electromagnetic field. Constants of motion, symmetry properties. Virial theorem. Central forces, scattering. Elements of the kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies. Special relativity. Normal coordinates. Hamilton's equations. Canonical transformations.
A full textbook covering the material in the lectures in detail can be downloaded for free here:

01: Introduction and Fundamental principles 44:54 2012-01-11 - Klassisk Mekanikk (TFY 4345) v2012 NTNU
02: Fundamentals part2, Generalized coordinates 45:49
03: D´Alembert´s principle and Lagranges eq 44:28
04: D´Alembert´s principle part 2 45:01
05: Hamilton´s principles - Part 1 43:25
06: Hamilton´s principles - Part 2 42:28
07: Lagrange multiplier method - Part 1 44:05
08: Lagrange multiplier method - Part 2 46:08
09: Conservation laws and symmetries - Part 1 46:46
10: Conservation laws and symmetries - Part 2 44:56
11: Hamiltonian formalism - Part 1 44:40
12: Hamiltonian formalism - Part 2 44:06
13: Central forces - Part 1 41:42
14: Central forces - Part 2 41:35
15: Particle orbits and Virial theorem 42:15
16: Particle orbits and Virial theorem - Part 2 44:18
17: Kepler problem 42:03
18: Kepler problem - Part 2 36:09
19: Scattering cross section 42:44
20: Scattering cross section - Part 2 44:03
21: Rigid body rotation 45:14
22: Rigid body rotation - Part 2 44:47
23: Time change of vectors in rotating systems 44:31
24: Time change of vectors in rotating systems - Part 2 45:09
25: Rigid body motion - Part 1 44:36
26: Rigid body motion - Part 2 45:38
27: Gyroscope effect and spinning top 42:49
28: Gyroscope effect and spinning top - Part 2 48:24
30: Small-scale oscillations -- Part 2 43:08
29: Small-scale oscillations - Part 1 43:13
31: Normal coordinates and vibrations - Part 1 41:51
32: Normal coordinates and vibrations - Part 2 45:36
33: Special theory og relativity - Part 1 44:29
34: Special theory og relativity - Part 2 42:31
35: Lorentz transformations 43:46
36: Lorentz transformations - Part 2 45:50
37: Time dilation and length contraction - Part 1 44:53
38: Time dilation and length contraction - Part 2 46:33
39: Relativistic kinematics - Part 1 40:49
40: Relativistic kinematics - Part 2 34:25
41: Threshold energy - part 1 46:15
42: Threshold energy - part 2 38:04
43: EM field tensor and canonical transformations - Part 1 41:58
44: EM field tensor and canonical transformations - Part 2 41:02
45: Canonical transformations part 3 40:29
46: Canonical transformations part 4 36:10
47: Poisson brackets - Part 1 42:32
48: Poisson brackets - Part 2 39:55
49: April Hamilton Jacobi theory - Part 1 45:04
50: April Hamilton Jacobi theory - Part 2 41:21
51: Summary 38:42

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