Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
Sandrine Grellier: Various aspects of the dynamics of the cubic Szegő solutions Abstract: The cubic Szegö equation has been introduced as a toy model for totally non dispersive evolution equations. It turned out that it is a complete integrable Hamiltonian system for which we ...
Monica Visan: Almost sure scattering for the energy-critical Schrödinger equation in 4D... Abstract: Inspired by a recent result of Dodson-Luhrmann-Mendelson, who proved almost sure scattering for the energy-critical wave equation with radial data in four dimensions, we establish the ana...
Cécile Huneau: High frequency back reaction for the Einstein equations Abstract: It has been observed by physicists (Isaacson, Burnett, Green-Wald) that metric perturbations of a background solution, which are small amplitude but with high frequency, yield at the limi...
Joachim Krieger: On stability of type II blow up solutions for the critical nonlinear wave equation Abstract: The talk will discuss a recent result showing that certain type II blow up solutions constructed by Krieger-Schlag-Tataru are actually stable under small perturbations along a co-dimensio...
Daniel Tataru: Geometric heat flows and caloric gauges Abstract: Choosing favourable gauges is a crucial step in the study of nonlinear geometric dispersive equations. A very successful tool, that has emerged originally in work of Tao on wave maps, is ...
Cirm is a paradise
Jean Ecalle: Taming the coloured multizetas Abstract: 1. We shall briefly describe the ARI-GARI structure; recall its double origin in Analysis and mould theory; explain what makes it so well-suited to the study of multizetas; and review th...
David Broadhurst: Combinatorics of Feynman integrals Abstract: Very recently, David Roberts and I have discovered wonderful conditions imposed on Feynman integrals by Betti and de Rham homology. In decoding the corresponding matrices, we encounter a...
Karen Yeats: Connected chord diagrams, bridgeless maps, and perturbative quantum field theory Abstract: Rooted connected chord diagrams can be used to index certain expansions in quantum field theory. There is also a nice bijection between rooted connected chord diagrams and bridgeless maps...
Dominique Manchon: Free post-Lie algebras, the Hopf algebra of Lie group integrators and planar... Abstract: The Hopf algebra of Lie group integrators has been introduced by H. Munthe-Kaas and W. Wright as a tool to handle Runge-Kutta numerical methods on homogeneous spaces. It is spanned by pla...
Gerald Dunne: Quantum geometry and resurgent perturbative/nonperturbative relations Abstract: Certain quantum spectral problems have the remarkable property that the formal perturbative series for the energy spectrum can be used to generate all other terms in the entire trans-seri...
Vladimir Zakharov : Unresolved problems in the theory of integrable systems Abstract: In spite of enormous success of the theory of integrable systems, at least three important problems are not resolved yet or are resolved only partly. They are the following:
1. The IST i...
Marc Hindry: Brauer-Siegel theorem and analogues for varieties over global fields Abstract: The classical Brauer-Siegel theorem can be seen as one of the first instances of description of asymptotical arithmetic: it states that, for a family of number fields Ki, under mild cond...
Felipe Voloch: Maps between curves and diophantine obstructions Abstract: Given two algebraic curves X, Y over a finite field we might want to know if there is a rational map from Y to X. This has been looked at from a number of perspectives and we will look at...
John Voight: Computing classical modular forms as orthogonal modular forms Abstract: Birch gave an extremely efficient algorithm to compute a certain subspace of classical modular forms using the Hecke action on classes of ternary quadratic forms. We extend this method to...
Jeff Achter: Local densities compute isogeny classes Abstract: Consider an ordinary isogeny class of elliptic curves over a finite, prime field. Inspired by a random matrix heuristic (which is so strong it's false), Gekeler defines a local factor for...
30 ans d'AGCCT AGCCT
Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory
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Interviews Date : 22/06/2017
Gady Kozma: Internal diffusion-limited aggregation with random starting points Abstract: We consider a model for a growing subset of a euclidean lattice (an "aggregate") where at each step one choose a random point from the existing aggregate, starts a random walk from that p...
Fabrice Planchon: The wave equation on a model convex domain revisited Abstract: We detail how the new parametrix construction that was developped for the general case allows in turn for a simplified approach for the model case and helps in sharpening both positive an...
Yvon Martel: Interactions of solitary waves for the nonlinear Schrödinger equations Abstract: I will present two cases of strong interactions between solitary waves for the nonlinear Schrödinger equations (NLS). In the mass sub- and super-critical cases, a work by Tien Vinh Nguyen...
Valeria Banica: Dynamics of almost parallel vortex filaments Abstract: We consider the 1-D Schrödinger system with point vortex-type interactions that was derived by R. Klein, A. Majda and K. Damodaran and by V. Zakharov to modelize the dynamics of N nearly...
Evgenii Kuznetsov: Solitons vs collapses Abstract: This talk is devoted to solitons and wave collapses which can be considered as two alternative scenarios pertaining to the evolution of nonlinear wave systems describing by a certain clas...
Michael Weinstein: Dispersive waves in novel 2d media; Honeycomb structures, Edge States ... Abstract: We discuss the 2D Schrödinger equation for periodic potentials with the symmetry of a hexagonal tiling of the plane. We first review joint work with CL Fefferman on the existence of Dirac...
Catherine Sulem: Soliton Resolution for Derivative NLS equation Abstract: We consider the Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger equation for general initial conditions in weighted Sobolev spaces that can support bright solitons (but exclude spectral singularities)....
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