

MDIIM Integrated Management Symposium Series

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source: Desautels McGill    2016年5月19日
The Integrated Management Symposium Series invites members of the McGill and Montreal community to explore management through intimate conversations between prominent McGill academics and world leaders in their fields. The series encourages participants to broaden their perspective in order to address the significant ecological, social, and economic challenges facing today's societies.
In 2016, MDIIM's leadership dialogues will focus on the theme of “Integrity”. Managing with integrity involves the capacity to navigate trade-offs between values and resist tensions from contradictory expectations and pressures. It is an undertaking which requires reflection on organizations, communities, and one's own values.
These free symposia are generously supported by MDIIM’s benefactor, Marcel Desautels, C.M., LLD’07.

Artistic Integrity: Maestro Kent Nagano & Prof. Nancy J Adler 1:34:25
Artistic Integrity and Leadership
Going Beyond the Dehydrated Language of Management
A Leadership Dialogue with Maestro Kent Nagano, Music Director of the Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, and Professor Nancy J. Adler, S. Bronfman Chair in Management, McGill University
May 19, 2016
The first event in the Marcel Desautels Integrated Management Symposium Series featured a leadership dialogue between Maestro Kent Nagano, Music Director of the Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, and Professor Nancy J Adler, S. Bronfman Chair in Management. The discussion touched on a variety of ways through which music and artistic leadership can influence society, from the social inclusion of Beethoven's Egmont Overture to the interfaith peace building of the Pontanima Choir in Sarajevo. Video from this sold-out event will be made available shortly.
Integrity in Governance: Dominic Barton and Christopher Ragan 1:27:03
Innovating with Impact: Building Successful Businesses from Science-based Discovery 1:16:16
Leadership During Economic Crisis: Insight from Shaun Donovan 1:33:03
Authenticity & Deception in Communications & Advertising: Brian Fetherstonaugh and Saurabh Mishra 1:14:48

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