

The Space In Between | The New School

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source: The New School    2017年3月10日
Please join the Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (http://newschool.edu/lang/interdiscip...) and the Ligo Project (http://ligoproject.org/) for a two-day forum that promotes the intersection of the arts, sciences, and policy surrounding emerging technologies and knowledge.
As we more and more readily take into our own hands the future evolution of our bodies, our minds, the civilizations we create, and the very planet we inhabit, it is imperative that we reach across disciplines and across cultures to guide what we do by what we know and guide what we know by what we value.
Over the course of two days, scientists, artists, scholars, organizational leaders, and educators will creatively share ideas about social practice, public engagement, collaboration, and the emergence of new fields at the intersection of arts, science, and culture. Four workshop tracks spanning policy, creative collaboration, laboratory bioart, and improved messaging will take place alongside an exhibit of art-science works, plenary talks, show and tell, collabs, and happy hours.
The New School | http://newschool.edu

The Space In Between: Opening Remarks and Talks 1:49:27
Saturday Roundtable Panel Discussion 52:42
Saturday Short Talk 53:11
Sunday Short Talks 44:28
Workshop Outcomes Presentations 1:08:37
Closing Remarks 14:35

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