New Thinking Allowed
Video Nugget: Who Was Ted Serios? with Stephen Braude This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Stephen Braude and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Thoughtography of Ted Serios".
Video Nugget: Physical Appearance and Reincarnation with Walter Semkiw This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Walter Semkiw and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Reincarnation, Part One: The Research of Ian Stevenson".
The Continuity of Consciousness with Stephan A. Schwartz Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication in both of ...
Video Nugget: Precognition and Free Will With Marty This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Marty Rosenblatt and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Practical Applications of Precognition, Part One: Historica...
Video Nugget: Sri Aurobindo in Prison With Debashish Banerji This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Debashish Banerji and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, Part One: The Revoluti...
Video Nugget: The Dark SIde of Coincidence With Brendan Engen This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Brendan Engen and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Archetypal Synchronistic Resonance, Part Three: Apophenia and ...
Grandmother Ayahuasca with Rachel Harris Rachel Harris, PhD, a psychologist, is author of Listening to Ayahuasca: New Hope for Depression, Addictions, PTSD, and Anxiety.
Here she notes that 75% of the people she interviewed, all of whom ...
Video Nugget: Opening to the Paranormal With Joseph Gallenberger This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Joseph Gallenberger and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Grief's Dark Cocoon".
Video Nugget: Encountering Theosophy With Russell Targ This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Russell Targ and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Getting Started in Parapsychology".
Video Nugget: Psychic Abilities in the Future With John L. Petersen This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with John L. Petersen and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "The Art of Forecasting, Part Two: The World of Consciousness".
Video Nugget: The Body of Light With Normandi Ellis This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Normandi Ellis and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt".
Precognitive Financial Forecasting with Russell Targ Russell Targ, a laser physicist, cofounded the remote viewing research program at SRI International. He is coauthor Mind Reach, The Mind Race, Miracles of Mind, The Heart of the Mind, and The End o...
Video Nugget: Extraterrestrial Intelligence With Nancy du Tertre This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Nancy du Tertre and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Languages of the Cosmos, Part One: Exolinguistics".
Parapsychology, Where Are You? with Stephan A. Schwartz Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication in both of ...
Video Nugget: The Spiritist President of Mexico With C. M. Mayo This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with C. M. Mayo and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "The Role of Spiritism in the Mexican Revolution, Part Three: Deat...
Video Nugget: The Ancient Indus Valley Civilization With Debashish Banerji This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Debashish Banerji and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Language of the Gods, Part One: The Primordial Mantra".
Video Nugget: Intolerance of Esoteric Culture With Richard Smoley This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Richard Smoley and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "The Western Esoteric Tradition".
Video Nugget: Experimental Spirituality With Charles T. Tart This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Charles Tart and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Science as a Spiritual Path".
Video Nugget: Russian Remote Viewing With Edwin C. May This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Edwin C. May and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Lessons Learned From The Stargate Program".
Video Nugget: The Trickster At Work With Jason Reza Jorjani This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Jason Reza Jorjani and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "The PK Man And Mercurial Hermeneutics".
The Shadow Side of Ayahuasca with Rachel Harris Rachel Harris, PhD, a psychologist, is author of Listening to Ayahuasca: New Hope for Depression, Addictions, PTSD, and Anxiety.
Here she discusses some of the potential hazards and dangers associ...
Video Nugget: Conflicting Deities with P. Sufenas Virius Lupus This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation between P. Sufenas Virius Lupus and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Rebellion Against God".
Video Nugget: The Historical Jesus With Richard Smoley This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Richard Smoley and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "How Scholars View the Bible".
Video Nugget: Research On Psychokinesis With Joseph Gallenberger This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation between Joseph Gallenberger and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Cultivating Psychokinesis, Part One: A Personal...
Precognition with Russell Targ Russell Targ, a laser physicist, cofounded the remote viewing research program at SRI International. He is coauthor Mind Reach, The Mind Race, Miracles of Mind, The Heart of the Mind, and The End o...
Video Nugget: Paradoxes At The Speed Of Light With Fred Alan Wolf This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Fred Alan Wolf and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Time, Space, and Consciousness, Part One: The Nature of Light'.
Video Nugget: Free Will and Science With Ruth Kastner This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation between Ruth Kastner and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Time's Arrow and Free Will".
Video Nugget: Why Astrology Endures With Gina Ruk This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Gina Ruk titled "Astrology and Intuition".
Video Nugget: ESP And The Brain With Edwin C. May This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Ed May titled "Correlates of Anomalous Cognition".
The Alexandria Project with Stephan A. Schwartz Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication in both of ...
Video Nugget: The Gnostic Revival With Richard Smoley This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Richard Smoley titled "Gnosticism".
Video Nugget: Cultivating Out of Body Experience With Luis Minero This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Luis Minero titled "Energies of the Subtle Body".
Video Nugget: Toxic Shame and Psychotherapy With Gerald Fishkin This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Gerald Fishkin titled "The Psychology of Shame".
Ayahuasca as Transformational Medicine with Rachel Harris Rachel Harris, PhD, a psychologist, is author of Listening to Ayahuasca: New Hope for Depression, Addictions, PTSD, and Anxiety.
Here she describes how the ayahuasca plant is used as a religious s...
Video Nugget: Jung, Freud & Synchronicity With Christian de Quincey This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Christian de Quincey titled "Synchronicity".
Video Nugget: Military Screening for Remote Viewers with Paul Smith This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Paul H. Smith titled "Remote Viewing Training, Part One: The Initial Phases".
Video Nugget: Paranormal Experiences Among the Dying With Laurin Bellg This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Dr. Laurin Bellg titled "Altered States of Consciousness in Medicine".
Video Nugget: The Observer in Quantum Theory with Ruth Kastner This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Ruth Kastner titled "Interpretations of Quantum Mechan
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