

Udacity (videos of June 2017)

source: Udacity
0:55 Udacity Explores: Best Part of the Job - Cory Kidd
1:02 Udacity Explores: Misconceptions in Robotics with Cory Kidd
1:41 Udacity Explores: The Cutting Edge in Robotics with Cory Kidd
3:10 Udacity Explores: Product Testing with Cory Kidd
3:40 Udacity Explores: Understanding the Problem with Cory Kidd
2:06 Udacity Explores: Robotics in Health Care with Cory Kidd
4:26 Udacity Explores: Reactions to Robots with Cory Kidd
8:55 Udacity Explores: Design in Robotics with Cory Kidd
2:05 Udacity Explores: Ethics in Robotics with Cory Kidd
6:51 Udacity Explores: Prototyping in Robotics with Cory Kidd
7:13 Udacity Explores: Perception in Robotics with Cory Kidd
35:58 Interview with Kaijen Hsiao, CTO of Mayfield Robotics
9:10 Udacity Explores: 5 Laws of Robotics with Andra Keay
9:12 Udacity Explores: Coexistence with Robots - with Andra Keay
4:13 Udacity Explores: The Public's Wariness of Robots - with Andra Keay
1:39 Udacity Explores: Genderization in Robotics with Andra Keay
2:30 Udacity Explores: Starting Out with Andra Keay
3:47 Udacity Explores: Human Biases with Andra Keay
3:59 Udacity Explores: Biohacking with Andra Keay
5:09 Udacity Explores: What makes a good robot with Andra Keay
3:57 Udacity Explores: Robot Systems with Andra Keay
40:24 Udacity Explores : Human Robot Interaction with Cory Kidd
42:15 Interview with Andra Keay, Director, Silicon Valley Robotics
1:44 Become a React Developer
 52:24 Robotics Q&A with Felipe Chávez, Co-Founder and CEO of Kiwi Learn more about the robotics industry and Udacity's own Robotics Nanodegree Program in our live chat with our Robotics Service Lead Mike Salem and Felipe Chávez, Co-Founder and CEO of Kiwi. Bring ...
 5:27 Self-Driving Car Nanodegree Program Overview Preview the most compelling projects you'll build as a student in this Nanodegreee program. Apply today: https://www.udacity.com/drive
 0:59 Interacting with Voice User Interfaces A brief synopsis of the Voice User Interfaces concentration from Term II of Udacity's Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree www.udacity.com/ai
 1:07 Talking about Natural Language Processing A brief synopsis of the Natural Language Processing concentration from Term II of Udacity's Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree www.udacity.com/ai
 0:52 A Look at Computer Vision A brief synopsis of the Computer Vision concentration from Term II of Udacity's Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree
 22:16 Artificial Intelligence - Q&A with Sebastian Thrun: June 2017 Sebastian Thrun, father of the self-driving car, Adjunct Professor of Computer Science and former Director of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Stanford University, answers questions on Art...
 0:41 Nanodegree Marketing Digital Nanodegree Marketing Digital - reunimos as gigantes desta indústria para você se tornar um profissional de marketing digital focado em performance. Aprenda a construir e executar estratégias online...
 38:03 Udacity Talks Episode 10: Yoky Matsuoka | CTO, Nest Yoky Matsuoka, currently CTO at Nest, has been described as “Silicon Valley's most in-demand robotics professor.” This episode of Udacity Talks presents Sebastian Thrun and Yoky Matsuoka together i...

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