

Jordan B Peterson (videos of June 2017)

source: Jordan B Peterson
2:31:28 Biblical Series V: Cain and Abel: The Hostile Brothers Bible Series V: Cain and Abel: The Hostile Brothers
The account of Cain and Abel is remarkable for its unique combination of brevity and depth. In a few short sentences, it outlines two diametrica...
2:01:51 Strategy (1): 12 principles for a 21st century conservatism Conservatism has all-too-often found itself unable to articulate a coherent positive doctrine. By this I mean specifically that the laudable conservative tendency to preserve the best of past has t...
2:32:47 Biblical Series IV: Adam and Eve: Self-Consciousness, Evil, and Death I turned my attention in this lecture to the older of the two creation accounts in Genesis: the story of Adam and Eve. In its few short paragraphs, it covers:
1. the emergence of human self-consci...
1:08:29 2017 Personality 22: Conclusion: Psychology and Belief In this lecture, I bring the 2017 Introduction to Personality and its Transformations to its close, talking about the psychology of belief, describing the reality and potential of the individual. H...
 2:40:53 Biblical Series III: God and the Hierarchy of Authority Although I thought I might get to Genesis II in this third lecture, and begin talking about Adam & Eve, it didn't turn out that way. There was more to be said about the idea of God as creator (with...
 12:01 Jordan Peterson: Postmodernism: How and why it must be fought This is a clip from a 2017 Manning Centre Conference (February 23-25 in Ottawa), where I spoke along with Professor Gad Saad and John Carpay, President of the Justice Center for Constitutional Fre...
 1:28:31 2017 Personality 21: Biology & Traits: Performance Prediction In this lecture, I talk about the thorny problem of predicting performance: academic, industrial, creative and entrepreneurial); about the practical utility of such prediction, in the business and ...
 2:17:16 June 1 2017 Patreon Q & A (#2 in a monthly series) This is a Question and Answer session that I set up for my Patreon subscribers (www.patreon.com/jordanbpeterson)
Thanks very much to all 3500 of my Patreon supporters. As I described in this video...

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