

2015-16 Lectures (The Oriental Institute)

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source: The Oriental Institute 2016年1月26日
The Oriental Institute Lecture Series organized by the University of Chicago brings notable scholars from around the country and abroad as they present on new breakthroughs, unique perspectives, and innovative research applications related to the Ancient Middle East.
Thank you for your interest in the Oriental Institute Lecture Series. This series allows members, patrons, and friends to continue learning from UChicago faculty and visiting scholars as they present new breakthroughs, unique perspectives, and innovative research applications related to the ancient Middle East.
The average cost to the Oriental Institute for each lecture is $3,000. Generous donations from patrons like you bring this programming to life. Please consider becoming a member with a gift of $50.00 or more to continue supporting this essential program. Join online by visiting oi.uchicago.edu/getinvolved or by calling 773.702.9513. It is a rare and special person who sees something that appears to be free, yet appreciates its value and is willing to invest in it. Thank you again for your generosity and for your invaluable commitment to making a difference.

Robert Ritner & Theo van den Hout | The Battle of Kadesh: A Debate 1:16:50
The Battle of Kadesh: A Debate between the Egyptian and Hittite Perspectives
The Battle of Kadesh, ca. 1285 BC, is the earliest military encounter that can be analyzed in detail. This conflict between the Egyptian forces of Ramses II and the Hittite army of Muwatalli was celebrated as a personal victory by Ramses, but is often treated by modern scholars as an Egyptian defeat or as a stalemate. In any case, the battle had profound impact on international politics of the age, with unexpected results. Join us for a lively debate presented from the two sides of the ancient conflict, provided by noted Oriental Institute scholars Robert Ritner, for the Egyptian side, and Theo van den Hout, for the Hittites.
Petra Goedegebuure | Luwian Hieroglyphs: An Indigenous Anatolian Syllabic Script 38:53
[private video]
Irving Finkel | The Ark Before Noah: A Great Adventure 58:19
Assaf Yasur Landau | Red Wine and Minoan Frescoes: The Canaanite Palace at Tel Kabri 43:17
Gil Stein | Sweet Honey in the Rocks: Honey, Bees, and Beekeeping in the Ancient Near East 48:57
Josef Wegner | The Pharaohs of Anubis-Mountain 1:02:47
Alexander Nagel | Taking Care of Color in Persepolis 36:50

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