

Algebraic and Complex Geometry (at CIRM)

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon) 

source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques     2015年5月27日

Walter Neumann: Lipschitz embedding of complex surfaces 55:17
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Pham and Teissier showed in the late 60's that any two plane curve germs with the same outer Lipschitz geometry have equivalent embeddings into C2. We consider to what extent the same holds in higher dimensions, giving examples of normal surface singularities which have the same topology and outer Lipschitz geometry but whose embeddings into C3 are topologically inequivalent. Recording during the thematic meeting: « Geometry of Singular Spaces and Maps» the March 03, 2015 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Film maker: Guillaume Hennenfent
Juan José Nuño-Ballesteros: Equisingularity of map germs from a surface to the plane 52:48
Wojciech Domitrz: Symplectic singularities of varieties 53:39
Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas: Invariants of determinantal varieties 51:16
David Mond: The intersection form, logarithmic vector fields, and the Severi strata.. 49:37
Lazaro Recht: Metric geometry in homogeneous spaces of the unitary group of a C* -algebra. 2 53:28
Nicola Garofalo: Hypoelliptic operators and analysis on Carnot-Carathéodory spaces 1:17:51
Stéphane Fischler: Between interpolation and multiplicity estimates on commutative algebraic groups 35:39
Serge Bouc: Correspondence functors 1:00:26
Cédric Bonnafé: Calogero-Moser cellular characters : the smooth case 1:05:18
Gérard Besson: Some open 3-manifolds 51:36
Carlo Gasbarri: Arithmetic of algebraic points on varieties over function fields - Part 1 45:26
Carlo Gasbarri: Arithmetic of algebraic points on varieties over function fields - Part 2 49:37
Carlo Gasbarri: Arithmetic of algebraic points on varieties over function fields - Part 3 29:43
Carlo Gasbarri: Arithmetic of algebraic points on varieties over function fields - Part 4 45:50
Ingrid Bauer: Faithful actions of Gal(Q¯/Q) and change of fundamental group 46:01
Massimiliano Mella: Unirational varieties - Part 1 52:39
Massimiliano Mella: Unirational varieties - Part 2 50:33
Massimiliano Mella: Unirational varieties - Part 3 45:17
Michele Bolognesi: Mapping classes of trigonal loci 54:52
Enrica Floris: Invariance of plurigenera for foliations on surfaces 45:41
Herwig Hauser : Commutative algebra for Artin approximation - Part 1 1:23:55
Herwig Hauser : Commutative algebra for Artin approximation - Part 2 1:28:25
Herwig Hauser : Commutative algebra for Artin approximation - Part 3 1:29:59
Bernard teissier: Another type of approximation: the valuative Cohen theorem 1:04:58
Wojciech Kucharz: Criteria for equivalence between power series and polynomials 1:02:31
Yohann Genzmer : The Zariski problem for homogeneous and quasi-homogeneous curves 1:06:56
Tommaso de Fernex: Arc spaces and singularities in the minimal model program - Lecture 1 1:02:03
Tommaso de Fernex: Arc spaces and singularities in the minimal model program - Lecture 2 1:02:40
Tommaso de Fernex: Arc spaces and singularities in the minimal model program - Lecture 3 1:00:41
Tommaso de Fernex: Arc spaces and singularities in the minimal model program - Lecture 4 1:00:07
Shyuichi Izumiya: Caustics of world sheets in Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space 49:04
Goo Ishikawa: Singularities of tangent surfaces and generalised frontal 48:43
José Seade: Indices of vector fields on singular varieties and the Milnor number 51:46
Xavier Gómez-Mont: Grothendieck residue in the Jacobian algebra and cup product in vanishing... 53:57
Alex Dimca: Hodge theory and syzygies of the Jacobian ideal 58:26
Nero Budur: Cohomology jump loci and singularities 55:39
Lizhen Ji: Geometry and analysis of locally symmetric spaces of infinite volume 57:26
Jan Draisma: Stabilisation in algebraic geometry 1:02:47
Raf Cluckers: Pfaffian functions: real and non-archimedean, and an application to... 48:59
Matthias Aschenbrenner: The algebra and model theory of transseries 1:06:29
Jack Hall: Tannaka duality and formal glueings 59:45
David Ben-Zvi: Geometric Langlands correspondence and topological field theory - Part 1 1:37:50
David Ben-Zvi: Geometric Langlands correspondence and topological field theory - Part 2 1:25:14
Ivan Mirkovic: Loop Grassmanians and local spaces 1:11:19
Samuel Raskin: Spectral decomposition of the principal series category 1:03:58
David Nadler: Betti Langlands in genus one 1:09:44
Michael Wibmer: Etale difference algebraic groups 49:47
Sergei Yakovenko: Local Weyl equivalence of Fuchsian equations 54:54
Chris Miller: Expansions of the real field by trajectories of definable vector fields 48:02
Georges Comte: Sets with few rational points 45:34
Yosef Yomdin: Smooth parametrizations in analysis, dynamics, and diophantine geometry 47:57
David Sauzin: Nonlinear analysis with resurgent functions 55:30
A. Rod Gover: Boundary calculus on conformally compact manifolds, and a boundary Yamabe problem 55:14
