

DTUdk (videos of June 2017)

source: DTUdk
0:55 ReciPlyDome, Roskilde Festival 2017- Powered by DTU Students ReciPlyDome er udviklet af Christian Jespersen, Mikkel Asbjørn Andersen og Niklas Munk-Andersen, der læser Bygningsdesign på DTU.
ReciPlyDome er en reciprok kuppel-konstruktion. Det betyder at ele...
6:28 Ecosystem for Innovation - Technical University of Denmark At the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), DTU Skylab is a place where engineering students can get together with professors and industry professionals to cultivate the kinds of skills required ...
38:37 Development of Computational Tools To Support Design Synthesis For Product Perception PhD Defence by Marta Perez Mata
2:25 Sommerhilsen fra rektor 2017, DTU Rektor Anders Bjarklev mener, at:
“Noget af det aller-, allervigtigste vi kan gøre for samfundet er at hjælpe med at lave nogle rammer, så dygtige studerende kan lære maksimalt, inden de bagefter ...
0:31 This is also engineering Som ingeniør kan du sætte dit præg på fremtiden inden for alt fra byggeri, sundhed, design, rumforskning og elektroteknologi til kemi, miljø, it og transport.
I filmen kan du møde Frederikke, der ...
0:21 Breakthrough in Physical Chemistry Description
3:47 Presentation of the Certificate of Appreciation to Per Rasmussen former SCANVAC President
11:10 ”Everyday” indoor environment – applied research towards improved IEQ in existing buildings Presentation by Jakub Kolarik
30:13 Research Day Jerome_Chenevz-Røntgenobservationer_af_neutronstjerner
28:57 Research Day Jane_Lind_Nybo_&_Elise_de_Reuss-Evolution_gennem_svampenes_verden
19:08 Research Day Finn_Larsen-Kan_ny_teknologi_løse konflikten_mellem_sæler_og_fiskere
23:35 Research Day Grethe_Winther-Metallers_styrke_ligger_i_deres_indre
14:14 Research Day Jesper_Ahrenfeldt-Fra_affald_og_afgøder_til_energi
45:06 Improving healthcare logistics processes Presentation PhD Defence. Kapitler:
0:25 Improving Health Part 1 Phd. Kapitler:
17:51 Energy policy in Japan after Fukushima - Toward Zero Energy Building Presentation by Shin-ichi Tanabe
24:35 ASHRAE Presidential talk Presentation by Bjarne W. Olesen
14:58 The way ahead: Future research needs and closing remarks Presentation by Pawel Wargocki
8:35 Handing over the Centre management Presentation by Niels Jørgen Aagaard
19:49 ASHRAE- Design Guide for Tall, Supertall, and Megatall Building Systems Presentation by Peter Simmonds
14:31 Trends in ventilation from a producer's perspective Presentation by Mats Sandor
15:07 The role of building physics in the context of well-functioning whole buildings and indoor environme Presentation by Carsten Rode
9:13 Understanding and utilization of building energy flexibility Presentation by Rongling Li
3:26 Welcome on behalf of the Section of Indoor Environment and Building Physics Presentation by Geo Clausen
11:52 Renewables and building thermal mass: A perfect match for sustainable heating and cooling of buildin Presentation by Ongun Berk Kazanci
23:53 Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation Fundamentals and Indoor Environment Applications Presentation by William Bahnfleth
8:54 A Skinful of Secrets: Dermal uptake of chemicals from air Presentation by Gabriel Bekö
8:22 New localized ventilation for high quality indoor climate and energy saving Presentation by Mariya P. Bivolarova
9:04 Understanding and modelling occupants’ behaviour and the effect on the indoor environment Presentation by Rune Korsholm Andersen
6:30 Welcome on behalf of the International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy Presentation by Bjarne W. Olesen

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