

Mathematics in Science & Technology (2016)

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source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques     2016年8月2日

Bruno Poucet: Properties of hippocampal place cells during goal-directed spatial navigation 32:14
Abstract: In this talk, I will summarize some of our results on the properties of hippocampal place cells in rats that solve various spatial navigation tasks. Several of these properties are directly relevant to their role in navigation, including the phenomenon of local remapping, overdispersion (variability in firing), and goal-related firing, and thus emphasize the participation of place cells in the coding of spatial information and the computation of optimal paths.
Recording during the "6th France-Israel conference in neuroscience: the power of mathematics in contemporary neuroscience" the July 13, 2016 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent
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Paul Apicella - Yonatan Loewenstein: New hints from the reward system 1:47:57
Gianluigi Mongillo - Menahem Segal : Still searching the engram: should we? 1:18:23
Sébastien Benzekry : Modeling spontaneous metastasis following surgery and concomitant ... 57:21
Nicolas André : From metronomic to... chaotic therapy ? 59:53
Angela Pisco : Non-genetic cancer cell plasticity 33:59
Eva Kisdi : Evolutionary branching: Trade-offs and magic traits 1:00:51
Alain Rapaport: About mathematical modelling for microbial ecosystems with control and... 1:01:32
Alan Hastings: Challenges in the management of ecological populations 59:47
Natalia Petrovskaya: Catching ghosts with a coarse net: real and imaginary effects in ... 54:55
Odo Diekmann: Boosting and waning : on the dynamics of immune status 58:04
Interview at CIRM: Ingrid Daubechies 16:25
Ingrid Daubechies: Phase retrieval in infinite dimensions 51:15
Sophie Schbath : Une histoire de mots inattendus et de génomes 1:01:41
Guillaume Fertin : Le problème Graph Motif - Partie 1 1:08:54
Guillaume Fertin : Le problème Graph Motif - Partie 2 1:12:50

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