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source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques      2016年9月12日

François Alouges : The sparse cardinal sine decomposition and applications 1:11:50
Abstract : When solving wave scattering problems with the Boundary Element Method (BEM), one usually faces the problem of storing a dense matrix of huge size which size is proportional to the (square of) the number N of unknowns on the boundary of the scattering object. Several methods, among which the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) or the H-matrices are celebrated, were developed to circumvent this obstruction. In both cases an approximation of the matrix is obtained with a O(N log(N)) storage and the matrix-vector product has the same complexity. This permits to solve the problem, replacing the direct solver with an iterative method.
The aim of the talk is to present an alternative method which is based on an accurate version of the Fourier based convolution. Based on the non-uniform FFT, the method, called the sparse cardinal sine decomposition (SCSD) ends up to have the same complexity than the FMM for much less complexity in the implementation. We show in practice how the method works, and give applications in as different domains as Laplace, Helmholtz, Maxwell or Stokes equations.
This is a joint work with Matthieu Aussal.
Recording during the CEMRACS 2016: "Numerical challenges in parallel scientific computing" the August 24, 2016 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent
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Dominique Chapelle: Direct and inverse biomechanical modeling of the heart 57:50
Thomas Dubos: High performance climate modelling : mimetic finite differences, and beyond ? 57:17
Annabelle Collin: Modeling and data assimilation in cardiac electrophysiology 39:45
Mélanie Rochoux: Data-driven wildfire behavior modeling 1:05:20
Fabrice Voitus: A discussion about the impact of scalability constraint on the design of ... 44:01
Le CIRM, écrin estival du CEMRACS, par Yvon Maday 30:15
Pascal Hénon: Linear solvers for reservoir simulation 49:03
Vivien Mallet: Introduction to data assimilation: Kalman filters and ensembles 3:00:51
Pascal Omnes: Optimized Schwarz waveform relaxation methods: theory and applications 35:34
Martin Vohralik: A posteriori error estimates and solver adaptivity in numerical simulations 1:12:28
Anthony Patera: Parametrized model order reduction for component-to-system synthesis 46:13
Philippe Ricoux: Multiple applications of high performance computing and numerical simulations... 59:17
Francois-Xavier Roux: Efficient iterative solvers: FETI methods with multiple search directions 1:10:23
Christophe Prud'homme: High performance computing with Feel++: applications and numerical methods 1:08:40
Sophie Ricci: Data assimilation training course @ CEMRACS: Introduction and variantional algorithms 2:34:10
Yvon Maday: Reduced basis methods 3:01:18
Frédéric Hecht: Tutorial with Freefem++ 3:06:21
Frédéric Desprez: OpenCL introduction 59:29
François Broquedis: A gentle introduction to parallel programming using OpenMP 1:01:31
Matthew Knepley: The Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computing 3:01:52
Jean-François Méhaut: Overview of architectures and programming language for parallel computing 55:33
Jack Dongarra: Algorithms for future emerging technologies 2:55:46
Frédéric Nataf: Domain decomposition, hybrid methods, coarse space corrections 2:58:12
Martin Gander: Time parallel time integration 2:30:26
Kees Vuik: Krylov subspace solvers and preconditioners 2:59:56

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