

caltech (videos of June 2017)

source: caltech
3:08 Five Questions about Methane John Eiler, the Robert P. Sharp Professor of Geology and Professor of Geochemistry, answers five critical questions about methane in our atmosphere.
0:21 Delivering Genes Across the Blood-Brain Barrier More info: https://www.caltech.edu/news/novel-viral-vectors-deliver-...
Mitral cells in an olfactory bulb of a mouse brain were colored by the Grad...
0:21 Ultra-Thin Camera Creates Images Without Lenses At Caltech, engineers have developed a new camera design that replaces the lenses with an ultra-thin optical phased array (OPA). The OPA does computationally what lenses do using large pieces of gl...
24:55 Caltech Commencement Address - Dr. Mae C. Jemison - June 16, 2017 Caltech's 123rd Commencement Address by physician, engineer, and NASA astronaut Dr. Mae C. Jemison. Introduction by David L. Lee, Chair of Caltech's Board of Trustees.
For photos, full ceremony v...
2:07 Stories of Science & Transformation - Welcome and Intro - B. Brophy - 6/9/2017 Stories of Science & Transformation: Telling Tales in Toxic Times, June 9, 2017 in Ramo Auditorium.
5:22 Ice and Water - O. Hindera - 6/9/2017 Stories of Science & Transformation: Telling Tales in Toxic Times, June 9, 2017 in Ramo Auditorium.
6:46 Monster in the Lab - A. Chan Borges - 6/9/2017 Stories of Science & Transformation: Telling Tales in Toxic Times, June 9, 2017 in Ramo Auditorium.
7:13 Cellphones for Cells - D. Sawyer - 6/9/2017 Stories of Science & Transformation: Telling Tales in Toxic Times, June 9, 2017 in Ramo Auditorium.
7:44 Chaos at the Sheep Farm - A. Chan Borges - 6/9/2017 Stories of Science & Transformation: Telling Tales in Toxic Times, June 9, 2017 in Ramo Auditorium.
7:11 Marching for Science - H. Klumpe - 6/9/2017 Stories of Science & Transformation: Telling Tales in Toxic Times, June 9, 2017 in Ramo Auditorium.
7:59 Garbage, Guts and the Battle of Moore-door - E. Gokcen - 6/9/2017 Stories of Science & Transformation: Telling Tales in Toxic Times, June 9, 2017 in Ramo Auditorium.
7:55 Sparks from a Cave - J. Ziqi Li - 6/9/2017
7:47 Two Pounds of Pressure - H. Klumpe - 6/9/2017 Stories of Science & Transformation: Telling Tales in Toxic Times, June 9, 2017 in Ramo Auditorium.
8:59 Embracing Error - E. Gokcen - 6/9/2017 Stories of Science & Transformation: Telling Tales in Toxic Times, June 9, 2017 in Ramo Auditorium.
9:45 The Meaning of Urgency - D. Sawyer - 6/9/2017 Stories of Science & Transformation: Telling Tales in Toxic Times, June 9, 2017 in Ramo Auditorium.
6:30 Broken Crayons - O. Hindera - 6/9/2017 Stories of Science & Transformation: Telling Tales in Toxic Times, June 9, 2017 in Ramo Auditorium.
9:22 The Sweetness of Unconditional Love - J. Ziqi Li - 6/9/2017 Stories of Science & Transformation: Telling Tales in Toxic Times, June 9, 2017 in Ramo Auditorium.
3:48 The Caltech Effect: First in Her Family Bianca Lepe first took an interest in science because it seemed to be as magical as the spells and potions in the Harry Potter books she read. And once she realized that pursuing science potentiall...
2:10 The Caltech Effect: Caltech Wins First Prize in International Robotics Competition Dory, Caltech’s prizewinning robot submarine, was built by an industrious team of undergraduate students at the California Institute of Technology. Dory outperformed dozens of other autonomous unde...
2:30 Gregg Hallinan - KISS Profile Produced in association with Caltech Academic Media Technologies and the Keck Institute for Space Studies. ©2017 California Institute of Technology
1:15:46 Neuronal Signals for Economic Utility - W. Schultz - 6/1/17 T & C Chen Center for Social and Decision Neuroscience Distinguished Lecture
“Neuronal Signals for Economic Utility”
Wolfram Schultz, Professor of Neuroscience, University of Cambridge
Wolfram Sc...
0:38 Storytelling for Scientists - 2017 Promo Students prepare their personal presentations as part of this year's Storytelling for Science performance.
Caltech Theater presents "Telling Tales in Toxic Times" at Ramo Auditorium on Friday, Jun...
41:07 Why are Prices so Bizarre? - R. Preston McAfee - 5/3/2006

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