Frank Calegari: Non-minimal modularity lifting theorems for imaginary quadratic fields 1:05:03
Takeshi Saito: The characteristic cycle and the singular support of an étale sheaf 59:34
Peter Scholze: The Witt vector affine Grassmannian 1:02:19
Michael Harris: Construction of p-adic L-functions for unitary groups 1:03:06
Gerd Faltings: The category MF in the semistable case 1:03:04
Yichao Tian: Generic Tate cycles on certain unitary Shimura varieties over finite fields 1:02:53
Toby Gee: Moduli stacks of potentially Barsotti-Tate Galois representations 1:07:54
Mark Kisin: Honda-Tate theory for Shimura varieties 1:02:18
Alexander A. Beilinson: The singular support of a constructible sheaf 1:04:25
David Helm: Whittaker models, converse theorems, and the local Langlands correspondence for ...
Florian Herzig: On de Rham lifts of local Galois representations 1:01:40
Kentaro Nakamura: Local epsilon isomorphisms for rank two p-adic representations of ... 1:04:48
George Boxer: Construction of torsion Galois representations 1:05:32
Naoki Imai: Affinoids in the Lubin-Tate perfectoid space and simple epipelagic representations 1:03:07
Takeshi Tsuji: On p-adic étale cohomology of perverse sheaves 1:06:09
Benjamin Schraen: Classicality on eigenvarieties 1:03:40
Sug Woo Shin: Galois representations in the cohomology of Shimura varieties 1:03:13
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène : H3 non ramifié et cycles de codimension 2 55:35
Alexander Vishik: Subtle Stiefel-Whitney classes and the J-invariant of quadrics 1:07:51
Alena Pirutka: On examples of varieties that are not stably rational 1:02:56
Burt Totaro: Decomposition of the diagonal, and applications 1:02:46
Marc Levine: The rational motivic sphere spectrum and motivic Serre finiteness 1:06:49
Zinovy Reichstein: The rationality problem for forms of moduli spaces of stable marked curves 1:00:52
Tamás Hausel : Toric non-abelian Hodge theory 1:07:57
Alexander Kuznetsov : Geometry and moduli spaces of Gushel-Mukai varieties 1:07:50
Richard Hain: Mixed motives associated to elliptic curves 1:03:30
Gavril Farkas: The uniformization of the moduli space of abelian 6-folds 1:00:56
Artan Sheshmani : On the proof of S-duality modularity conjecture on quintic threefolds 1:04:28
Jim Bryan : Curve counting on abelian surfaces and threefolds 1:08:16
Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu: On the remodeling conjecture for toric Calabi-Yau 3-orbifolds 1:00:39
Jérémy Guéré : Mirror symmetry for singularities 53:32
Thibaut Delcroix : Kähler-Einstein metrics on group compactifications 50:41
Arend Bayer: Stability and applications to birational and hyperkaehler geometry - lecture 1 44:49
Arend Bayer : Stability and applications to birational and hyperkaehler geometry - lecture 2 43:17
Arend Bayer: Stability and applications to birational and hyperkaehler geometry - lecture 3 48:34
Yohan Brunebarbe: A strong hyperbolicity property of locally symmetric varieties 1:05:38
Alexandru Dimca: A computational approach to Milnor fiber cohomology 55:06
Fabrizio Catanese: New examples of rigid varieties and criteria for fibred surfaces [...] 1:09:01
Matthew Stover: Variations on an example of Hirzebruch 1:03:30
Carlos Simpson: Rank 3 rigid representations of projective fundamental groups 1:02:14
Christian Liedtke: Crystalline cohomology, period maps, and applications to K3 surfaces 54:03
Sofia Tirabassi: Fourier-Mukai partners of canonical covers in positive characteristic 46:25
Johannes Nicaise: The non-archimedean SYZ fibration and Igusa zeta functions - part 1/3 51:44
Johannes Nicaise: The non-archimedean SYZ fibration and Igusa zeta functions - part 2/3 56:04
Johannes Nicaise: The non-archimedean SYZ fibration and Igusa zeta functions - part 3/3 53:49
Olivier Wittenberg: Sur la conjecture de Hodge entière pour les solides réels 1:02:32
Jose Felipe Voloch: Differential descent obstructions 52:41
François Charles: Bertini theorems in arithmetic geometry 1:00:04
Bjorn Poonen: Heuristics for boundedness of ranks of elliptic curves 1:13:02
Fabio Tanturri: On the unirationality of Hurwitz spaces 54:45
Carlo Gasbarri: Liouville’s inequality for transcendental points on projective varieties 40:56
Alena Pirutka: Stable rationality - Lecture 1 46:25
Alena Pirutka: Stable rationality - Lecture 2 48:09
Alena Pirutka: Stable rationality - Lecture 3 47:40
Hélène Esnault: D-modules and p-curvatures 57:34
Tomoyuki Abe: Arithmetic D-modules and existence of crystalline companion 55:26
Charles Favre: Explosion of Lyapunov exponents using non-Archimedean geometry 54:37
Vladimir Berkovich: de Rham theorem in non-Archimedean analytic geometry 54:58
Andrea Pulita: An overview on some recent results about p-adic differential equations ... 52:24
Dmytro Shklyarov: Semi-infinite Hodge structures in noncommutative geometry 1:02:53
Javier Fresán: Exponential motives 1:04:28
Jean-Baptiste Teyssier: Skeletons and moduli of Stokes torsors 59:44
Tom Bridgeland: Wall-crossing for Donaldson-Thomas invariants 1:26:10
30 ans d'AGCCT 23:13

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