

Frontiers of high energy Physics 2012

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source: matsciencechannel      2013年2月27日

001Genesis of the Higgs mechanism and electroweak symmetry breaking by Tom Kibble 1:06:09
002 Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking and Naturalness A Window to Physics Beyond Standard Model 1:07:54
003 Status of Higgs search at the LHC by Kajari Mazumdar 1:15:55
004 Flavor physics challenge to the Standard Model by Marina Artuso 40:50
005 We have found a boson; what next? by Rohini Godbole 1:24:48
006 What is the Higgs? — What is it for? by Tom Kibble 1:12:45
007 Tensions With the Three-Neutrino Paradigm by Boris Kayser 1:23:39
008 Neutrinos Have Mass So What by Andre De Gouvea 1:31:41
009 India-based Neutrino Observatory Project by Naba Mondal 39:38
010 The search for neutrino-less double-beta decay by Alessandro Bettini 1:21:59
011 Worldwide Searches for Dark Matter by Rupak Mahapatra 1:12:03
012 Quantum Chromodynamics by Harald Fritzsch 45:03
013 Scalar and pseudoscalar glueball by Hai Yang Cheng 59:49
015 The mini Bang to Big Bang - From Collider to Cosmology, SPS - RHIC - LHC by Bikash Sinha 44:54
014 Understanding the Nucleon Spin Present experimental opportunities and future challenges by Abhay Deshpande 1:31:15
016 The Higgs Boson and Beyond by Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya 1:14:27
017 Indirect manifestations of New Physics experimental tests by Sheldon Stone 1:11:19
018 Composite Weak Bosons by Harald Fritzsch 1:00:36
019 Warped Compactification, AdS CFT and the LHC by Raman Sundrum 1:23:17
020 Concluding remarks by G.Rajasekaran 14:47

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